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/edu/ - Education

'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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I have a lot of views on this book, but I couldn't reasonably explain everything i want to say about it just know it's not perfect and has a ton of issues with overgeneralization and misinformation but it has a lot of things to say

Also one thing that stuck out to me were the implications of patriarchal nuclear families and social alienation along with parental abuse. How many marriages and broken down families today are byproducts of this outdatwd model and what can be expected in the future. Guess I'll have to wait and see


If we're talking about books we read recently I read this after i found a physical copy at like 25x cheaper than i seen it online. Was very good, recomend reading and also about the womens struggle, which i assume yours also is.
<Populism and Feminism in Iran: Women’s Struggle in a Male Defined Revolutionary Movement
<Haideh Moghissi


Thanks but with the remaining books I haven't finished it'll be a while before I come to read this


>How many marriages and broken down families today are byproducts of this outdatwd model
All of them?
>and what can be expected in the future. Guess I'll have to wait and see
We already see new norms emerging, like how many divorced families there are and how many people just remain single compared to in the past. Also people experimenting with new forms of family units like with found families and polyamory.


the second SEX


Fair enough anon, it was just for everyone generally really,I went in to the book thinking it was going to be a lot more libbed up than it was, but it still has a lot to say about the Marxist traditions within Iran which i thought would like people here be interested.
>We already see new norms emerging, like how many divorced families there are and how many people just remain single compared to in the past. Also people experimenting with new forms of family units like with found families and polyamory.
Obligitory mention of based Cuba for it's based new family laws and referendum which is a massive boot against reactionaries in the social-familial sphere and wider community. I guess it is to early for the Family Laws stuff but are there any books on the Cuban movement towards Referendums for such things?
Anon you can go and re-enact your childhood as a /b/tard on literally any board, why choose edu/?


Bastard can't even é right

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