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I plan on checking out Kotkin's work on Stalin, which I'm told is informative and you can pick out the brainworms. And Trotsky himself wrote a biography on Stalin.

The popular Mao biography is the one by Jung Chang, but that sounds like a pure polemic. 'Mao: A Reinterpretation' by Feigon is the only pro-Mao one I can find.


Deutscher did one on Stalin, and is a communist
idk if he'll be biased, I read the first book of his Trotsky biography and besides it being really really good, it made me think he might be anti-stalin, but i'd try it out, deutscher is a good writer, storyteller, and a marxist


why do you need "pro" or "anti" anything before you read?
might as well be illiterate at that point



This one is good. I recommend Mao's China and After by Meisner as well for a more comprehensive look at Mao's rule since this one is more about his personality.


Deutscher is a trot so there might be some bias.


Only one you need


You shouldn't read things because they are pro- or anti- X person, but find books that are nuanced, well documented, rely on contemporary sources and where the author gives plausible interpretations of said evidence, puts forward a logically coherent narrative and fits it into historical context.


There are zero good biographies of Mao. The information required to make a good biography hasn't been released to the public.


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The translator of the first version of the Stalin bio claimed that part of Trotsky's manuscript was destroyed because it was on his desk and got soaked in his blood during the assassination. This completed version however reveals that claim to be a total lie, there is no supporting evidence whatsoever. Seriously disappointing that a fun fact like that would turn out to be completely false.


Bruh this guy wrote a biography on his opp


I mean, he was a public figure for most of his life and everything noteworthy that he did was in public


This 1000% for every single subject
I feel like a lot of times people her ask specifically for "Can you recommend me some books that already agree with me" instead of practicing critical reading and coming to their own conclusion by reading


Why read biographies when you can read the OG sources?


Han Suyin's two books on Mao/The PRC are the best you could wish for, I highly recommend. ( Morning Deluge/Wind in the Tower )

For Stalin theres these two 'Stalin history of the Black Legend' and 'Another view of Stalin'.

also 'Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China' for the Deng Xiaoping era PRC.


i just found out about Edgar Snow and William Hinton on douban :p theyre real Gs
(re: mao biography and stuff)
Snow actually put together Mao's autobiography so that's neat

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