/edu/ checkpoint
Everytime you visit /edu/, post in this thread. Tell us about what you're thinking about, what you're reading, an interesting thing you have learned today, anything! Just be sure to pop in and say hi.Histories on why certain instances of decolonisation were more violent than others?
Title. Answers to this question are also cool- have read Fanon in preparation for multiple essays on the topic and want to back it up with historical context. Obviously preferably dialectically materialist histories recently published. Africa preferred.The Freemasons
I come from a long line of Freemasons. I did not suspect anything until my relative went to the 33 degree then I got the following info/Eco/ology General
General thread for all things related to the field of Ecology, a subfield of Biology that focuses on studying ecosystems. Not sure what else to stay to start the new thread other than may you have biodiverse and healthy ecosystem wherever you may stay at and here is this cool paper I read and a question:Black History, Black Radicalism, and Pan-Africanism
It's February. Post and discuss works related to Afrika, Afrikan peoples, and the global diaspora.Did academics work out for you?
A financebro friend from my old school called this morning to catch up after some time and I've come to notice uni education is absolutely shit. He asked for investment funds from his family back then and now has a tech startup. We used to scold him for not pursuing higher education and now all of my acquanitances who went to uni are either struggling to find jobs or wasting away in a low pay 9-5.Imperialism in the 21st Century, Harvey vs Smith, commodity chain, etc...
My reading group at uni is reading Imperialism in the 21st Century by John Smith. Is my diagram that i quickly drew up a good supplement for it? Is constant capital attributed to GDP? I would assume when analyzing a commodity's exchange value it doesn't but when we look at the actual commodities, raw materials, etc that make up constant capital it would already have been factored into GDP. Therefor there would be no need to factor in constant capital again… Also I know how much shit flinging occurs on here about value created through labor in the west being "more productive," so more value is created than "unproductive third world labor" vs the inverse of that position; the length of the values in the diagram is arbitrary and constrained for space reasons, not because i think one way or another; but feel free to argue ig. I mean, has anyone read the polemics of Harvey and Smith? They are sassy as fuck and hilarious. Disappointing though to see Harvey to take such a vague and stance on modern imperialism, as well as the dissavowment of China by Smith because of alleged "Stalinism" (lol). I'll link the first video and four polemics they directed at eachother:Plato and Aristotle
What is the value of either of their works of thought under capitalism? What is their intellectual value to studious communists today?Walden Two is the worst book I've ever had the displeasure of reading
This utopian garbage by P.F Skinner (Yes, THAT Skinner, for whom the Skinner Box is named after) has no right to be called a socialist novel and anyone who says it is is delusional.The Poverty of Historicism
I read The Poverty of Historicism by Karl Popper recently, and it was an interesting book. The overally thesis is that unified theories of history and don't make sense, and that it's impossible for us to reliably guess the direction society will take in the future.Study Habits and digital hygiene
Hey, I've seen this thread before a bunch of times, but upon searching it in the catalog I couldn't find anything.CIA / FBI / Fed / Glowie / Conspiracy
CIA / FBI / Fed / Conspiracy GeneralWhy didn't the Arabs ever build castles?
I recently came across a heritage post about a castle in Lebanon built by the Crusaders, It got me curios and I did some digging and I was surprised to learn that pretty much all castles in the MENA countries were either built by the Crusaders or the later Ottomans.Parasites are the most common form of life on Earth. Scientists believe that over 80% of all living
Modern parasitologists recognize that they have not found all human parasites. They estimate that hundreds if not thousands of human parasites will be found in the coming years.Name of a Pre-WW2 German Author
what was the name of that pre-WW2 German author that wrote how stereotypically non "aryan" germans were typically the most fanatical Nazis because they knew that they were on the fringe of being considered racially acceptable. Note how the entire high command of the nazi apparatus were a men who were mostly dark-haired, brown-eyed and somewhat short by german standards and who personally proved the lunacy of the aryan "race" as a concept by their mere existencematerialist analysis of inceldom
A materialist analysis of inceldomrice instead of wheat
"About 69 percent of married Asian women are married to Asian men, while 25 percent of married Asian women have white husbands. "But as common as marriages are between Asian women and white men, cohabitations are even more prevalent," says Ono. "In fact, Asian women are more likely to be living with white men than with Asian men. Nearly 45 percent of cohabiting Asian women have white partners, while less than 43 percent have Asian partners."Telegony
Do you believe in telegony?Revolution and State
What are the best books on Russian, Chinese and the failed German Revolution and East Germany.How do I learn a subject in-depth without attending college?
I've seen that online courses are a thing but I don't think I could handle that with my autism, plus they seem to cost a fair amount of money most of the timeReading Samir Amin
https://monthlyreview.org/author/samiramin/The beginnings of our new leftypol project
Hello everyone, we have received the results of our project proposal topic, and I'm delighted to announce that we are teaming up with 'leftypedia' to deliver our planned 'argument/talking point resource' idea. In case you don't know, leftypedia is the current version of the old abandoned 'marxistpedia' which was a project started by leftypol users back in the day, so I think this is sort of like a homecoming in a way.Christians, you are retarded. every last one, without exception.
You don’t like it? Too fucking bad.The degrees deal
Grad degrees are legit if you have a field with A LOT of information. The higher you go the more specific stuff you learn.>if you need a school, you've lost already
>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already>if you need a school, you've lost already/CDR/ - Child Development & Rearing
<Proletariat from Latin proletarius 'producing offspring'book/text rec
I am looking texts about military fashion/uniforms and their evolution throughout history, I am mostly interested in non modern uniforms, so preferably the texts should be about stuff before ww2.University is a pyramid scheme.
Now that they're running out of people to gyp the trickle down has completely stopped, and they're strangling the newcomers while giving nothing in return.Military History & Strategy
Post any PDF here that you have pertaining to military history and strategy.I am a recovering white nationalist. how can i fix myself?
Hello, i used to be a white nationalist. i don't want to be one anymore after my life went to shit when everyone found out. i was radicalized by the alt-right by my friends when they became nazis in early this year. i viewed their white nationalist rhetoric as correct. they stopped being my friend when they found out i was trans and gay, and i still held onto the white nationalist beliefs when we stopped being friends. i want to fully get rid of my white nationalism and become a leftist. i go by they/them pronouns btw.Research on debate addiction
My Dad is spending a concerning amount of his time getting into internet arguements, and recently I warned him about getting addicted to debate, and he doesn't believe me that's a thing.Gut Microbiome
AKA the second brain.critiques of society of the school system,
Most critiques of society mention the school system, and describe it as an authoritarian nightmare. I have to assume that people with this viewpoint are from older generations because I (born early 2000s) did not find school oppressive at all. The "education" I received was questionable but that's another matter.Translators Wanted! Traducteurs recherchés! Übersetzer gesucht!
If you know French or German, please contribute a chapter to /leftypol/'s first crowdsourced translation project! This project started on >>691.A thread for educational podcast episodes..
