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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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This is a video looking at the right-wing history channel WhatifAltHist, and the broader trends in historical studies that it represents.



Just say it's your channel bro


all youtube history channel are the worst and deserve to be deleted


i think in one of his videos he mentiones TND… yikes


File: 1690376416805.png (105.17 KB, 273x389, sabaton.png)



It's worth remembering that on any platform but especially youtube, it pays (literally) to be provocative and to ride the line about what you're allowed to say. If you can get a bunch of people to make video responses to you about how problematic you are, they are doing a lot of free marketing for you.


File: 1690381477920.jpg (249.9 KB, 1200x800, cringe singularity.jpg)

>complains about reactionaries
>8 minutes in
>directly quotes Karl Popper's "paradox of tolerance" bit


There's a lot of liberal history as well, I would say that is actually the majority. IMO these are far more harmful because they're not just preaching to the choir, and they're not politically explicit.

Of course the liberal historians become obviously right-wing when it comes to left-wing events. They will not directly glorify fascistic and imperialistic counter-revolutionary forces but will instead relativize and omit essential facts so that communist revolutions appear as violent attacks by a small clique on the moderate civilized status quo, while (attempted) counter-revolutions are painted as general resistance to the aggression of that small clique. In liberal view communism is always merely a deviation from the progression to the end of history, and it happened in "backward" countries not because their starting point was different (weak bourgeoisie, usually compradors) but because their culture wasn't sufficiently westernized.


Good point. There's also probably a lot of confirmation bias going into the idea that history buffs tend to be right wing.


The vids on this guy by Fredda are better

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