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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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I'm completely fed up using MSM retarded media outlets to stay up to date on either breaking news or general trends and events going on. I use guardian every day to get current events but its obnoxious to read that slop after a while. Id rather use blogs and alternative sources of news from people who have a bit less bias, slant, private interests, or total ideological retardation.


steal newsanon sites, snoop around them and look for links to other news sources, mronline has a feed of tons of external sources u can lurk to gather various global as well as independent and also leftist news sites

use RSS. I have about 50 sites i get updates from, for various interests. This is the scale you need, so you can get multiple perspectives and get keyed into big stories. Also most of these update infrequently because theyre relatively independent and small.

Oh btw Telesur is probably my main news on random normal stuff. It's biased, but I like its bias, so it seems pretty normal and non-ideological to me. It covers main news stories that you'd see on NBC or smth, but also things that don't make the patriotic news, as well as critical viewpoints rather than the unwavering trust MSM has in their state department "anonymous sources" and so on.

Don't stop rooting out bias tho. E.g. I have a love-hate relationship with Jacobin, Globetrotter, and The Real News Network. They will have well written pieces, but much bias, generally in very niche ways. Usually I read them only in order to pull out pieces of info or the gist of the actual news theyre reporting on, rather than the meaning and analysis the author gives it. Keep in mind also that many writers write for one news outlet. In independent news, there is less editorial censorship and thus more diverse viewpoints. I remember one news outlet that i found from an article critiquing a right-wing astroturf attempt to discredit the Sandinista government in Nicaragua, and twist the events (protestors vs vigilante thugs, type thing) - and then 10 more stories following the exact script laid out by that article on the same news site, mostly by one author. That was kind of a trip.


>use RSS
Use a feed reader to aggregate updates from RSS feeds, Atom feeds and etc. You can do it for most news sites, most blog sites, on nitter (privacy-focused alternate front-end site for twitter.com), invidious (alt.front-end for YouTube) and all kinds of sites, all showing updates in one spot and without all the junk.
If you pick the right one, or if you use an online RSS Generator website, you can even generate feeds from websites that don't even supply them. That way, you can be notified if this thread gets a reply without even opening your web browser!

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