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/edu/ - Education

'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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File: 1676700757327.png (1.85 MB, 5000x3500, llllllllllll.png)


I feel like this should be mandatory reading for everyone who calls themselves "leftist" in the USA (majority of leftypol)

File: 1676701188740.png (45.3 KB, 1206x273, ClipboardImage.png)

>see thing post
>go to google and look for pdf
>first one that pops up is on cia.gov
what did they mean by this

might as well post it here while im at it

what the fuck

They probably inject malware into their own upload of the PDF

It means that they are more intelligent than stereotypical dictators outside of the West and instead of suppressing the information they even provide it themselves, because "why would they upload it themselves if the content was true? They wouldn't expose themselves right?"

The CIA has fucked with leftists for a while, they keep track of what they do.

This is fucking weird tho, "killing hope" isn't exactly promotable material when it comes to positive perspectives about the CIA. My assumption might be this >>12441 but god knows what circumstances lead to that being uploaded.

You guys are fun. It's in the url: Abbottabad Compound, where Osama Bin Laden was hiding. These are archives of the books, videos, etc. he had.

That's even more sus. What a specific and niche result to be at the top.

Is that Osama’s copy of it?

Shit guys, turn it into an NFT and make bank whoop whoop

Amazon is my first result, but I'm not being targeted by the CIA

checked the french version, google automatically offer something that seem to be it, but actually isnt… it offer the wrong translated title, and the infocard is the right title but with wrong author, and all commercial links are to that random fuck rather than William Blum

so for any french looking for it

Based Taliban

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