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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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I think there's value in memorizing theory. Brute force memorization, not just understanding. You can memorize using tools like Anki (look it up, amazing program)

Let's share topics every communist should memorize and maybe we can work together to compile list of facts to memorize for each topic?

Examples off the top of my head

>Key dates and facts related to the lives of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, etc.

>Key dates and facts relating to AES countries like their dates of formation, circumstances of formation, etc
>Key dates of US interventions and AES sabotage operations

>Facts related to capitalist deprivation like deaths, hunger, all wars, deaths in wars, etc.

>Memorize summaries of key theoretical texts by heart, i.e. knowing how to point someone to "Part 2 Section 4 of Das Kapital" for a piece of relevant theory, WITHOUT looking it up

Is there any value to this type of thing do you all think?


>The name of every country on the map, then their capital, dominant language, government system, brief history, info on any revolutions, names of dominant communist parties and their tendencies

>Basic timeline of general world history even from the bourgeois perspective i.e. knowledge of major dates of major world events

>Name of every major industry and type of worker, the IWW has a nice list starting on page 50, maybe there are better ones though?



Then there are local facts to memorize

>Name of every major city in your local area or state

>Their major industries and dominant types of workers
>Unions they are associated with


Any intelligent communist movement will have a good portion their members specialize in different sections of theory rather than attempt to learn anything and everything.


>Names of major revolutionaries and brief biographical information, where they operated, what they achieved, what they learned, what we can learn from them

>Names of major theoreticians, basic biographical information, what their major theoretical contributions were, the names of their major works, and what topics each work covers

This could be a good source to scrape this info

I agree but what I'm talking about is truly shallow information. Names, dates, short phrases, some words. With Anki the program I mentioned in the OP it becomes easy to memorize vast quantities of simply information like this. You have a flash card on the front that says "Theoretical works of Lenin" and on the back it lists them along with their main topics of discussion, and you test yourself on whether you memorized the flash card

Do you think there's no utility in this wide but shallow knowledge?


>good thread anon
>Any intelligent communist movement will have a good portion their members specialize in different sections of theory rather than attempt to learn anything and everything.
Everybody should have a superficial understanding of everything and have a deep understanding of a few specialized sections.
We don't want to create the learned fool type of specialist.


Just providing the counterpoint.


Another good source is this:

This is going to be hard to compile, but once we achieve an excel document with tabs for each topic which can be exported to CSV format, we can make an anki deck and share it in the megathread for any visitor to download and memorize


Just want to make sure this thread doesn't die. I haven't done any work on this thread's goal sorry guys. Maybe if others can help brainstorm we can get started


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found this post on using anki for memorizing tons of shit
I always thought anki was just flash cards for ppl who are too lazy to use physical cards lol. I guess it might be worth trying.

In general tho i'm skeptical of the value [says person bumping dead thread] of memorizing theory or nerd dates, it comes off as cultish and at best individualistic (like as if we just need to train a certain number of ubermensch communist warrior monks before we get communism). I think it could be really useful on a personal level though to just remember interesting shit, and also for having a memory of events you'd want to remind people of (like idk, the state assassinating communists while they sleep, etc. - the fact that the fascist mobs in Italy 1922 tried this as well, got GTFO by the workers, and then the navy of the democratically elected Italian gov shelled the workers anyways for resisting the fascists)

I think this could be extremely important, since together we (all people in society) form a social brain, and if we don't keep our social memory alive, it'll wither. So be that one neuron or w/e that keeps some important memories alive and diffusing into public consciousness! It's a good idea. (just, maybe not for shit like when lenin died or how many bushels of grain the soviets didn't force from the kulaks, etc.)

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