Less about the parasocial more about the signal.pull your head out of your ass and keep it simple
the way i explain the labor to people is very simple. I cut straight to the chase.The Black Book of capitalism Beta edition
After three months of labor, I present you the current state of the translation project of the french Black Book of Capitalism from 1998.Books on "development", "third worldness" and related concepts
I wrote a long rambling intro to this post which I don't think anyone wanted to read so I'll cut it short. As a third worlder (not a third worldist) who has recently become more acquainted with Marxism and economic history, I've become interested in questions that seem relevant to my immediate political reality such asThe Red Manifesto - Self Help Book Draft 2
Reformatted it so that it was easier to read and it looks more clean. Expanded on a few sections. Added some new sections, though some pages of them are yellow, to indicate its on the chopping block whether they will continue to be left. Created new cover. While cool looking, its kinda hard to see where the name is, so thats probably changing, but I thought a temp cover wouldn't hurt. I will say that those who are complaining it isn't funny, I didn't really focus on that, so it might again be eh. Give your insights on what you read. Give suggestions for any other topics that could be addressed./hegel/
There are people who spend their entire lives reading Hegel and still manage to come out empty handed.University communists general
This is a thread for communists who are (or are planning to) study at [b]unnamed[/b] universities the world over.What is the consensus on the lumpenproletariat?
Are they the most revolutionary class, or are they reactionary? I think they are the most revolutionary because they are the most oppressed. In fact, I don't see how you can make a revolution without the lumpen.Evangelism; Radical Christianity/Liberation Theology
I think whether you're religious or not Christianity has plenty of universal values that could be applied to your life. God had plenty of reasonable things to say about how to be a good person. Be kind, be honest, don't kill, don't steal, be friendly, that kind of stuff. I think whether you choose to be a Christian or not, you should try to at least embody the more universal virtues that Christians hold as true. There's not quite agreement on the more controversial aspects of it, which I know are why some people leave the church. I personally am not a fundamentalist or biblical literalist. Though I know that most Christians have good intentions in mind, regardless of how strictly they adhere to the text. I see the Bible as more of a guide rather than an absolute truth, and I think you should too if you don't.veganism and materialism
Is VEGANISM a good thing?How to recognize irony and disguise?
I remember when I first came here, many people questioned my identity, thinking that I was not a real Chinese. At first, I was a bit annoyed, but later I felt that being cautious is normal. In today's chaotic and disordered internet, there are many people who disguise their identities.Post-Colonial African History
Where can I learn about "post-colonial" history of African countries? Preferably something in depth about the economy and also preferably by someone who isn't a neoliberal mouthpiece. Perhaps a Marxist even. Do you have any literature/author recommendations?Ukraine
Thread dedicated to debunking western propaganda and information relating to the NATO encirclement of Russia, Ukrainian government's mistreatment of ethnic Russian minorities and support of fascist militias to do its bidding. Criticism of Russia and its occupation is welcomed aswell.Legit critiques of leftism
So /edu/ this site is full of threads debunking standard chicken headed talking points but what are some legit criticisms of leftist thought?Labor discipline in the communist system
Something I have never seen seriously discussed is reprimand when a laborer breaks some rule. Let’s take the example of absenteeism or repeated failure to follow safety rules (either those that protect the worker or those protect the consumer).HOW DO I GET INTO CONTINENTAL SLOPPA?
I'm new to continental philosophy, to me continental sound just aphorisms and sophistry, and nothing with actual substance to say, but I'm open minded and curious to know if I'm wrong or continental philosophy actually has value, so what some good introduction books to continental SLOPPA?/chem/ - Chemistry
Let's have a thread about chemistry. I can't be the only amateur chemist on here. To please the mods, everything in here is purely academic. Check local laws before you embark on your projects. And before you do anything, make sure you have appropriate safety equipment. Think about the worst thing that could happen to your reaction, because chances are it will. Don't be stupid.History and Socialism of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Nepal
Thread on the Indian Peninsula and Surrounding Areas Closely Tied to the CountryRacial Fears
How does capitalism, and its most retrograde right wing layers, even keep the idea about race in the public discourse to begin with? I don't think "race" is even really an apolitical and scientific concept to begin with, but if we take science as mediated through the superstructure, then something like race may be naturalised and justified through "genetics" and ancestry/genealogy databases.Is yoga/buddhism reactionary?
I started being interested in eastern spirituality in general since i started training physical yoga last year. It changed my life i would say, i stopped feeling any physical discomfort caused by sedentary lifestyle and many times at the end practice, laying down on floor in "corpse pose" i felt something approaching a bliss, my mood also seems significantly lifted, i no longer give a fuck, even tho my material situation has not changed much.Postmodern geekdom as simulated ethnicity
https://www.ejumpcut.org/archive/jc54.2012/SolesKunyoGeedom/Theweleit's Male Fantasies
Read most of the first volume of this a few years ago, I thought it was interesting although Theweleit very weirdly fails to mention the origin in the rabidly romanticist, nationalist intelligentsia of the German WWI shock troops and the later Freikorps companies that formed out of them, Ernst Junger being the most famous example, which could make many of their own writings very deliberate rather than passive confessionsStudying Online Trolling
I'd like to see some discussion, resources, whatever about how an individual or a community should handle trolls, or the methods used by organized agitators to troll forums.Class character of organized crime
I've been wondering recently: the people who own nothing and produce nothing are the lumpenproletariat, and that includes hobos and criminals. However, organized criminals have bosses who take part of their gains, same as a capitalist takes a wage laborer's surplus value. Can thus mafia bosses and drug kingpins be called a "lumpenbourgeoisie", a specific type of bourgeois that takes the surplus value of illegal or extractive activities? I've seen the term applied to compradors. Also, Mike Hudson comes to mind - he claims the primary contradiction of modern capitalism is not between labor and capital, but the FIRE sector and everyone else, arguing that this industry produces no real physical value and just seeks rents off moving numbers around - could this also fall under the same umbrella?[Serious] Looking for in-depth resources on movement building and guerilla warfare
I live in the third world, there is relative lawlessness in the country as the central authority is weak and there exist many bourgeois militias.did the Thermidorian reactionaries lie about based madlad Robespierre?
So did the Thermidorian reactionaries make up all the crazy shit about Robespierre, or is it mostly true? I find stuff like the festival of the supreme being where he descended from a mountain to give a speech particularly batshit and theatrical and farfetched./leftypol/—/edu/ Resources Handbook
ITT: resources and tips about navigating the Internet and researching topicsThe Dhofar Rebellion
What decent books are there about the Dhofar War, and southern Arabian (Yemeni & Omani) socialist experiments? All I can find are articles.Samurai thread
Was the Meiji restoration and "restoring power to the emperor" a good or bad thing in 18th century Japan for the peasants? It marked the upper class revolution that caused the samurai feudal system to transition into a capitalist system. (Which ultimately turned into a racist imperialist empire that tried to invade and oppress all of its neighbors in Asia in a sort of fascist system, and as Japan lost the war the people starved and suffered greatly.)Need help with Dialectics
I have to confess something to you, comrades. I've been a leftist for many years now (here since the 8chan days), and I still CANNOT fully understand what the fuck dialectics is. Yes, I've read plenty, I've read a lot of Marx and Engels, later Marxist authors, philosophy books, dictionary definitions, I've watched philosophy lectures, youtube videos. I've even read some Hegel, with a lot of difficulty. All this and my brain still cannot grasp wtf dialectics is actually supposed to be./wydna/ - Kantbot, Pseudodoxology, Tankerpills, and Wydna
Seems like there are a few people on leftypol interested in this subject so I thought I'd create a thread dedicated to discussing the Wydna collective and Pseudodoxology podcastAntinatalism position in the left.
