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/edu/ - Education

'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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I've been scratching my head about this for a while. I can't quite wrap my head around the cause of mass shootings. I'm inclined to chalk it up to burger brainrot, but there's not much unique about modern America that explains why this is a problem now but not historically. Is it alienation? Is it a symptom of an empire in decline, and if so, why isn't it more prevalent in other decaying countries that also have lots of guns like Russia or the dessicated husk of Yugoslavia? What gives, Leftypol?


I don't think anyone has a perfect explanation, but the first 10 minutes of this is probably the best one I can think of.

The U.S. seems to have a unique type of mentally-ill young man that probably relates to there being more of a culture of individualism compared to many countries, combined with loneliness and atomization and ennui. And it might also be related to empire and how war-like the U.S. really is, how enthralled by weapons we are, so it's something that is coming back around.


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feds and gun manufacturers. feds so they can disarm marginalized groups and leftists. manufacturers so they get gun buyback programs and temporary bans to decrease aftermarket supply and raise demand. also rightoids are easy to psyop into doing it for free, so it's a no cost high reward investment.


declining middle class wages, fear of the future etc the typical fascist psychological responses

big terrorist bombings like oklahoma city but there's no reason to believe any of the 400 mass shootings are glowie led


Gladio. If there are any "organic" shootings, they are not publicized. That was standing policy before Columbine, and they needed Columbine because they rooted out the people who were going to do it on their own initiative. They're really efficient at picking out who was going to shoot up a school, because almost always the shooters were shit on profusely from a young age, and put through a nightmare from the institutions. The teachers and administrators picked out kids to make them suffer. That was universally the motive of shooters who acted on their own - that the institutions did this to them, and they were attacking the symbol of oppression. Because they almost always made it clear they were going to fight back against how they were treated, it was easy to root them out, or they gave enough indicators of what they were about to do. People don't "randomly" shoot schools - they have some motive to do this and usually have a manifesto or something to that effect, or they are retaliating against a long history of attacks against them, which were known to the school. Almost always, the authorities laughed as their targets were destroyed, and after a decade plus of that, enough kids were ready to pop off. The administrators knew they created the problem so they could get the "solution", at which point the crackdown in the schools could start. Almost always, potential shooters sought redress for their very obvious grievances. The kids who would shoot for gang violence did not have a motive to attack institutions, because that was worthless for them. In those cases, the underworld violence was always contained within the underworld, specifically avoiding kills outside of their own conflicts. They did like to use thugs and gangsters to stoke general violence, and administrators were egging them on to attack each other too. Still do. They love seeing the apes fight each other because it confirms their view of the world and what the institution exists to create. None of this would have been tolerated if schools were supposed to teach anything - as in, if this is what they were going to do with schools, a reasonable administration would just destroy the apparatus altogether and limit entry to those who are prospective state employees. None of this was intended to teach anything, and they made that clear from Reagan on. They always wanted to do away with the idea that everyone could be useful to society, and that was locked in from the moment that senile retard did his dirty business and filled the government with criminals.

The school reforms were most thoroughgoing in America, where they had the furthest to fall. English-speaking society generally was class-stratified and quickly suppressed would-be rebels. It has long been known that if someone wants a gun in most countries in the world, they will find one. The only thing that would stop it is severe anti-gun laws at the level of China, and Chinese gun laws are not about concern trolling on violence, but making it clear that the Party commands the gun. The Soviet Union had similar laws for the same purpose - that it was part of the Party's monopoly on political life. Even then, the USSR and China had their version of people going postal or taking revenge against the institutions - it only changed the choice of weapon and what they could do, and which institutions they wished to attack. Some of those people were weaponized to destroy the USSR and start the Tiananmen Square incident.


They mostly tend to be lowerproles because they have the least to lose, however we see petty bourgeois types commit mass murder occasionally as well, most often in times of personal crisis. Mass shootings are not simply burger brainrot, but the manifestation of contradiction due to material conditions within the American system. Generally they arise as a synthesis of the dialectical relationship of the subject's discontent with their own living conditions and the inability for the subject to change them through individual will.

I'd suggest that mass shootings in America are the product of basic economics, as a handgun costs about 5 or 6 times less than one month's rent. Data suggests that higher income inequality leads to more shootings. Most public mass shootings occur at the subject's workplace according to the NIJ.

Practically all mass shootings are more or less premeditated, so this rules out the narrative that the typical mass shooter is just some absolute nutjob. Their discontent is misguided and they seek targets who they believe are the root cause of their angst. They tend to be genuine misanthropes and attempt to strike out at society in general for its percieved wrongs to them. Their goals are generally to end their own sad probably slavish existence and to cause damage to the society that hurt them. The narrative that something just sets the subject off is false; while they may be set off, they typically have mass murder fantasies and suicidal ideation present long before the incident.

