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/edu/ - Education

'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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I wanna state that I'm from Pakistan and grew up in a community that was very proud of its self, we see ourselves as our ethnic group and everybody else is an outsider
Said just comes as a across as a whiny self hating cunt and applies that whiny cunt nature towards everyone outside Europe, the man knew aboustetly nothing about the middle east, south asia or the muslim world, he was a white radlib(culturally) who had the luck of having ethnic heritage to justify his basis

What? Orientalism is about cultural depictions in the west
Thanks for letting us know you're an ethnonationalist I guess

I disagreed with it, cause like it or not those ethnolouges are probably the few accurate accounts of my people, there are some bias but I have read them and they were oddly tolerate and the internetion was for understadning
Said was just to far up his own ass to see that

nah, you're just a liberal and low iq..

because most firstworlders here have the same disease, they don't give a shit about marxism or actual politics in general, they just use it as a tool to hate themselves and their surroundings. why do you think "rich kid guilt" and "idpol" are a topic here but the auto workers strike isn't?
take a random subject and try to come up with the most stupid, incongruent and straight up incorrect take that you can. now wrap it in some cheap "west bad, east good" rhetoric and post it here. as a fellow esl you can probably recognize native and non-native speakers. evaluate the reactions yourself, they won't surprise you


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