Classlessness before statelessness! Anonymous 11-05-23 23:39:00 No. 14859
What is high stage communism? Statelessness, moneylessness, classlessness with the removal of wage laboring to a surplus taking class. It's supposed to be without commodity production… The world is only seen the lower end, the phase on the attempt there. The question is why did we expect high stage results, in low stage material conditions? Anons we know why it's "left" anti-communism To me it's quite clear high end communism can ONLY occur after we have won internationally. The correct position is in one nation, till all nations, till nations aren't a thing! The correct position is classlessness before statelessness! YOU CAN'T ELIMINATE THE STATE WITHOUT ELIMINATING CLASS! Class isn't a domestic relation it's a international one. You can remove the national Bourgeoisie, only to have a intensified battle with the international Bourgeoisie. AES literally couldn't remove the state, because as we all know the state is a tool of a class to dominate the other. Victory over class is the victory over the state's existence. So this gets me to a problem in our messaging. We are selling to people the world of the higher stage. We are telling them why capitalism must be removed. Revolution then what? Well nothing but surviving HAS to be the answer till international victory is won. Marxist need to get anarchist set straight. People need to know how hollow the anarchist vision is. To promise statelessness before classlessness is as infantile as it can get! To close to promise statelessness, without explaining classlessness has to come first undermines us! TLDR? Classlessness is a must to statelessness! Opposing opinions are infantile!
Anonymous 12-05-23 03:27:41 No. 14865
>>14864 Yes which would remove our class enemy, which would remove the reason to have the state. I literally made this thread to point out we have to destroy the bourgeoisie before we can the state. Then your out here
>>14862 acting like I'm just wanting an arbitrary order of operations request. Yes classlessness before statelessness. Read the title ;)
Anonymous 12-05-23 04:56:51 No. 14866
Since the state is a bureaucratic-military elite machine for class domination, it cannot be used for liberation. Such a supposed “workers’ state,” however it comes into existence, would only result in a new ruling class of bureaucrats, exploiting the workers as if the state was a capitalist corporation or set of corporations. This was predicted by Proudhon, Bakunin, and Kropotkin, way back in the beginning of the socialist movement. History has more than justified the prediction.
Instead, the anarchists propose that the workers and oppressed organize themselves through federations and networks of workplace assemblies, neighborhood councils, and voluntary associations. They should replace the police and military with a democratically-coordinated armed population (a militia), so long as this is still necessary. Such associations would provide all the coordination, decision-making, dispute-settling, economic planning, and self-defense necessary—without a state. It would not be a state, because it would not be a bureaucratic-military socially-alienated machine such as had served ruling minorities throughout history. Instead it would be the self-organization of the working people and formerly oppressed. Anonymous 12-05-23 05:26:27 No. 14871
>>14866 While I agree on principle, in practice the conditions have to be just right for this to happen, that is to say there must not be an opposition organized well enough to kill the democratically coordinated population. The problem is that military, bureaucratic and state structures are the result of a lengthy evolution toward the most efficient forms of organization designed to maintain the order and fight off or destroy their opposition and they are determined to do so.
You can't hope to win a fight against a professional army backed by an industrialized power with democratically coordinated tribes, you need to compromise on those ideals, because if you want to win you need a chain of command at the tactical level for the soldiers, you need clerks to organize the logistics, you need a comprehensive strategy designed by skilled people, you need workers in the factories churning ammunition, you need glowies and merciless people to chase the counterrevolutionaries, bottom line is you need that bureaucracy and military machine or you're gonna get killed. That's why in the real world anarchists who were half successful did compromise, spaniards voted for their officers but they had a chain of command and a military apparatus all the same, they tended to use imperative mandates rather than trusting political power on individuals but at the end of the day they still got that state they desperately hated but needed for their war effort.
That said it's good practice to seek new forms of organization better suited to anarchist and communist ideals, and who is to say that developing these will not unexpectedly yield efficient and effective means to fight states and capitalism in general? For example the practice of voting for officers in modern armies originated in revolutionary France and they beat all of Europe with it.
Anonymous 12-05-23 07:39:44 No. 14872
>>14871 Ya
During a time of war, itsno bullshit
. voting on shit doesn't even make sense. You want those who actually know tactical info to have a top down structure to enforce the response to that info.
Anonymous 12-05-23 10:25:25 No. 14875
>>14873 If you read between the lines, ordinary people will tell you plainly what the problem is. And it's not 'immigrants'. Nor is it these philosophical ideas of 'class', but bureaucracy (which is the visible alienation). Bureaucracy and alienation in all its forms are the major concern today for people. People can only be spurred into action through their own passion, if you refuse to even try to appeal to the passions you've already lost the ideological struggle. I hate optics, and I'm not talking about optics, I'm talking about an understanding that it is people that make revolution, when people wish to and have a vehicle through which to express their own will. That is, through direct action. Revolution starts on the factory floor.
One can *directly* fight alienation, but one cannot directly fight these abstract notions like 'the bourgeoisie'. In this regard, Marxists *themselves* immediately fall into idealism.
Anonymous 12-05-23 18:16:33 No. 14896
>>14859 What differentiates the political class from the politically inactive class? There are only so many seats at the table. Class is a flexible concept that immediately when some power differential distinguishes the social relations of any given two groups.
Full classlessness would require full statelessness, which is to say, it would require what Engels envisioned to be politics under totally realized communism: the monitoring and adjusting of production.
Anonymous 12-05-23 19:22:03 No. 14900
>>14859 Ocalan's Democratic Confedearlism answers this question.
Anarchists: no clear objective
Scientific Socialists: clearly oppressive states
Read ocalan
Anonymous 12-05-23 23:29:50 No. 14905
>>14903 Then there's 2050
Capitalist crisis every 10 years like clockwork
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