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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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I sometimes (actually rarely) hear eastern European people mention the colonization of Russia. It is likened to the colonization of central and western Europe towards the rest of the world. I‘m wondering, is that a justified comparison? I know next to nothing about that, so if you can provide any literature that would be great.


Mod note: Reposting. Removed due to false positive previously.


im not sure you’d find much literature on it since merely suggesting the idea that russian identity and nationality was forced onto different cultural groups instead of it being the result of everyone holding hands and singing kumbaya is pretty politically incorrect, has been for a long time and is probably even more politically incorrect now


Can you elaborate on that? Because to me it‘s still ambiguous in what sense it‘s politically incorrect. In the sense that it‘s a lie and therefore rejected? Or that it‘s the truth that is being suppressed?


Is there any literature on how the Soviet Union handled ethnic diversity, differences and conflict?


There's this book, haven't got around to reading it yet however so I can't verify if it's actually good.


I read the first few pages and I‘m pretty content. It’s what I was looking for. Do you know anything about the author though? I could only find out that he worked at Harvard, but I‘m not sure how trustworthy his retelling is.


What is the origin of the term "Affirmative Action"? Does it have one before the affirmative action of black people in the US? Because if not this seems like a preliminary way to paint whatever the USSR did as bad, since affirmative action as a term has a very negative reputation in the West.


Nevermind, I basically found the answer to my question.

<As a national entity, the Soviet Union can best be described as an Affirmative Action Empire. I am, of course, borrowing the contemporary American term for policies that give preference to members of ethnic groups that have suffered from past discrimination. Such policies are common internationally and go by various names: compensatory discrimination, preferential policies, positive action, affirmative discrimination.73 They often accompany decolonization. I prefer the term Affirmative Action because, as the above paragraphs have shown, it describes precisely the Soviet policy choice: affirmative action (polozhitel'naia deiatePnost~ instead of neutrality.

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