Cultural factors are obvious. Fetishization and normalization of gun violence in media, alienation in general but especially among youth, etc.

Finding useful data the relation between class and mass shootings is hard because bourgeois sources categorize shooters by superficial categories like race.

<Specifically, the results indicate areas with the highest number of mass shootings are those that combine both high levels of inequality and high levels of income. Additionally, robustness checks incorporating various measures of mass shootings and alternative regression techniques had analogous results. Our findings suggest that to address the mass shootings epidemic at its core, it is essential to understand how to stem rising income inequality and the unstable environments that we argue are created by such inequality.


<When considered in conjunction with the literature on inequality and crime, these results indicate that counties with high inequality may foster an environment of anger and resentment that ultimately leads to mass shootings.


<Persons who committed public mass shootings in the U.S. over the last half century were commonly troubled by personal trauma before their shooting incidents, nearly always in a state of crisis at the time, and, in most cases, engaged in leaking their plans before opening fire. Most were insiders of a targeted institution, such as an employee or student. Except for young school shooters who stole the guns from family members, most used legally obtained handguns in those shootings.

<Most individuals who perpetrated mass shootings had a prior criminal record (64.5%) and a history of violence (62.8%), including domestic violence (27.9%). And 28.5% had a military background. Most died on the scene of the public mass shooting, with 38.4% dying by their own hand and 20.3% killed by law enforcement officers.


Pure fascist brainrot. Mass shootings are prevalent in Russia as well.


How does Russia compare to USA in mass shootings per capita? Source?


It's all lumpens' fault.

Jk, I'm not anti-lumpen… Only some lumpens' fault. #NotAllLumpens


If shootings were organic, it would beg the question why they don't happen more often - but because it is as I said standing policy to not report on "organic" shootings, you wouldn't hear about it. They were only reporting on suicide-by-cops during the 2016 election year to boost the idea that Trump would defend America from the darkies, somehow, and that was armed civilians taking on the police, not shooting education institutions. I doubt there would be any organic shooters who aren't detected long in advance, or who weren't being shit on so profusely for years with administrator knowledge and encouragement. It's not outside the realm of possibility, but it is very clear that many of these shootings are organized.

Hint: When they have a whole news cycle ready to go with "crisis actors" mugging for attention, it's set up to have a "National Discussion", and they come out with the gun control agitprop ready to go. These are planned and very likely the shooters are professional in a staged event, or at most given approval, funding, and a plan integrated with some authority, for a purpose. Then there are the neo-Nazi groups who are obviously part of a network - they will admit in their manfesto that they are part of a wider movement of sympathizers, fighting for the usual white nationalist faggotry. They admit they want to start a race war and that they have tacit approval from authorities and fellow travelers. That was one of the things that would be seeded with the "school shooting" media cycle. They weren't finding any more organic shooters, because anyone thinking they would inflict some political violence on the way out saw that they would be ignored and would only strengthen the resolve of the people who instigated this situation. That deterred most of the shooters, knowing that it really was hopeless and that lashing out would just make the enemy stronger. If an attack really did catch the authorities off-guard, they suppress the story as much as they can, and it quickly drops out of the news cycle. When something sticks in the news cycle and the National Discussion is encouraged, the media is telling you it's Gladio. They like dropping the hints so that the plebs "get it". They don't like the idea that plebs could actually get the drop on the administrators and score some kills.


Another reason for the decline is that the lowest class, the people who would have been desperate enough to shoot back, are basically done. There isn't any illusion that we were selected to die, and many of us just… die. There was never going to be anything for us, so why waste effort lashing out when humanity will never change? Back in the 1990s, some of us still believed humanity could change, and most of us went out of our way to avoid violence until put in situations that no man would tolerate. By the 2000s, it was clear that this was the plan and there would be no going back. I never wanted to shoot anyone when push came to shove - all I said was that these snot nosed brats had a lot of gall to act like they didn't know why someone would want to shoot up the place, after what they knew I went through. If I didn't want to kill these fuckers, then I would be crazy. But, that wasn't going to happen, and despite the over the top viciousness that became standard school behavior, I held on to the hope that there was life after school. There never would be, though. The Nazi death march had only begun. The shit they got away with in the past 20 years was all stuff I expected based on what I grew up around, and I knew the millennials were a worthless generation, the worst we had ever been cursed with. The zoom zooms were consigned to this wastage as well. It might get better with those who manage to be born now, but with depopulation in full swing, it's over for humanity. Eugenics won.


