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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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File: 1660222457280.png (433.11 KB, 1500x782, casperlogo.png)


Anon from the cybercom thread suggested I post this here as well. A forum for political economy research started by Marxists. Classical Econophysics is listed on the resource page.

>The goal of this forum is to create a community for producing and reproducing scientific knowledge in political economy that exists totally outside of the realm of academia, the world of bourgeois non-profits and thinktanks, and the state apparatus. Today, political economy, which has been transformed into the “scientific” discipline of economics, has been both gutted of its most insightful content and held back by obscurantist and outdated mathematical models. It was once the case, in the days of Smith, Ricardo and Marx, that political economy was a form of thinking, researching and discussion which was undertaken by a broad public: working men, skilled craftsmen, professionals, clergy and professors. In this time, people didn’t write textbooks of economics, books to be taught by rote learning, they wrote books which were meant to be read by people interested in political economy and further their own research and understanding.

>This forum is built on the optimism for human curiosity and ingenuity, on the hope that there’s a possibility for creating a social science that isn’t trapped in the confines of a state ideology. A place for discussing political economy and related issues outside of the universities, economic bureaucracies and institutes funded by and for the ruling class; to the extent individuals from that world use this forum it should be to escape that world. On the other side of things, while it would be excellent for the work of this forum and its users to go on and inspire political movements, the forum itself is not sectarian, and is intended as a place for a general scientific community where all stripes of researchers can present their findings and debate.

>The features of this site are intended to nurture such a community. Users can write posts on their own personal blogs in long form to describe their research, as well as follow the works of other users. The actual forum allows users to create topics to discuss anything political economy related, as well as developments in real world economies, keeping dialogue open and inclusive to the public. The debates in the forum can teach people about political economy, as well as inspire further investigation. If you see a user post some interesting ideas, you can click on their profile and see what blogs they’ve written about their own research. More personal connections and collaborations can be formed by users utilizing chat features. The front page hosts the best research of the CASPER Forum as well as articles and papers related to political economy from important authors and institutions. The point is to centralize and socialize the free labor of producing science




Look interesting. I don't have the know-how to contribute anything, but I would read the stuff on there.


Bumping for interest. Will post a more meaningful response later if I think of something


Good idea



We need people well versed in low level programming languages and data science languages like C, R, Rust, Go etc. who can crunch numbers and do large scale econophysical simulations. We need to raise a future generation of Cockshotts.


> C
Toyed around with it, made and half-finished memory allocator with it. Not bad if you can contain complexity.
> R
Never even tried it
> Rust
Cool language, did a bunch of projects with it and it's really performant, but it's bad for prototyping and the async is still… complicated
> Go
> GC
Not a low level language, and generally unsuited to compute-heavy tasks I would say
> econophysical
Math isn't my strong suit


$ sha256sum 1714785718372-0.pdf 
692491f5c6a2528c7bbc14581aae2ca84bf72ec00ae833392bcd1d47ccc2725d  1714785718372-0.pdf
$ sha256sum 1714785718372-1.pdf 
f8ba16760f04d0bbdc7a0402580f1bd85ebbb16bc6be10b2c534941c365401a6  1714785718372-1.pdf

What's the difference between the two pdf's? The edition seems the same


I thought I had two diff. cockshott books but turns out I downloaded the same one twice.


Bumping for interest.


File: 1715800013422.png (16.13 KB, 591x558, ITSOVER.png)

>the website is down
over before it began


it's caspover


it's up again

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