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/draw/ - Original Art

"The strength of art is greater than that of a nuclear bomb" - Kim Jong-Un
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File: 1730470013831.jpg (73.61 KB, 469x469, femboyo-avatar.jpg)


/leftypol/ has been nuked Edition (Remade the thread because of it)
I draw on occasion, mainly my OC Zhenya (aspiring femboy with black hair, when he transforms it's pink) and sometimes Dina (his tomboy classmate and first real friend in this bitch of a conservative school)
This is an art trade thread, so exchange doodles or full-blown drawings, or just share what you've drawn, even though this is more of a personal art dump :>

File: 1730470241343-0.jpg (1.59 MB, 1123x828, 20241028_180640.jpg)

File: 1730470241343-1.jpg (1.65 MB, 1386x1386, 20241027_162257.jpg)

File: 1730470241343-2.jpg (1.53 MB, 1049x1401, 20241027_222831.jpg)

File: 1730470241343-3.jpg (1.94 MB, 967x1363, 20241015_231238.jpg)

File: 1730470241343-4.jpg (1.65 MB, 1327x1600, 20240918_164854.jpg)

Recent doodles (from most to least recent)

Awful suggestion, don't listen to Mr. Zhenin.

there's something off about your construction, but I'm not good enough with drawing to tell what because I'm absolutely terribly at it

File: 1730570957954.jpg (1.7 MB, 1358x1520, 20241102_185051.jpg)

Can't say I disagree. My doodles tend to be hit-or-miss, honestly
Don't worry anon, she won't ;)

Drew someone else's OC, source is an invite-only Telegram channel :>

File: 1730671612927.png (1.98 MB, 922x1071, 20241103_225228_2.png)

Anyone heard of Wagamama High Spec? Anyone who likes Kaoruko more than anybody else? (I know I do)

I need your help /leftypol/
Is the filter in image (1) alright? The OG raw picture is labelled (2)

Looks good, you could raise the contrast slightly but that is a matter of taste.

File: 1731167603312.png (1.04 MB, 1218x1218, 20241109_135851_2.png)

Thanks for the feedback :>

File: 1731432852609.jpg (1005.33 KB, 1285x1371, 20241112_175425_3.jpg)

A reference sheet for my OC, Zhenya :>

What does it mean to be below friends?

Acquaintances, but that word couldn't fit within such a small space

File: 1731500905200.jpg (1.05 MB, 1285x1371, 20241112_221600_3.jpg)

Here's a ref for Dina as well :>

File: 1736004758272.png (607.73 KB, 1035x1339, 20250104_153356_2.png)

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas :>

Unique IPs: 11

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