The reason being that other countries have less shootings per capita than USA is because they have yet to develop as a society to a stage as high as burgerland.


Anyway, shooting up people "randomly" is missing the point. The regime is way too secure to be attacked in any serious way with protracted guerilla war, as if you could shoot up an intel hub for DHS and expect to win. If one goes down, another hub will be established. They have a lot of depth and loyal officers committed to eugenics above all. They can continue to poke and prod for the forseeable future, but they have already begun the general purge and extermination. Funny how this violence is not "crazy" or "random" despite serving no purpose other than the thrill of sadists. But, that's the human race. They did the snuff film in NYC to sell the mayor's policy of purging the streets. Depopulation is not the future. It is now.


That all said, why would I contribute to the death, for no real gain? I have a life to live now, what little there is. I like living and, despite everything, I like other humans enough to not wish more of us to die, for the sake of a few sadistic assholes who push the worst of this. If life and love is what spites them, then I will do that, even if I'm a hateful bastard.


>Eugenics won
Technically eugenics imply selectively breeding people with healthy genes. The thing you described eugenics supporters would call "dysgenics." Although the Nazis usually equate dysgenics with race-mixing (because of course they do).


Nazis' views on dysgenics are absolutely hysterical. They unironically believe that black people are the result of humans degrading back to monkeys. Like, WTF?


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Plenty of causes for misanthtopy. Let me ChatGPT that for you:

<Misanthropy, refers to a general dislike, distrust, or contempt for humanity. It can be influenced by various factors, both internal and external. Here is a list of possible causes for misanthropy:

<Personal negative experiences: Traumatic events, betrayal, or abuse suffered at the hands of others can lead to a deep-seated mistrust and disdain for humanity.

<Disillusionment with society: Observing widespread corruption, injustice, inequality, or unethical behavior in society can erode faith in the goodness of humanity and contribute to misanthropy.

<Emotional pain and isolation: Feeling lonely, socially excluded, or experiencing repeated rejection can foster bitterness and resentment towards others, fueling misanthropic tendencies.

<Existential crises: Philosophical ponderings about the meaning of life, the nature of humanity, and the presence of suffering can lead to a pessimistic view of human existence and a subsequent aversion to people.

<Cognitive biases: Certain cognitive biases, such as confirmation bias or negativity bias, can amplify negative experiences and perceptions, reinforcing misanthropic beliefs.

<Cultural or religious influences: Upbringing or exposure to ideologies that promote a negative view of humanity or emphasize sinfulness and moral corruption can contribute to misanthropy.

<Environmental degradation: Witnessing or experiencing the destructive impact of human actions on the environment can evoke a sense of despair and a lack of faith in the collective behavior of humanity.

<Overexposure to negative news and media: Constant exposure to media that highlights human flaws, violence, and tragedy can skew one's perception of the world, leading to a pessimistic outlook and misanthropic tendencies.

<Mental health issues: Individuals struggling with mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, or personality disorders, may develop misanthropic tendencies as a result of their internal struggles and negative thought patterns.

<Disappointment in oneself: Feelings of self-hatred, low self-esteem, or perceived personal failures can lead to projecting negative feelings onto others and developing a general disdain for humanity.

<It's important to note that misanthropy is not a healthy or constructive perspective, and seeking support from mental health professionals or engaging in personal growth activities can help individuals overcome or manage these negative feelings.


>Disillusionment with society: Observing widespread corruption, injustice, inequality, or unethical behavior in society can erode faith in the goodness of humanity and contribute to misanthropy
I.e. this entire imageboard.


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'Incels' (young men who are extremely alienated from positive human interaction for whatever reason) grow up in an environment that on one hand, does not teach them proper socialization because of dysfunctional nuclear families and broken human connections that do not teach people to 'git gud' or feel warm around other people; on the other hand, the patriarchy has been partially dismantled in the west allowing women to not be forced to date them.

They rub up against the innate rot of society and, with a background radiation of right wing agiprop that specifically targets them, blame other prolaterians and become misanthropic. One simply needs the combination of nature and nurture.

I also, because of sage's research, really think that the unibomber was right except the society he was afraid of is actually based, we should genetically engineer violent reactionary personalities out of the gene pool


Guys and Guns Amok by Douglas Kellner is a pretty good read.


…Based take?


It is alienation. The types of discrimination that are most common in capitalistic societies such as racism & misogyny lead to bullying in the young population, and the problems escalate from there. The reason it’s gotten worse or happened at all in a country like Albania is because of its proximity to the empire and its ambitions, i.e. Kosovo.


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stochastic terrorism


Agricultural and industrial collapse in the US heartland beginning in the late 20th century


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