Serious discussion.New Website for Political Economy Research
Anon from the cybercom thread suggested I post this here as well. A forum for political economy research started by Marxists. Classical Econophysics is listed on the resource page.Is it possible that magic and myth are true?
Inspired by my reading of the book, Ishmael, by Daniel QuinnReading Group List
A list of reading groups and their schedules that have chosen to advertise themselves here. Take a minute to check them out. If you would like to promote your reading group, feel free to leave a comment telling people where they can go.Ancient China General
Thread for History of Ancient China up until the end of the Chinese EmpireCan you help me debunk this wehraboo historian
This guy Is called nigel askey, and is apparently a legitimate historian. He published a paper debunking TIK's claim that the K/D ratio of the soviets during WW was 1/1.6, instead claiming that the soviets lost over 4 more times as many combatants as the Germansduring WW2. Here is his paper. I'm not a qualified historian and I dont have access to acrhives or time to research, so I can't debunk him.Anti-Capitalist Studies Dump
Post all the studies in here that undermine capitalism. Post the title, a summary of the content and share either a link to or a PDF of the study in question.Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Was it the right decision? Was it justified?
What is your position on this?Asiatic mode of Production?
What are the primary differences between the Asiatic mode of production and feudalism?Nuclear Thread - Power of the Atom
Nuclear Atomic Science ThreadWas Ernst Thälmann a retard?
>Be Ernst Thälmann in the late 20sthis is what i want (crosspost)
Reposting to /edu/What is Nationalism? And is it good?
Can there be a proletarian nationalist revolution according to Lenin? I've seen people argue that nationalism is reactionary and that it advocates for class-collaboration instead of workers revolution, since a nation is an abstract that includes all classes.Urban countries and revolutionary struggle
From what i understand, successful rural guerrillas like the Shining Path and FARC weren't able to overthrown their governments because of low popular support on cities./kapital/ 2023
Reading group for Volume 1 of Capital. The reading pace will adjust to suit the group, but we will aim for an average of 1 chapter per week, starting slower and speeding up as we move from abstract to concrete toward the end.French revolution, American civil war and decemberist revolution.
I would like to ask for some recommendations for educational materials about:American Labor History
Been on a roll with Hofheinz, Bonnell, and Brody recently, and realized that I wanted to go deeper than what Buhle offered, so what if we started a reading group on the history of American Labor Organization and the material forces behind it that lead to business unionism as the only option? We can start with Buhle(and the sort of rebuttal that Minchin wrote via Labor Under Fire) but I'd like to hear other voices on the issue since I know I'm being retarded and narrow right now.Internal vs External Factor
Me and my friend are discussing the book "On contradiction" by Mao. He insists that the external factors are the fundamental cause of development, because when you start analyzing, let's say, capitalism, it's internal contradictions are nothing more but external factors from past events, hence the internal contradiction being the secondary force.The "Patriotic Socialism" Question
New reading project for the Continental Floppa reading group is beginning. We will be reading various writings related to the subject of "Patriotic Socialism" and national identity. This thread is for slower discussion of the topic and readings and for posting links or uploads for relevant texts.The Great French Revolution
Where the hell do I start with this shit? Unlike with the Russian Revolution I never see any leftists giving any clear recommendations for the French Revolution, so let's make a thread to address that now.Bolshevik Organization Tactics
Decided to start a thread on this topic after skimming through Bonnell's work and starting The Organizational Weapon(as much as the neocon pours through the page). The last chapter of Bonnell states but does not explain why the Russian capitalist was far less conciliatory than his American counterpart(though that's probably just because I skipped to the end and need to tread back) though that's certainly of interest. The book also tends to stress more cultural victories, such as Bolshevik journals being more practical and "proletarian" than their intellectual Menshevik counterparts. A younger, dumber version of myself would have turned this into some Maupin-type point but I don't know what to make of it now.chronology of the Muslim conquests of Arabia
I've always found it weird that this event is never mentioned all too often, like from what I understandIntelligent Materialism: Essays on Hegel and Dialectics
Recently got this book, because it sounded interesting and reading the first pages I found it to be promising. So I'm dropping it in here. Perhaps we can talk about it.Soviet military prowess during WW2
Do you guys have any books that highlight the cleverness of Soviet warfare in WW2 that dispute the Zerg rush narrative of the West? As far as I know the allies had all of their information of what was going on on the eastern front from Germans who overembelished their military prowess and downplayed those of the Soviets.Thoughts on Nick Land
So I read this guy's essay called Kant, Capital and the Prohibition of Incest. I thought it was pretty good and I was surprised because I heard this guy was extreme alt right crank and here he is discussing racism, patriarchy and capitalism in South Africa. I checked and yeah this guy is now a legit fascist or "neoreactionary" or whatever and he regularly appears on far right shows. What the fuck happened? Is the rest of his stuff worth reading?Keynes
Currently reading this book and I need some help understanding some of this since it’s not clicking. First of all I need help in layman’s terms what all this means specifically:Why do STEMbros hate Geography?
Hey /siberia/Was the tiananmen square massacre really a massacre or a spook?
I read this article and it claimed that leaders of the anti-gov protesters were acting entirely in self interest and that majority of casualties were soldiers of the PLA who were murdered by the protesters when they tried to solve things peacefully.Revolution 1905-1907(1917) and Civil War
It was a dress rehearsal, without which the final victory of the proletariat in October 1917 would have been impossible. (Lenin)Imperial Japan
So as it turns out, I actually know very little about imperial Japan, aside from very surface level things such as attempting to become a new colonial power. The only thing I know is that it didn't have a concrete racial science like Germany had developed under the nazis, although I could be completely wrong about that since I learned about that from a reddit post. I'm actually still unsure if it had a concrete ideology or rather a mishmash of idealogies but I have no idea if that's correct either.Idealism in Quantum Physics
This has annoyed me for a while and I would like to have addressed this for people who are also interested in this subject. I am not studied in physics and specifically quantum physics. I just take a general interest in this subject on the periphery of all the other things I am occupied with. When learning about physics through popsci videos and occasionally reading articles on the matter it has always bothered how nonsensical ideas and contrived theories are spread on this subject, and that shit needs to die.Postmodernity
Postmodernity is not an "ideology" but an advancement of material conditions for the age of digital technologies, which increasingly simulate Reality and thus cause an ontological shift which reverses the order of production, which now begins in the superstructure (mass culture, mass media, the "spectacle" of late capitalism and so on) and then flows into the affective instruments of (post)industrial nodes of distribution. This is a direct reversal of the Marxist dialectic, where now the unrepresentable base of production is the web of public interest, democratised along lines of free markets, which then flow into machines of production to give abstraction to the "real movement"./theology/
