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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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I know this sounds like a bizarre request, but does anyone have all 3 volumes of das kapital as a single unformatted .txt file? I want to be able to ctrl+f all 3 volumes.


Probably a better way to ask is at

For anyone who wants to give constructing this text corpus a shot Capital has sadly been removed from Marxists.org for copyright claims

Fortunately I think http://marx2mao.com/ still has copies

Anybody who wants to help wants to help the text to be extracted and concatenated is from volumes 35, 36 and 37 of Marx and Engel's collected works


you can ctrl+f pdfs if they dont suck


This, even epubs can be ctrl+f'd I think




File: 1687041369976.png (23.53 KB, 583x106, ClipboardImage.png)

Also, you can copy-paste text and footnotes from each chapter page manually into a text file
A problem would be the equation graphics though


I think they might have links to a different edition that got censored by a copyright claim in the collected works part of the site then?


Posters on this board have noticeably gotten dumber since February 24
Like why the fuck would you look there first


I did an internet search on mentions of leftypol in the last month


The archive on 4plebs was one of the links on the first page


1. download 50 volumes of MECW
2. use pdfgrep to search


Whoops replied in the wrong thread to the wrong post

Damn you have a point why Feb 24th specritically
Did something happen then?


>On 24 February 2022, Russia invaded and occupied parts of Ukraine in a major escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War, which had begun in 2014.



Oh yeah thinking of all the poor innocent Ukrainian citizens of the nation founded by the Lenin being brainwashed and slaughtered by the literal Nazis sending them to the frontlines has been giving me many sleepless nights


File: 1687061648850.webm (769.35 KB, 540x540, marx_stare.webm)

>Capital has sadly been removed from Marxists.org for copyright claims


no derail pls

imagine looking at NATO's 30 year long imperialist proxy war pitting former soviet nations against each other so that NATO can loot and privatize whatever remains and thinking "ah yes, this started feb 2022"

also fuck off, that's not what this thread's about


answering the question is not a derail retard


Around the rose
Hold your nose


around the 'stache
Kick its ass


Around the black
Anarkiddie flak


done. just PDF convert to txt and pasted them together end to end.


>Capital has sadly been removed from Marxists.org for copyright claims
uh, no it hasn't
shortest communist meme


We know from further up the thread comrade >>18047

One edition they were holding has been
Come the revolution I will greatly enjoy electrocuting Lawrence & Wishart by the testicles Inshallah


there's a bunch of form feed characters ( U+000C). cleaned up txt (tr -d '\014') attached
I see. I think Marx' PhD thesis is also not on there for similar reasons


a lot of the stuff removed by lowrinse and fishfart can still be found on the archives


thanks comrade

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