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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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What's the memo regarding this? I haven't looked deeply into the case of Tuchachevsky specifically but I've heard several things.

>Czech intel sending evidence to the USSR that Tuchachevsky was pro-German and made pro-German remarks in Prague.

>Tuchachevsky was framed by German intelligence under Reinhard Heydrich and Walter Schellenberg.

>Tuchachevsky was plotting a military coup against the Soviet leadership.

My questions are:

1. What was Tuchachevsky's relationship with the Trotskyites and their secret organizations that were exposed?

2. What was Tuchachevsky's relationship with Nazi Germany and Japan?

3. Is the modern Russian Federation sitting on critical files and documents which explain the Trials and subsequent purges of the Red Army and Soviet gov? If so why?


>he still cares about this nerdy shit
Just do the rest of us a favour and self identify as history-fans, not communists.
What a sad bunch of LARPers you are.


I wish the SIM and NKVD in Catalonia eliminated all of you anarchist scum. Communists must be knowledgeable about history. If you don't want to answer or contribute to the thread then go to some CIA-funded Portland commune and eat mushrooms for the rest of your life.


Even a history fan can understand that anyone implicated in the show trials besides the secret police themselves didn't deserve to be shot like animals.


>I wish the SIM and NKVD in Catalonia eliminated all of you anarchist scum.
Liiek pottery…
Radical movements are not your gay little video game fandoms or other hobbies you retarded aspie children argue about on 4chan these days. Just fuck off and LARP as an animal instead like the rest of the retards like you.
Spare us.


both of you are shitty bitches and should leave the entire internet so the rest of us dont have to deal with your inecessant fucking whining


didnt mean to @ OP in this
im talking to >>18208 if you actually understood history you'd realize massacring slightly different communists is for actual fucking losers who get BTFO by capitalists roaders within a generation


You seem a little confused, let me make this easy for you comrade. Trotskyism is a type of fascism and has nothing to do with communism, calling them "slightly different communists" makes about as much sense as calling bourgeois republicans communist, the two are diametrically opposed. Tukhachevsky in particular was an insane warmonger and neo-pagan cultist who saw the eternal war doctrine of first wave Trotskyism as ideal for turning Russia into a volkish fascist state subservient to Germany that would eliminate Christianity and replace it with worship of Svarog. That he has admirers on this board just goes to show how far from communism leftypol has fallen


Literally nobody outside your fbi.gov.org pseudo-friend circle gives a shit.
Save it for there and spare us.




from what I remember of the threads about moscow trials, I had been convinced they were legit, and had all the necessary proofs through cross examination of testimonies and a few docs.

if the topic doesnt interest you just fuck off elsewhere maybe ? go touch grass for example


its funny cuz every trot org will accuse slightly different leninists of the exact same shit ion even fw tukhachevsky like that Im just sick and tired of minor sectarian issues being treated seriously


Interesting article here:

>Tukhachevsky persists in the historical imagination as a deeply fascinating character. The “Red Napoleon” who never was, a brilliant military thinker whose life ended in abrupt fashion at the hands of the NKVD. The execution of Tukhachevsky and his allies has traditionally been characterized as a carefully orchestrated campaign of lethal repression carried out to ensure Stalin’s absolute power. This Cold War era narrative, which has largely been discredited with the opening of Soviet archives, has been used to show how Stalin’s ostensible megalomania sabotaged his own army’s prospects on the eve of war. On the other end, many contemporary Marxist-Leninists, adhering to the view of Stalin’s Soviet state, justify the execution of Tukhachevsky on the grounds that he was the ringleader of a fascist plot.

>In contrast to both of these theories, I draw on the work of various historians to argue that the execution of Tukhachevsky was the outcome of a factional power-struggle between two competing visions over the strategic direction of the Red Army. Tukhachevsky’s notorious personal power ambitions and his embittered military-strategic opposition to Stalin’s officer, Voroshilov, were perceived as a source of internal disunity capable of a producing a crisis that could potentially derail the war effort. Historian Vladmir Rogovin, in reference to the Stalin-era purges, stressed the importance of needing “to separate the fantastic and absurd charges from the evidence of the defendants' genuine anti-Stalinist activity” (Rogovin, 1998, p. 482). This requires going beyond Stalin’s psychology and the sensationalism of the Moscow Show Trials to find the power-struggle and oppositional politics at the heart of this matter.

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