Wanted to make a theology general to discuss whatever questions or topics about religion people here may have. I thought about posting this in /siberia/ but I rather have a higher quality discussion tbh, and since /edu/ has much less traffic I think a thread about theology and religion in general would work better than a specific topic about particular denominations and such. So to start, something I had been wondering for a while, in buddhist theology when you die you reincarnate and depending on your karma you'll either be reborn into a human or an animal. So if you are reborn into an animal, after this life what would determine what you reincarnate into? Does buddhism have a way to judge animals? Do you reincarnate into a human by default after living as an animal and just keep the cycle going until you achieve enlightenment? If anyone knows I'd really appreciate it.Recommend me history books about 20th century and on
Recommend me general book about what lead to russia/ukraine war and palestine/israel war, some totally objective description from the beginning to now, so i understand whats going on now. I bought Paul Johnson book "Modern Times" (i know he is rabid anticommunist, didnt knew that when i bought it), its funny how hateful he is, but reading his chapter on Palestine/Israel even he mentioned that jewish terrorist groups were actually responsible for the first acts. I dont want specifcally "communist historian" books either. Objectively state of the facts, without unneccessary commentary would be fine for me - but i would like book like "20th century modern history" like Johnson wrote - so from bird view eye, entire 20th century, doing some broad analysis idk, just more objective.Pic unrelated i dont know what to post rnHelp me track down Hakim's production efficency paper
I remember that Hakim at a certain point, in a video of his, cited a paper about production efficency, according to which socialist states had about the same efficency (if not slightly more) as capitalist ones in transforming raw materials into finished products.Dialectical Analysis Exercise
Here is an idea I had when reading Georges Politzer's "The Elementary Principles of Philosophy". He describes his approach to dialectical analysis. If anyone here wants an exercise in dialectical analysis give it a shot by selecting whatever piece of media you find to be relevant and analyze it based on his approach.The scientific value of materialism
Hello comrades. I have doubts about materialism since the philosophical part of Marxism isn't my strength, but I want to be able to understand it better since materialism is the foundation of marxist theory and the communist movement.STEM history
I am of the opinion that students will become a lot more interested in a subject if, instead of being forced to memorize formulas and rules for a test, they are instead treated to a historical overview of how the subject matter developed to its contemporary stage. To provide a human grounding of "Who/When/Where/Why" instead of just a dreary "What/How" will allow students to get a sense of the relevance of the subject matter. Unfortunately, there is too much mutual contempt between STEM and the humanities, and too much capitalist contempt for "stopping and smelling the roses" to get any kind of pedagogical reform movement off the ground.Language learning communities
Where to find language learning communities, where I ask something about the language I am studying and get responded? I am not using hellotalk because it glows, nor fbi.gov for obvious reasons. I am a brazilian learning greek and mandarin and intending to learn korean and spanish, in case I need to be specific.Anti-Apartheid In Israel Resources
Thread dedicated to attacking Israel's De Facto Apartheid State. Antisemitism and other /pol/ brained bullshit not welcome.Marxism has no reality at all in the West
<Nearly all self-proclaimed Marxists are frauds who haven’t even read Marx, let alone understand him. They use the label Marxism, despite knowing nothing about it, as a pseudo-intellectual obfuscation for their liberal ideology.Marxism-Leninism-Maoism Q&A
This is not a debate thread. I encourage debate on this topic to happen in /leftypol/, as it would have anyway. This is an /edu/cational thread only.War on Terror literature recommendations?
I'm aware of a book called My Life with the Taliban that is a memoir of a Taliban fighter who fought the insurgency against the US in the early 2000s, that one seems interesting, I'm imagining there must be some memoirs of American soldiers too right? If you know of any of either Iraq or Afghanistan feel free to give me some suggestions. Something that's like Storm of Steel or similar to that type of war memoir.I don't get it - ("Orientalism" by Edward W. Said)
I wanna state that I'm from Pakistan and grew up in a community that was very proud of its self, we see ourselves as our ethnic group and everybody else is an outsiderRafiq/Ecology Discussion
So some of you may have read the quite popular pdf where Rafiq dunks on eco fetishism, in that thread he references a previous thread where he had spent a lot of time focusing in on eco-fetishism, however this thread has been lost from Revleft. It's available on internet archives but to preserve it I've made this in the style of the previous popular pdf. Hope you guys enjoy!Book Recommendations for the Depressed
I've wasted my life. I don't like who I am. I struggle to connect with the overwhelming majority of other people, and do not desire their companionship but the lifestyle is starting to fuck me over. I have a crippling internet addiction. I'm in a deep, deep hole in more ways than you can imagine and I don't know if I have the strength to get myself out. I can't even tell you how bad it really is. I know, I'm a very special boi. On the plus side, I don't harbor any bigotries and I'm not a porn addict.The Overlap Between Hitler's Socialism and Stalin's Socialism
>In Rainer Zitelmann’s book, "Hitler’s National Socialism", Zitelmann explains that Hitler's economic concepts regarding the relationship between markets and planned economies are controversial.Marxism and Moralism
How can Marxism be considered anything other than a moralist aka altruistic philosophy?Documentary to watch
https://youtu.be/dZRGBTmZAFEDiscussion of Tutnese
A cryptic new language Tutnese has been the talk of the town among the FBA community. Unfortunately there aren't many books about Tutnese that are not long out of print, and borderline grifter Nasheed has promoted Tutnese strongly but refuses to release the goods. Dump PDFs of relevant information here so that more folks can have the opportunity to pick up Tutnese freely.Navigating Historical Context for Marx
I feel like one of the biggest obstacles to understanding Marx's most crucial works is that he writes for an audience that he assumes already knows a ton of context, which makes sense considering his own context as a journalist for revolutionary workers on the streets themselves. It still makes those writings confusing to anyone that isn't an academic that has the privilege of having absorbed context. So, what are some good history books that can fill in that gap?bourgeois vs. marxist vocabulary
Bourgeois economists embraced labor theory of value (which originated from Adam Smith of all people) until Marx. Marx got bourgeois economists to abandon the labor theory of value because he took it to its logical conclusion of the proletarian revolution against the bourgeois class dictatorship. As a result of bourgeois economists abandoning the labor theory of value in order to distance mainstream economics from Marx's conclusions, they began to embrace quackery like marginal utility theory and the subjective theory of value.Anti-Duhring Thread?
I plan to study this book over the next week starting tonight or tomorrow. Anyone wanna join the read? I'd wager ~50-70pgs (relative to my edition) per day is doable for most. So my plan then roughly isJoin ProleWiki, the Leninist encyclopedia!
Greetings, comrades.Biographies of Stalin & Mao?
I plan on checking out Kotkin's work on Stalin, which I'm told is informative and you can pick out the brainworms. And Trotsky himself wrote a biography on Stalin.Lectures general /LG/
Post video recordings of lectures and announcements for online lectures.Book collection Torrent
Good day, I wished to ask if anyone has the whole archive-collection of Marxist.org (would be best if it is only in english) in a torrent and if they could send to me so i can save it in a portable HHD in any case there would be need for it later in the world and also for my personal use to read onGuys I just finished Capital Volume 2 I'm so proud of myself.
