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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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The rigth to be greedy book migth be the worst fucking book I seen on egoism and communism .

The book starts out by making two contradictory statemenets from the get go:


Greed in its fullest sense is the only possible basis of communist society.
The present forms of greed lose out, in the end, because they turn out to be not greedy enough.’’

<Greed is not in it’s fullness in communist society, as a greedy society would be a capitalist one . That’s not to say that individual greed is capitalist . I can bee greedy and not be a capitalist .

it claims that the old forms of greed lose out when they are not ‘‘Greedy enough’’ wich seems to be correct until it is coupled with statement 1. The book tries to explain how the Narrow Egoism of Max Stirner is a weak egoism when compared to ‘‘communist egoism’’ because Stirner’s egoism takes into account only my quantity of ‘‘egoism’’ while in communist society, egoism is quantitavely larger in scope due to the fact that “society” is egoistic .
So in a summary this book argues that weaker Stirner’s egoism “will lose out in the end because it is not as greedy as communist egoism : a society where people are so egoists that they demand a stateless, classless and moneyless society where the surplus value of labour is retained and all members of society enjoy the fruits of labour according to their need.”

Or in a simple term : the collective egoism is stronger then my egoism so therefore it would always win over my own egoism.

The problem whit this hole argument is that I can use it for eny fucking ideology ever like for instance “The fascist out of a wish for a greater motherland is stronger then my ego” or “Islam out of the wish of Allah’s law (sharia law) is stronger then my ego”

Egoistic communism when I am reduce to wanting a fix communist society is not liberatory .And that is becouse a egoism wich is liberatory there isn’t a final stage where the egoist stops and thinks and says ‘‘That’s as far as I can liberate myself’’ because the egoist will always liberate himself as far as he possibly can, until death. Therefore, the book has a misconception of egoism and tries to explain it in ‘‘communist terms’’ while communism has a ‘‘final historical stage’’ — egoism has no such ‘‘final stage’’ as long as individuals or lifeforms survive in this universe.
The Book in particular seem to confuse Stirner’s Egoism with what would a Christian call egoism ‘‘Greed and selfishness’’ this is an incorrect approach to Stirner, Egoists aren’t just selfish people who want to increase our selfishness, the primary point of egoism is to ‘‘free oneself’’ from any fetter and chain by being unique and in so doing, it therefore follows as a secondary determined factor, that one be ‘‘selfish and egotistic’’ Selfishness itself is a secondary notion of Stirner’s egoism that is determined by one’s wish to acknowledge himself as the unique one and to free onself from all chains of oppression. This book seems to deny that analysis and instead simply analysis it from the point of view of ‘‘greed’’ in the most obscene and bourgeois manner. The book claims that Narrow egoism shall be transformed into communist egoism through the ‘‘socialization of greed and selfishness’’ but a selfish society is necessarily a capitalist society, I as an individual can be selfish and still not be capitalist, but a society that is selfish is necessarily a capitalist one, not a communist one. Communist society is altruisitic, even though it’s people may be selfish to a certain extent. The Egoist world on the otherhand is characterized by the fact that it is a non-society but a union of egos.

In conclusion “The rigth to be greedy for ourself” is a self contradictory communist agenda on egoism

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