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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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Are there ANY books which deal with Marxism and theology that are NOT Protestant-centered?

So basically, books on Marxism and Catholicism/Orthodoxy, Judaism, Islam, Paganism, etc.

Don't tell me Kautsky.


The Jewish Question



Redemption and Utopia - Michael Löwy


Roland Boer is pretty explicitly Prot so I won’t recommend him.


Yeah OP I got a rune to express it.


Voegelin talks about Marxism being a form of Gnosticism. You might want to look into that.


I mean it does make sense, both hold essentially the same values but I'd argue Gnosticism boils down to just forsaking teaching others and argues instead that one can only teach the self. Least how I have always interpreted it.


Care to elaborate? I know nothing about Gnosticism and am interested in how it overlaps with Marxism.


Unironically, The Devil and Karl Marx by Paul Kengor.


Liberation Theology


interested in this as well


Jesus Is A Socialist - Caleb Maupin


Doesn’t even have anything remotely theological in it, it’s just a list of Bible verses with an essay by MLK and Daniel Ortega.


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dont forget Keating Mansfield


thanks, I was tempted to purchase this, but I distrust e-celeb shilling


>Marxism and theology
What books are there about this even? how do you mix theology with marx's materialism?


apparently dialectical materialism is actually derived from joseph dietzgen and was later projected back into Marx



Is this schizoposting?


you dont
marxism is the worst kind of socialism




There's a lot out there actually.


Cockshott doesn't understand dialectics lmao, terminal case of angloidism.

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