Guys I just finished Capital Volume 2 I'm so proud of myself. That book was really long and contained a lot of calculations but at long last I have finished. Of course I don't binge read it all the way, sometimes I try to read one chapter then switch to less intensive stuff, like reading Stalin or Hoxha (or anything that I like) for instance. So here is what I think:The Worst History Channel on Youtube
This is a video looking at the right-wing history channel WhatifAltHist, and the broader trends in historical studies that it represents.Sokal Affair
what do you think about the sokal affair?Blanquism
>Blanquism refers to a conception of revolution generally attributed to Louis Auguste Blanqui (1805–1881) that holds that socialist revolution should be carried out by a relatively small group of highly organised and secretive conspirators.Accessible Texts for Highschoolers
Don't ask how, but now I'm responsible for a club of high-schoolers that are self-described "baby leftists" and want to learn more. As far as I'm aware, they don't seem to be as lib-brained as I expected(though they certainly still are to some extent), so I really don't want to mess this up.Nazis are such cowards that they flee the country and made their kids fight
You can't make this up.When Friedrich Engels condemned rioting and looting
Comments on an "Anti-Capitalist" RiotI finally finished it, what a journey of a book
I have a lot of views on this book, but I couldn't reasonably explain everything i want to say about it just know it's not perfect and has a ton of issues with overgeneralization and misinformation but it has a lot of things to sayAnti-Stalin but Pro-Mao
The USSR during the Stalin Period was arguably marked by a general retreat of revolutionary forces in many regards. While some things; including the most progressive constitution in the world at the time; clearly illicit praise and support, it's generally hard to extend this level of support to many other projects. The mass deportation of Volga Germans, the mass deportations and dispossession of the peasantry (as the USSR underwent socialist primitive accumulation), and the eventual illegalization of homosexuality are clear signs that many social forces faced active regression. Obviously, not all of this was Stalin's fault, and the contingent of radical liberals who attempt to pin all of this on him personally are not worth really a minute of our time. However, with that in mind, it seems quite obvious that Stalin, despite his successes, obviously had major underpinnings and failures. And many of them become increasingly hard to support in the face of new archives, leaks, and the such.the hardliner camp phenomenon and the actual history of socialist relations in the past
there has long been a tendency online that can only be described as 'vulgar hardline' – an attraction to superficially similar, hardline/'anti-revisionist' states that appear to be cut from the same cloth, but in reality were often opposed to one another.Why mass line isn't the answer
Mao’s Contributions to Communist Theory and Human Emancipation Are Truly Profound—Cultural Revolution and Art
Another newfag thread. Interact with accordingly.Primitive Accumulation in the USSR
newfag thread; engage with accordingly, and point out any level of moronocyare there any fringe socialist facts you know
For example, did you know that the Gulag myth (the one of forced labor) originated in the 1920s in Finland and Sweden. Soviet lumber industry outperformed the Scandinavians and out-competed it on the European market. They then slandered the Soviet republic.The Denial of Death
The Denial of Death - Ernest BeckerTrotskyism
How exactly would you define Trotskyism? How exactly would you summerise it's key differences from other Left wing political positions?/Ultra/ - Left-com General
I couldn't find any left-com threads in the catalogue so I decided to make my own.Tuchachevsky Affair & Moscow Trials
What's the memo regarding this? I haven't looked deeply into the case of Tuchachevsky specifically but I've heard several things.Reactionary Thinkers: Eric Voegelin
you're just a GNOSTIC!!!1! - Eric VoegelinThe Workers Movement And Socialist Movement Are No Way Identical By Nature
Was reading Camatte and came across this quote by Kautsky. The point being that workers unionizing is no real threat to capitalism as it can always reduce any negating power of the movement by incorporating it and reducing it to reformist cuckoldry.What did Kautsky mean with this?
I was reading a double print of Communism & Terrorism (by Kautsky and Trotsky) and got to this partDistinguish Caste From Class
This feels like a thread that needs to be made because the left in general has a lot of difficulty wrapping their heads around what a caste is and why it isn't the same as class. Caste oftentimes looks like it's the same as class but it is not.Microeconomics of money
1) What is the opportunity cost of using money for exchange?Market Socialism's origins
*1930s Yugoslav communist factional disputes*Is the siege mentality revolutionary or reactionary?
I have a very strong belief that the prevailing ideology in existing late-stage capitalism is the siege mentality. Literally every identity group feels as if they are under siege. Everyone believes they are being specifically targeted by some grand evil force that wants to destroy them.Some thoughts on volume 1 of the second sex
after a few days of reading i got past the first part and I have some thoughts i wanted to share about the almost 750 page piece.I don't get it - (Materialism, Objectivity and Metaphysics)
Can someone please dumb this down for me?What is fascism?
I have struggled with this question a lot, particularly because many of the things that get called fascist are quite clearly, in my eyes, not unique to fascism from both sides of the political aisle (e.g. free market advocacy, socialism etc.) So, leftypol, is fascism truly everything I don't like?Luhmann refutes Marxism?
I have been reading the works of the architect and self proclaimed "anarcho capitalist" and "former revolutionary communist" Patrik Schumacher, who says that the works of German sociologist Niklas Luhmann (not translated much into English) are a better frame to analyze the world and also prove Anarcho-capitalism is correct.I Cannot Forsake My Principles by Nina Andreyeva
"I decided to write this letter after lengthy deliberation. I am a chemist, and I lecture at Leningrad's Lensovet Technology Institute. Like many others, I also look after a student group. Students nowadays, following the period of social apathy and intellectual dependence, are gradually becoming charged with the energy of revolutionary changes. Naturally, discussions develop about the ways of restructuring and its economic and ideological aspects. Glasnost, openness, the disappearance of zones where criticism is taboo, and the emotion heat of mass consciousness (especially among young people) often result in the raising of problems that are, to a greater or lesser extent, "prompted" either by Western radio voices or by those of our compatriots who are shaky in their conceptions of the essence of socialism. And what a variety of topics that are being discussed! A multiparty system, freedom of religious propaganda, emigration to live abroad, the right to broad discussion of sexual problems in the press, the need to decentralize the leadership of culture, abolition of compulsory military service. There are particularly numerous arguments among students about the country's past.Police and Their Role in Capitalism
What is the role of the police under capitalism? They do protect property and the interests of the upper class, but I don't think it's as clear cut as they merely protect a capitalist's factory and resources alone. They do try to carry out whatever dicta of law is brought in through legislation within their own funding.EMBRACE MARXISM-HADIDISM
>Parametricism is an architectural style based on computer technology and algorithms. The concept emerged from the digital animation techniques of the mid-1990s, but has risen in prominence in the early-21st century with the development of advanced parametric design.Is Sex a Human Right?
According to Charles Fourier, sex is a human right. Was he right?On "Hitlers Socialism" by TIK
I was told that this video on 'Hitlers Socialism' by TIK was an absolute gotcha to Marxists and I know his channel and he does some good vids so I thought I'd give it a watch at least and immediately he says he was once a Marxist Socialist and he was taught that stuff at university and then his definition of capitalism is muh free market and that the state manipulating prices and planning stuff therefore means it isn't real capitalism as opposed to, you know, MCM (he correctly points out that yes markets don't equal capitalism automatically), using 2021 right libertarian definitions that would mean that almost any actually existing capitalist economy isn't really capitalist (even neoliberal ones).the psychology of mass shootings
I've been scratching my head about this for a while. I can't quite wrap my head around the cause of mass shootings. I'm inclined to chalk it up to burger brainrot, but there's not much unique about modern America that explains why this is a problem now but not historically. Is it alienation? Is it a symptom of an empire in decline, and if so, why isn't it more prevalent in other decaying countries that also have lots of guns like Russia or the dessicated husk of Yugoslavia? What gives, Leftypol?Turchin's Cliodynamics
Any thoughts on this? For a quick primer, cliodynamics is basically quantitative historical analysis. Using what amounts to big data analytics, it builds computer models of macrohistorical trends to identify patterns and predict developments. By this method Turchin himself has claimed to have discovered certain formulas for civil unrest, though Marxist theorists could have told you most of that without the models. He claims that many years ago he predicted that civilization would enter an age of instability starting in the 2020s.The Fall of a Titan by Igor Gouzenko
some soviet defector to Canada named Igor Gouzenko wrote a self-sucking autobiography called The Fall of a Titan after defecting to the West and exposing a soviet spy ring immediately after WW2. Some people point to this as the start of the cold war in public consciousness since he did this 3 days after WW2 ended, basically creating an "our soviet allies betrayed us!!!" narrative in the public opinion of countries like the USA."To Kill A Nation: The Attack on Yugoslavia" by Michael Parenti
Hmm… Sounds familiar….Vivek Chibber
how has the board missed the work of Vivek Chibber?How is the world supposed to work without money?
