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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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I recall hearing once that there was a leftcom who wrote a deboonk of Lenin's Left Communism: an Infantile Disorder. I can't remember the author or name of the work though. Does anyone here know?

Why should I help you?

Not that anon but maybe to experience the flavour of helping that anon~
Why shouldn't you?

Because this information will be very useful for owning tankies with facts and logic.

But it seems non-genuine. He's already amusing himself with the strawman attack from Lenin.
But yes, I will answer anyway.

The first man to make a real rebuttal was Herman Gorter, a party-oriented council communist from the Netherlands. Within the councilcom tendency more rebuttals appeared afterwards, but I think they were of lesser quality, as with time their positions degenerated and came closer to anarchism. Gorter was a party-oriented Marxist communist, whose only "mistake" was to doubt Lenin's claim that the bolshevik model was copy-paste:able from the successful semi-feudal peripheral conditions where it succeeded, directly to the urbanized, advanced capitalist conditions in western Europe at the time.
>Open Letter to Comrade Lenin

When I get the time I will highlight important passages in this letter, because I think the arguments, til this day, are solid and has held up the past century of historical scrutiny.

That was the one. Thanks.

LWC is a book more often brought up than read, but it's even more of a shame that the people who do read it rarely check out the full conversation by reading the responses to it. Gorter's response is really completely reasonable, I was really taken aback reading it after being accustomed to the strawman in Lenin's book.
Bordiga also wrote a giant response to the book later on, and it's like 90 pages of him saying how much he is in favor of it, which makes it all the more hilarious that LWC is typically brought up as a gotcha against the "leftcoms" in the Italian tradition.

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>owning tankies
lol fuck off

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