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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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"Marx thought that in order to
decide what should be done at a given historical moment, in a given country and under given
conditions, one must carefully study (with the help of the method of scientific communism) all
the specific features of the given situation (which is constantly changing) and the situation
existing not only within the given country itself, but in all the other countries of the world.
Marxism considers that only by such a study can the
…thinking representatives o£ the given class [acquire] the necessary knowledge, the
necessary experience—and, apart from all knowledge and experience—the necessary
political instinct for the quick and correct solution of intricate political problems. " Dialectical
Materialism The Theoretical Foundation
of Marxism-Leninism
V. Adoratsky

So, my communist brothers, are there studies, actual good ones (no SJW shit) about the current state of the world with a communist POV and with the use of the method of scientific communism? Id love to read it and learn so i know if there will be a revoltuion/ be a chance of. know in more detail.

The thing is, this study would then probably be outdated and if by university, if western anyways not good.
The great reset is a gigantic change that is going on right now, and to really understand the state of the world id need to study the pre great reset and the post great reset which is about to come…

>any ideas, thoughts, comments guys?



Specificly about the great reset


File: 1664197775952.pdf (518.62 KB, 180x255, commentsonchinamodel.pdf)


i can't find the original papers he's talking about. this guy needs to cite better smh



you can get a functionally marxist commentary on the state of the world every week in the Financial Times

there's not going to be a revolution and the "great reset" is mostly a WEF meme, what's actually happening is very different



Read some of his stuff on the situation with russia and imperialism, it's very well argued



so tell us then what exactly is happening and why is it different

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