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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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I haven't read many non-fiction books before because I am a midwit with severe ADHD, but I'm going to try to finish this one even if it kills me lol.

Would be nice to state what this book is even about

Isn't that the book Georges Lucas used to make Star Wars?

He also used the album "Trout Mask Replica"

Campbell was and old prick that thought too highly of himself. Then he made stupidest thing a person associated with scholarship can do… generalise not just one culture, lost himself in orientalism bringing different civilisations, belief of word down. Creating shitty monomyth. He was a n*zi apologist. "Hero with thousand…" was released in 1949. It's a white shitty idiot borguois thinking his white American culture is "objectively good" and "objectively superior" on a world landscape. He doesn't believe in multiple subjective truths of myths, of cultural events. He saw himself as "objective" scholar. (libertarian Randian intensifies lol) He made a great disservice to academic outlook on viewing storytelling in his country. Campbell also was mysoginist, whom thought that women can't be heroes of civlisation and myths, cause "women aren't and shouldn't be in competition with men". His dumb ideas also influenced Hollywood film narratives and solidified Great Man Theory in culture, but under a different form. During an U.S. Great Depression, he was very privledged. Just took care of friend's dog during the whole crisis and was well off. Not bothered in his bubble. He had free time to read 9 hours a day. Cambell was literally an enemy of social & cultural progress. "It wouldn't help you to change the system. But it would help you to live in a system as a human being." (Power of Myth show BBC 1988) To take Cambell seriously is to shake-hands with ideas of erosion and same-y Murrican dumb thinking, where nuance is lost and cultural signifiers and lenses of the U.S. culture prevail and robb other cultures even more.

Better off reading Against His-story by Fredy Perlman

certainly better than this shit

it's not that good to begin with and not related much to what OP's discusses anyways

Ok but is the book interesting?

Haven't read it nor do I intend to, but I'm always a bit wary of Jungian approaches that deem to interpret the totality of cultural production. Just read it with a grain of salt, and it should be fine? Probably has some interesting anecdotes and historical texts. I recall reading a marxist critique of it that was something like Campbell supposedly just ignored actual real conditions of the societies that produced the myths, and thus the meaning in the production of the myths, choosing instead to go for generalist approaches that in fact told very little. But I can't recall where, nor can I affirm it is a valid critique or not.

Here's a fine critique I just found: https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/the-man-behind-the-myth-should-we-question-the-heros-journey/

its actually kind of a psyop that promotes individualist main character syndrome

>thousand faces

>wow hes just like me!

>wow they just like me
But isn't that the opposite of individualist delusion or syndrome?

I've heard that his series, "the Masks of God" was pretty good. I think socialists forget how important self-actualization is.
>How will communism create a society in which my life has meaning?
It's a fair question and one that should be asked of each society.

>How will capitalism create a society where my life has meaning?

In capitalist society, the meaning of life is making money to stay ahead and not lose your social status, access to basic necessities, etc. (Not very compelling.)

Can communism be your bliss? Is it easier to find self-actualization in a society where workers have rights? Where people have healthcare and are better able to achieve their basic needs?


There's a good video essay about how monomyth is just an ignorance tool and has links with white-supremacy rhetorics.

Lucas was inspired by the kurosawa film "hidden fortress," hero with a thousand faces, buddhism, christianity, and Dune.

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