Wouldn't it be a mess if we couldn't exchange things?Thoughts on Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness"
I just finished reading it and I think it is a great book. But what do you anons think about it?Spanish Civil and National Syndicalism
Did Falangists and National Syndicalists switch allegiance to the Republicans following Franco's control of the JONS labor union?Deng Xiaoping -- Economize Time and Energy
Americans are a practical people and they always say: “Time is money.” They have a whole branch of literature—unfortunately, we Chinese know very little of it—dealing with the organization of business in industries and finance, showing young Americans how to save energy and take a shortcut to success. The latter are taught all that very well, and we should learn it too."The Class Matrix" by Vivek Chibber
In my opinion this is one of the most important and useful pieces of Marxist theory in the past few decades.Can Someone Explain the Sino-Soviet Split to Me?
What was actually being fought over in terms of policy?Artificial Intelligence
Looking at the recent advancements in the field of AI that perpetually make it into the news I thought it was appropriate to make a thread about artificial intelligence. Even if you believe the recent news on AI are merely sensationalism and that we will head into another “AI Winter” soon, I think it would be interesting to discuss the existence of artificial intelligence and “its labor” from a Marxist perspective and talk about where human beings and their labor fits into a society where AI manages to do a lot of the things that for a long time where believed only a human could do. That aside, I just find it reasonable to remain aware and therefore discuss the impact of current state of the art machine learning models that produce photos with ever increasing striking realism.what are some times reactionary infighting resulted in revolutionary gains?
I can think of a few, but not an exhaustive catalog:Cornelius Castoriadis' critiques of Marx
Has anyone here read any of post-marxist Cornelius Castoriadis' critiques of Marx? I feel that in some places he gets the criticisms right, and in other places very wrong. Note that Castoriadis still remained a kind of anarchist.Molotov Ribbentrop Agreement
every time a liberal discovers that the molotov ribbentrop agreement happened, they think they've discovered some hidden gem, and the key to deboonking communism and making it a pariah in the arena of public opinion.Vladislav Zubok: Collapse
Has anyone read picrel yet? Is it any good, or just more Applebaum tier trash? Obviously I'm not expecting a Leftist take, but anything critical of the usual "the people rose up to overthrow le evil tyranny" narrative would be good, even from the right. I think I heard the WarNerd guys rexerence it, so thought maybe it's not complete shit.Naive Neo-Reactionary Nonsense
acceleration is the loss of the gravitational significance of time
The history of philosophy is the history of the will-to-power coming to know itself and affirm its own validity against the lies of sophistry; a therapeutic endeavour of spirit against idealistic bullshit which produce narratives that serve the powers that be. In this regard, the task of philosophy has been fulfilled, completed by Nietzsche & Marx, and the domination of nature by man has found its final vessel in cybernetics. As Wittgenstein writes, "Philosophy is a battle against the bewitchment of our intelligence by means of language." Philosophy itself has been embroiled in an endless struggle against itself over the same questions for centuries, but never coming any closer to real answers to those questions, with each generation it recedes into more meta-argumentation than before.Given that philosophy has been completed, what remains of the initial questions which plagued the pre-socratics? What is it to be? Why is there something rather than nothing? These are questions philosophy has actually left outstanding, problems that it just isn't equipped to deal with, as the pursuit of 'wisdom' (which reveals itself to merely be a facet of the will-to-power).Bourgeois Conception of Profit as Reward for Risk
Apologies for any lapses in my grammar as English is not my first language.Evidence based politics
I understand the value of pure theory since that's the only tool we have for shaping ideas which where not put into practice or not properly investigated. However, when the body of scientific literature is ever expanding and more and more data is being available, where is the political theory that is backed with evidence?Why isn't politics divided along class lines?
If class conflict is a reality, why aren't politics divided along class lines already, even if immature in consciousness, what Lenin called "trade union consciousness". Instead politics is divided between different coalitions involving different sectors and industries of capitalists and workers, divided by education, race, religious, ethnicity, geography, and seemingly everything BUT actual class.Debunking the Myth of Male Biological Privilege
Women are not biologically disadvantaged compared to men and men are not disadvantaged compared to women. Although most of the issues women face from their reproductive system are true men also have to bear the burdens of dealing with only one source of an x and y chromosome which can lead to many genetic abnormalities, illnesses and other problems, some that prey directly on that Y chromosome. Coincidentally men are actually more emotional due to centuries of neglect since the Holocene was initiated and have far more issues with impulsivity that can lead to self destructive decision making. The author was wrong to believe male privilege extends to a biological levelWahoo it's another discussion about the USSR
Dunayevskaya’s state capitalist critique of the USSR, she read state stats and analyzed the data with the categories in Marx’s Capital, it’s really fascinating! Touches on labour laws, revolt, crises, preponderance of machinery, commodity fetishism, world market, LoV and more. I love when actual quantitative data is used in these types of questions. The book was published in 1958 but supposedly she began developing this theory as early as 1942, maybe even as early as 1939/40./leftypol/ history from 2017
https://umsu.unimelb.edu.au/news/article/7797/2017-05-11-inside-the-leftypol-community/The Rate of Profit: Rising or Falling
The Rate of Profit: Rising or Falling?When Uncle Sam Played Landlord: Amerikkka's 19-Year Haitian Stay (with gunboats)
Nobody ever talks about this, but the United States was in Haiti for longer than it was in Vietnam. July 28, 1915 – August 1, 1934 (19 years and 4 days). During the US occupation of Haiti, two major rebellions against the occupation occurred, resulting in several thousand Haitians killed, and numerous human rights violations – including torture and summary executions – by Marines and the Gendarmerie of Haiti. A corvée system of forced labor was used by the United States for infrastructure projects, that resulted in hundreds to thousands of deaths. Under the occupation, most Haitians continued to live in poverty, while American personnel were well-compensated. Death estimates have a high range, and I think the uncertainty of the statistics betrays how little Haitian lives were valued by the (mostly white) US marines, who frequently wrote letters home describing the Haitians as subhuman.On Market Socialism
market socialism needs to be tested more in my view, but I think it can work if it's combined with a form of central planning alongside itRejecting the Global Status Quo: A Case for Rediscovering Nature's Gift Economy
I've noticed that all of the ruling classes use the same systems of statism, legality, politics, and economics (a mix of capitalism with social welfare systems). They use legal systems, laws, and courts. They all have governments that control, politics, with parties and political systems. It's all the exact same thing all around the entire world. We have been under this shit for 100s of years meaning a specific order has been maintained with increasing expansion:Personal Knowledge Management
What does /edu/ do for knowledge management? Does it work? How important is it? Experiences?"First As Tragedy, Then As Farce"
"History doesn't repeat, but it often rhymes."Shulamith Firestone
So I read this book first a few years ago but it came up again in conversation recently. I wanted to make a thread about it so we can have a proper discussion about its positives and negatives, because I think it has both. First of all, I believe it was maybe the first book (that I know of) to give a properly dialectical treatment to the historical development of reproductive labour relations, building largely off of Engels' work. De Beauvoir had her own stuff but a lot of the marxism in her work is under the surface and indirect, whereas Firestone makes constant reference to Engels.Classlessness before statelessness!
