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/draw/ - Original Art

"The strength of art is greater than that of a nuclear bomb" - Kim Jong-Un
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I would've posted this on the draw board, but that's deader than Jeffrey Epstein. I started in mid-late October of this year (I didn't keep track of when I started, unfortunately).

References. The other two was from surroundings

IDK, why would you quit, keep going if you enjoy it

not to be mean or anything, but have you tried reading a book about how to draw first

You're already progressing pretty fast, especially the thumb in pic3. Do give yourself breaks tho, and make sure you train in specific areas you want improvement in.

I don't feel like paying for a book, and I have a hard time reading digitally. But I've read small tips here and there, watched YouTube videos, and just tried to imitate other artists as best I can

Hands are unironically the hardest body part to draw lol. Try to draw them bigger, block out each digit, then add detail.

i asked my artist friend and he said yes

sorry. but thems the breaks.

he actually said "kick rocks, kid"

update, he says to draw porn. thats how you improve fast

can you try drawing trump with a huge erect penis?

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i really feel like im improving

You started two weeks ago. If you expected more than that in that short time frame then that‘s silly.

Learning art can be frustrating when it doesn‘t turn out like you wanted and don‘t quite understand how to make it look better. Push through and practice and study diligently.

To improve effectively you should cycle through these stages


>Analyze and identify issues
>Look up and research what you are struggling with

And then put to practice what you‘ve learned the next time you draw. Don‘t be lazy and make notes on recurring issues and what you can do next time to avoid them. Join some art community like on Discord where you can upload your drawings and get feedback from people more experienced than you.

Don‘t just fuck around with random references. Get clear on what you want to accomplish and then lay out a plan what to study and practice to achieve that. Since you are an absolute beginner you should start with the fundamentals. Practice drawing lines and circles to develop better control. Move on to drawing simply 3D shapes. That will be important for constructive drawing, as anything complex can be build from drawing simple forms first and putting them together.

You have no sense of 3d my guy, thats why its so hard to draw that kinda stuff.

Do some 3d execercises like drawabox or something while drawing other shit for fun.

>I started 2 weeks ago

Bro get a grip it takes a long time to be able to draw, otherwise everyone would be able to do it.

You are on the right track trying to get foreshortening and 3D form right. Nobody is going to be good at hands early on. Hands are one of the hardest things to draw because they are very complex, very familiar, and something we're primed to see as uncanny.

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I'm back guys, and I'm happy to report that I did not quit. I have improved slightly, but I think my greatest weaknesses is tunnel vision and constantly using small pencils. I'm planning to study anatomy next, since I wanna draw furries

omg pubby :3

No reason to quit. It's a pastime, not a job or investment. If you're having fun, keep drawing.

Don't give up. Just try to draw everyday and you'll improve quickly. I started 3 months ago with no previous experience at all and I can make stuff like this

Hey, I made one too

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