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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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every time a liberal discovers that the molotov ribbentrop agreement happened, they think they've discovered some hidden gem, and the key to deboonking communism and making it a pariah in the arena of public opinion.

Perhaps they are correct.

See, the real truth behind the molotov ribbentrop pact or the winter war doesn't matter. It doesn't matter that the USSR was trying to buy time, cut off potential corridors of german invasion, etc. etc. What matters is that the liberals have a simple, and easily disseminated narrative that can be repeated much faster than the counter-arguments. In short, they have a "Big Lie."

The "big lie" is a propaganda technique that involves telling a bold, often outrageous untruth as if it were fact. The idea behind this method is that by making such outlandish claims, they will stick in people's minds more than smaller lies because of their shock value, even if there is no evidence for them. Over time, these lies can become widely accepted as truth simply due to repetition. This concept was famously used during World War II by Nazi Germany's leader Adolf Hitler who said: “The bigger the lie, the more easily it will be believed.” The term has since been adopted by other groups and individuals in order to manipulate public opinion on various issues.

The MR Pact is a "big lie." How is it told? It is told in a very simple form: Hitler and a Stalin admired each other, came together and rape poland, and only ever fought in WW2 because they disagreed on how best to divide poland.

With this big lie, you have a narrative where the last world war was entirely caused by "National Socialists" and "Regular Socialists" coming together to rape "Innocent Poland." and then the brave liberal democracies with their freedom-loving capitalist economies intervening to save everyone from the holocaust. In this narrative stalin is an opportunist who joined the winning side.

This is how most people in the EU/US/UK/Australia/Canada/New Zealand have come to see WW2. Why? Because it is convenient for their broader anti-proletarian agenda of keeping their economies in private hands.

similar energy

>the key to deboonking communism and making it a pariah in the arena of public opinion.
Why do you give a fuck?

They have tons of these though. It's not even The Big Lie, it's more like The Big Extended Universe Alternative History Fairytale, you know what, the big lie works better. But seriously, I got over tryna debunk that shit a long time ago. The people I talk to either know fucking nothing at all about history, which is way easier to work with. Or know a shit ton about history, but it's all whig historiography and ergo basically all lies. I'm high, I dunno what I'm tryna say actually.

The liberals are not uneducated, they are miseducated.

wtf is up with schizo anons lately?

Not sure anon, why don't you look in the mirror and tell us?

Why do you give a fuck that anyone gives a fuck

>implying liberalism (in the sense of bourgeois nationalist chauvinist republicanism) is not the dominant ideology of the ruling class

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