What is high stage communism? Statelessness, moneylessness, classlessness with the removal of wage laboring to a surplus taking class. It's supposed to be without commodity production… The world is only seen the lower end, the phase on the attempt there. The question is why did we expect high stage results, in low stage material conditions? Anons we know why it's "left" anti-communismaccessibility, marx, heidegger
Things (pragmata) have not mere objective presence (vorhandenheit), but also a handiness (zuhandenheit), and in average-everydayness we fall into infinite chains of 'in-order-to' via references (verweisungen) between useful things and the 'what-for' (wozu); the mode of being that Heidegger calls circumspection, in which we only perceive things in their handiness. Capital makes heavy use of accessibility, signage, to make things easy to use in production– think about the dull soullessness of modern operating systems and computers; Capital has its own entire branch of study for this - 'ergonomics'. The effect of this is to pull us further into circumspection and out of a recognition of the pure being of things, so that we keep following orders, consuming, obeying, etc.dialectics are oppressive embrace eclectics instead
look, i know it's trendy for some to be all about that dialectical life, but let's be real for a sec. the way that social-fascist pseudo-Marxists and pro-China neo-revisionists try to wield dialectics is not only tired but downright oppressive. they act like their version of Leftism is the only way to resist capitalism and imperialism, but they forget that even Marx himself recognized the limitations of dialectics in his later years.Kautsky was ahead of his time
hot take: Kautsky's theory of "ultra imperialism" was ultimately correct, but 100 years ahead of its time. Lenin was correct in the contemporary debate, but Kautsky is correct today. Today we have an ultra-imperialist coalition called NATO that will coup, sanction, embargo, invade, wage proxy wars, and otherwise destabilize any government, even bourgeois governments, that do not align with its economic hegemonic interests. This ultra-imperialism, rather than exporting capital and creating its own future competitors in a developmentalist fashion, has learned from the mistakes of past empires, and now limits the amount of capital it exports. It no longer develops the periphery like the traditional bourgeoisie of the 18th and 19th century did. It instead arrests the development of peripheral countries, so that they can remain neo-colonies for as long as possible. This is done through relatively innocuous methods like coup regimes taking out high interest IMF loans with structural adjustment programs rather than obvious methods like invasion and enslavement. Because of the innocuousness and efficiency of the methods of neocolonialism, the neocolonial relationship is obfuscated and made confusing to the general public, who do not see it operating. It also make geopolitical conflicts more confusing, and can make a power defending against a proxy war look like an aggressor. Furthermore, China is bourgeois, but they are bourgeois in the traditional sense that they actually export capital and help develop the global south, which is why global south nations are choosing to ally with them over the imperial core. Having a traditional imperialist relationship turns out to be less parasitic than having an ultra-imperialist relationship in the same way that being an indentured servant is better than being a slave. Traditional imperialism makes the nations of the periphery indentured servants to the imperial core. Ultra-imperialism constantly resets the clock and arrests development, effectively making them slaves to the imperial core, because their level of development can't catch up enough to throw off the shackles of the imperial relationship and its fundamental wage disparity, even though their development nominally continues. this is the source of all the confused argument over multipolarity/unipolarity, whether such and such nation is bourgeois or not. The difference between comprador and national bourgeoisie now matters more than ever. Also, the climate is being destroyed so now the clock is ticking on top of everything else. Unresolved debates are stacking up exactly when they shouldn't be.the case of Phineas Gage disproved souls in 1848
Why do people continue believing in ghosts or souls after Phineas Gage?Does capitalist development necessarily lead to socialism?
Nearly every successful socialist revolution has happened in an underdeveloped nation in the global periphery, usually very early in that place's capitalist development. While these revolutionary projects have proved incredibly successful at raising living standards and quality of life and modernizing their nations, most successful socialist projects have a habit of reverting through revisionism into some level of capitalist development. Those who remain committed to more Marxist-Leninist economic practices often become incredibly isolationist due to imperialist pressure.Cromwell - A revolutionary pROGRESSIVE
Oliver Cromwell was the greatest British Revolutionary.Rate of Profit
With all the corporate consolidations and acquisitions and mergers at an all time high and with banks collapsing left and right. Is the ROP just tanking? And I mean so low that there's no way to draw any more profit except through more and more consolidation. To me it seems that the ROP has gone into the negatives and shareholders primacy is the only policy, abandoning long term plans for short term quarterly results.Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation
Preface: This handy set of rules covers most of the games which disinformation artists play on the Internet (and offline). When you know the tricks, you’ll be able to spot the games. Even if you’ve read this list before, you might be surprised at how useful it is to brush up on these tricks.Marxism and Ontology
A lot of you seem to be under the belief that you can have marxist theory without ontological grounding. But to me it seems the positive sciences that say things about the 'world' rely on a totally certain idea of what 'world' means. So why don't we all have a calm discussion about ontology and attempt to come to an understanding of why there are so many of you (usually tankies) for whomst philosophy and ontology appears 'meaningless'? For me it seems to be the most important thing that we properly understand the dependency and aims of sciences (which simply explicate categories about our "external" reality) on a proper approach towards the world. In a sense, I think Marxists also unconsciously on some level agree with this, because you recognise that the bourgeois sciences mainly operate in service of capital, and this is unwanted. But on the other hand you seem to shoot yourselves on the foot by explicitly denying the validity of ontology in favour of vapid essentialism. From where does this 'materialism' come? Even in naive realist ontologies we see that the brain mediates reality, but there is no account for this in the materialist ontology.i don't get it (Materialism and Empirio-Criticism by Vladimir Lenin)
What was this book about again? It was my least favorite Lenin book. I know it's like the Organon to Engels' Dialectics of Nature, but every single one of Lenin's arguments was so unremarkable that they're forgettable. He's very terse and verbose. Does Lenin argue badly or is materialism a very dull philosophy and we like making shit up (see the post-1968. French Left).On the Semantics of "Class"
in my country, there is a laborist political movement akin to spanish national syndicalism that appropiated the pro-workers discourseThis is perhaps breadtube video I have yet seen, to call it disinformation would be an understatemen
This video is titled The Gay Body Image Crisis by James Somerton, seemingly its a video essay about gay people's body image issues, but in actuality its just bizarre venting against fit people through ahistorical revisionism./t/ - torrents and downloads
Things to share: Movies, documentaries and mainly books.Struggling to absorb information
Hello I'm kind of a baby socialist. I understand the core concepts of how capitalists exploit workers, surplus value, labor theory of value and the general idea of capitalist exploitation in third world countries. However, if I try digging into anything beyond that my brain goes blank. Even if say, I'll read Mao's little red book and come out with a basic idea of what he was talking about, I'll immediately lose it the next day. It's really frustrating and difficult to get myself to read more knowing I'll just forget everything overnight at worst or in a couple of days at best.Washington V. Lincoln
Lets examine these two men, or more specifically, the way they were viewed and the eras they represent.Debunking Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories General
Since this is a subject that has been making the rounds in the public discourse again, let‘s make a general that debunks anti-semitic conspiracy theories. Post literature, videos, infographs, memes, whatever. Unfortunately, I don‘t have anything on my own, but I will make this thread to get this going.Well-read, educational news & blogs
I'm completely fed up using MSM retarded media outlets to stay up to date on either breaking news or general trends and events going on. I use guardian every day to get current events but its obnoxious to read that slop after a while. Id rather use blogs and alternative sources of news from people who have a bit less bias, slant, private interests, or total ideological retardation.Let's try and make everyone happy:
Is there any difference to how a (well-studied) Marxist, a democratic socialist and an anarcho-communist will each define "socialism"? Is there any contradiction in their definitions?The Average Imperial Japanese Soldier's mindset
So I read The Rape of Nanking a couple weeks ago and something that kinda bothered me, that it wasn't only slightly alluded to in the book, was the mindset of the preparatorsBook to read with my boyfriend
I'm in a pretty big dilemma./reading/ groups
I'm starting this after asking in reading general because there was some interest shown. A thread for the encouragement, maintenance, and organisation of different reading groups- a regular thread will be maintained in order for reading groups to rhizomatically organise. No specific topic of reading is mandated. I would like to start by organising a group, I have a few texts I would be interested in reading but would like to get any kind of feedback because I don't want to propose we read a book and then have a buncha people be like 'nooo i dont like that book' so here are some initial suggestions for what we could read to begin with:/leftytranslation/
Hey y´all. I´m on a translating journey and I thought that others might benfit from a general thread for others that might be interested in the effort or to give their input.Japan: From Third World to Imperialist Economy
Any recommendations on works detailing how Japan became an imperialist economy from its third-world origins?Is China an actual communist state?
