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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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Can you recommend any material so I can better understand his work? I have a hard time wrapping my head around Sein und Zeit. Do you know good lectures, introductions or guides that you can recommend for that?

dreyfus has good lectures

What do you think about Heidegger? And, are you a national socialist, right? Could be good another revolution.

File: 1701588543618-1.pdf (556.1 KB, 197x255, DG Frahm.pdf)

Here are couple academic papers explaining aspects of his thought in understandable, albeit academic and kinda jargony, English. I can also explain anything you might need to understand or post more if the thread demands it. I swear that Heidegger was high on some 20th century wonder drug and used it to troll every reader for all of history. Everyone from geniuses like Adorno to midwits like Lukacs to morons like Russell hated him.
There's also a book by Irish phenomenologist Dermont Moran just called 'Phenomenology.' It just explains what phenomenology is and what each of its major thinker believes believed. It's available online as a free PDF. I'd recommend that more than anything, but it's 600 pages and my PDF won't fit.
I am a true believing Marxist-Leninist-Maoist-Dengist, hopeful for socialism with a modern, advanced ontological theory beyond the failure of the co-opted new left to better understand its place as a scientific understanding of reality, while at the same time defending the traditional tactics which have established all existent dictatorships of the proletariat. You're not a revisionist, right?

Rick Roderick gave a good talk on Heidegger.
Vid related won't embed: https://youtu.be/sDqDJJcJAOg?si=DDcvMqEERLA_W37v

File: 1701620552505.jpg (30.81 KB, 333x500, 26878575.jpg)

dugin is a Heidegger fan

Thank you. I'm preoccupied with other things atm but when I have a question maybe you will be around.

Of course. Btw, Elpidorou and Freeman make a claim about the mood-emotion distinction which is literally not found in the text, and they admit it. It's just a vibe. But the rest is decent; I most highly recommend Moran, and then Frahm.
And I found the Moran pdf online, here are two versions just in case
Marx's main inspirations were Hegal, a monarchist German Idealist, and French Utopians. Shit, we gotta drop Marx by association then

How the fuck did I type that.

I've only read the first chapter of this book called Heidegger's Confrontation with Modernity: Technology, Politics, and Art years ago and I still have a very vague understanding of this nazi cry-baby, but at least I think I understand Heidegger better than Haz and it's true that techne is a wicked thing.

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