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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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What does leftypol think of GA Cohen? And can someone explain what his criticism of John Rawls was? I read some of his works and it seems like he was a cool dude.


Distributive justice is rebranded social democracy. His criticisms of dialectical materialism was retarded, but I can't expect much from analytic Philosophy on stuff like that.
His book "Karl Marx's Theory of History: A Defence" I read a while ago and remember quite enjoyed it, outside of some of my disagreements with him, It was a good defense of the primacy of the productive forces and some of the original theories of the second international. I remember the book being referenced in a paper I read by a Vietnamese Marxist.

Rational choice Marxism/analytic Marxism developed into social democracy as time went on. Sad too because there's was a lot of radical beginnings within the tendency. I can't give you much on his problems with Rawls, however if I remember correctly I'm pretty sure he criticized Rawls while still taking influence from him for some of his conceptions of morality, just from a much more critical view point.


i like him a lot. Much preferable to the racist intersectionalism that plagues the left today, although were he less Stalinist it would have been preferable.


>although were he less Stalinist it would have been preferable.
Are you talking about his economic views?


He gets mentioned here time and time again here for a reason.


Analytical marxists are a mixed bag. GA cohen is one of the better ones


>although were he less Stalinist
what does this even mean?


nix this i was mistaken

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