I mean like are they actually working toward socialism considering they're pretty much a nationalist state heavily relying on state capitalism for funding right now? At this point, they're more likely to turn into the next globalist world power if they do manage to outlast the US.Essay writing / academic skills
Hey /e/Im a brainlet prole that recently got a scholarships to university, and Im wondering if there are any resources that you could recommend to improve general academic skills with an emphasis on essay writing. I've done a general scan for books and courses on libgen and TPB. But I wanted to get some advise with a left perspective. When I say brainlet I mean dyslexic and when I say prole I mean any unskilled job I can land (bar work, kitchen work, construction, etc.) My degree is in healthcare and administration.Political science and Philosophy books!
I am very glad, that I have 1 whole year off for myself and id like to extreme educate myself. Besides math, biology etc. I want to study Philosophy in that time and political science so please, help me gather some quality Books, Its ok if its just the name i have my places to get them.African Diversity
Am I correct in thinking that the amount of ethnic and lingual diversity in Africa implies that these many African ethnic groups barely mix? It seems to me that this must be the product if seclusion or separation. The level of diversity that Africa has just seems unusual to me. What has caused Africa to maintain such level of diversity while other regions of the planet aren‘t that fractured in ethnic and lingual variety?Theodor Adorno - On the Problem of the Family (1955)
Recently translated into EnglishWestern Marxism Loves Purity and Martyrdom, But Not Real Revolution
highly recommended readingKnowledge/Skill Exchange
Here we post our fields of expertise, in hopes to share the knowledge with our fellow comrades. Ask any questions to comrades in this thread regarding their skills, and post your own. Maybe we can create a chat eventually to teach things at a more in depth level./salting/
What are some good books about salting? Both from a strategic perspective and from a biographical perspective. I would be interested in the life stories and anecdotes of salts. I would be interested in interviews with salts. I was listening to a podcast that was discussing the Norfolk Southern derail in East Palestine and the guy they were interviewing had been a salt at Norfolk Southern.What are leftists stance on fitness?
https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/mar/06/fascist-fitness-how-the-far-right-is-recruiting-with-online-gym-groupsOwn Writings and Ideas
I'm sure some of you have tried their hand in writing down their own ideas regarding philosophy, politics, economics or science. In that case I think it would be dope if we shared them here and perhaps we can have an exchange of honest criticism and support. Feel free to post whatever you have written here and give people a tl;dr of what your writing is about.THIS MAP IS RETARDED AND HERE'S WHY:
1) The so-called Cossack hetmanate was far bigger in 1654 (In 1654 they became a protectorate of russian tsar, that's why it is brought up here). See the pic no. 2Psychology, Psychiatry & Psychoanalysis: Literature and Resources
I have the impression that psychology is a field that is heavily influenced by the societal structure we live in and what culture we have, to deduce that some behavior is inappropriate, an illness, a deficit, or on the other side of the spectrum healthy, a sign of maturity, desirable.Sociology Suggestions
Hi /edu/ I'm a teacher who has been tasked with creating a social studies curriculum for a college. Students are aged 18-23 and the college is located in a relatively poor global south country.Books on Political Violence
What are the best books that give a nuance look at the use of in history political violence. I was talking with my friend about the antifa guy who punched Richard Spencer, and he thought it was bad optics because it gave him more sympathy for his ideas. And that got me thinking about the potential bad optics the use of political violence can have. And what situations warrant the use of violence and what situations warrant an alternative method.Youtube scientific vulgarisation
One of the recent trend in youtube video productions, and one of my favorite and best thing to come of this media imo, has been the birth of various field experts that start doing the work of actually explaining to the enthusiast various knowledge relevant to their skills, an act know as "vulgarization".European Colonialism vs Imperial Conquests from Antiquity
What essentially distinguishes European colonialism from conquests we have seen in the past, for example the Roman Empire? Is it the permanence of inequality founded on race that reasoned chattel slavery or extermination? Has this not existed in the past in some similar form? Genuinely curious.Looking for sources on privatized censorship and propaganda
Hi, I'll be doing a group project in uni for a "business ethics of new technology" filler course soon. We picked the topic of "propaganda and censorship in social networks" and I basically want to dunk on Western social media for being hypocritical about muh freedom of speech and muh Chinese/Russian state media and demonstrate how these companies are "socially irresponsible" with their behavior.Skepticism towards psychoanalysis and psychology
Psychoanalysis thus far is pseudoscience whose potential merit is heavily tainted by its philosophically idealist foundation to rationalize what is being dealt with. It‘s just mambo jambo that can appear coherent on its own while in actuality not relating to the thing it tries to reference in the real world. For that reason the cultural and personal biases of its prominent thinkers easily seeped into their theories and conceptions without a systemic process available to weed these biases out and refute their theories. Their theories and conceptions can only in retrospect be regarded as nonsensical from the lens of a different cultural outlook that can‘t relate to its original motive. An example would be Freud‘s concept of an immature and mature female orgasm, which precedented a male-centric view on sex, which likely stemmed from Freud having been raised in a patriarchal society. Aspects of psychoanalysis try to relate to the material, which is great, but thinkers like Lacan could not escape the philosophically inferior outlook of a capitalist society, as he conceptualized the human psyche as a system that operates on formal logic and grammar.Brainwashing during the Korean War
Does anyone have good sources on brainwashing during the Korean War? Or in general anything about how American POWs were treated. Everything I've learned about it have come from western sources, some of them older than others, and some probably less accurate.Is "The Poverty of Philosophy" full of slander ahd lies?
https://anarchism.pageabode.com/anarcho/review-poverty-philosophy-karl-marxChina's friendship with the CIA
Simply put, a thread to document and explore China's relationship with the CIA.