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All the sources I've read treat it like an isolated episode in the history of philosophy without relevance to what came after the renaissance and any reference to it after the fact seems to be out of pure butthurt from catholics because philosophy became secular.
But is it really irrelevant or does it have anything worth studying from it beyond its place in history? Like for example is the scholastic dialectical method any relevant to marxism?


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its the culmination platonic-aristotelian thought which is the most 'scientific' expression of ancient ideology, western and eastern.

>According to Eliade, traditional man feels that things "acquire their reality, their identity, only to the extent of their participation in a transcendent reality". To traditional man, the profane world is "meaningless", and a thing rises out of the profane world only by conforming to an ideal, mythical model. Eliade describes this view of reality as a fundamental part of "primitive ontology" (the study of "existence" or "reality"). Here he sees a similarity with the philosophy of Plato, who believed that physical phenomena are pale and transient imitations of eternal models or "Forms" (see Theory of forms). He argued: Plato could be regarded as the outstanding philosopher of 'primitive mentality,' that is, as the thinker who succeeded in giving philosophic currency and validity to the modes of life and behavior of archaic humanity. Eliade thinks the Platonic Theory of forms is "primitive ontology" persisting in Greek philosophy. He claims that Platonism is the "most fully elaborated" version of this primitive ontology.

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