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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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The anti party group were Marxists who has survived Nikita Khrushchev's purges. They attempted to democratically replace Khrushchev and return the USSR to Marxism and were arrested.


>They attempted to democratically replace Khrushchev
You mean a coup.

>return the USSR to Marxism

The USSR was Marxist until 1991, stop treating Communism as some fragile thing that cant exist with reality.




Why do people hate Khrushchev so much i just don't get it?


People are psychologically looking for the 'Judas' of Communism.




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>You mean a coup.
Carried out by Khrushchev and Zhukov when they killed and slandered Beria.


Cause he was a Ukrainian nationalist, giving Crimea to the Ukrainian SSR, despite being fully aware of OUN-B and rest of the nationalists in Western Ukraine.


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Khrushchev said mean things about daddy Stalin and these people have decided to get butthurt about it.




That was Trotsky, Khrushchev was the Pilate


Ehhh not really, at least for me. He's agricultural reforms where retarded, decentralization destabilized the state apparatus, and he's transition out of the dogmas of the Stalin era was done with the subtly of a brick, china under Deng did a way better job at this.
Wow! Every anti-communist meme rolled into one! Great contribution to the movement, we get closer to communism everytime we demonize the USSR and bitch about Stalinism!


Malenkov's wife was an insane anti-semite and he worked together with the anti-communist liberal reactionary Beria, before he himself became a religious reactionary after being kicked out of the party. Good riddance.


nonce who had it coming


He reintroduced capitalist elements to the ussr and doomed 200 million people to the violence of capitalist restoration.


<inb4 leftypol takes this opportunity to again whine about the movie they disliked.


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Just picking 2 things out of your gay list
>Freedom of press
Retard brain that thinks freedom of press is a thing in the West instead of 90% of the press being owned by 6 companies
In class society the press can either serve the bourgeois or proletariat . No you won't get to start a media company in a socialist society demanding the overthrow of the government, you will go to a labour camp
>Freedom of art
Freedom of art is completely retarded
Parasite societies in the West built an entire superstructure of art to reflect their parasitic economic status - that they just cash welfare cheques from 3rd world raw materials
It is no surprise therefore that British teachers went to Afghanistan and taught confused Afghani women that this "toilet is actually art"
This is the level of retardation in PostModern societies - collective lowering of autism score that takes place under capitalist societies. People now run around saying "everything is a social construct" forgetting that social-constructions are what separate us from animals
"Freedom of art" allows pederasts like Michael Borremans to go around making 'art' instead of being sent to dig canals in Siberia after he released his first 'painting'
Plato and Marxists are right when it comes to artistic expression


>Afghani women learning why a urinal is art from a Briton




ngl you had me until the "modern art is…. le bad" rant its literally just a matter of taste and you could have pointed out how there was argueably more artistic freedom in the USSR but instead chose to seethe abt muh urinals like a reactionary who want to defund public art


I don't cry over Trotsky getting ice-picked by the same machine that he created. Why should I cry over these losers who got their faces eaten off by the leopard after passionately supporting it for decades?


That movie is full of shit but it's still funny as fuck and I love it.


Corn is capitalist, and he made people farm it. but I did like the gvodzika is that balances it out for me personally.


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>stalin kills thousands of communist party members: this is fine
>corn man kills four of them: noooo it's a heckin lolocaust, what an evil authoritarian dictator why would someone do something like this

He built the Berlin Wall, confronted the west instead of cucking out like Stalin did with Greece, he supported Cuba and put nukes there, he put down the Hungarian putsch, he restored relations with socialist Yugoslavia instead of sperging out that he couldn't have absolute control over it.


about as real as calling Stalin the richest man in the world.
But what brings to repeat fake news about some dead glowie ?


The difference was that the communists that Khrushchev killed were god-tier and the “communists” that Stalin killed were utter shit and had it coming


Whaaa not muh Beria!!!!


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>rehabilitates honest communists killed by that butcher stalin
>BTFOs that rightist scum Beria
>singlehandedly undos multiple genocides done under Stalin with the Chechens, Balkars, Ingush, Kalmyks, etc.
>encourages brave Soviet farmers to use swaths of uncultivated land for the good of the people
>oversees humanity exploring the cosmos for the first time
>wipes away that vile ghoul Bandera
>stands firm against fascist usurpers in Hungary to the crying of radlibs, isn't scared of being called a tankie
>saves Cuba from the grubby hands of the U$A
>extended the hand of friendship over and over to China despite the childish whining of that autist Mao
>friendly toothless smile from back-breaking life as a poor peasant and brave soldier, rose up the ranks with hard work and honest ideological struggle
Tell me again, why is he so bad?
People whine about him making adjustments to the planning, but it was a fact that at the time computers were not keeping up with the needs of the vast scale of the Soviet economy.
And then there's the complaining about a "coup", when he already had the position of power, it was the Anti-Party group that was trying to usurp his rightful position without going through the necessary democratic procedures. The """coup""" is just Comrade K ensuring that proper democracy was upheld, because the party had been in support of him.


imagine siding with Beria over Zhukov


Fuck off Cockshott stop lionizing Comrade K


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Seeing what kaganovich and lazar passed through the last years of the USSR is depressive, god had some mercy and killed him atleast before the belovezha accords or pizza hut stuff.


>>18773 (me)
*Molotov*, lazar is the same person


why would anyone side with Zhukov after he proposed to separate the army from the party ?.


>Not muh Beria !!!
Guy organized the takeover of the nations that would be the warsaw pact and got his spies to get the tech for nukes, how is he bad ?.


>That was Trotsky, Khrushchev was the Pilate
An analogy that makes zero sense outside a narrow slice of the deranged tankies that seem to have infested this board.


Tankies aren't infesting this board.
Marxism-Leninism is just the last stop on the leftism train, and more and more people are realizing that.


>stalin kills thousands of communist party members: this is fine
Didn't happen.

All Khruschev's good came from stalinists who resisted his opportunism. Meanwhile, Khruschev cucked out on Cuba, tried real hard to cuck on Hungary, and fucking hell, first thing he did was to become friendly with opportunists in Yugoslavia and oppose proper MLs in China


Almost every tankie didn't start out a tankie. But serious study of Lenin will turn you into one
Leftists either become tankies (studied Lenin) or become NeoCons


Besides being a pedophile?


Failed ideology is the last stop? I hope not.


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>"First, Stalin is disowned, now ,little by little, it gets to prosecute socialism, the October Revolution, and in no time they will also want to prosecute Lenin and Marx.

This was exactly what the "glasnost" era soviet media was trying to do. The soviet mass media was the most counter revolutionary institution in the Gorbachev-Yakovlev era.


>Newfags won't understand that half of these are so hyperbolic and overblown with lies that it reads as a caricature
Don't repeat /pol/'s mistakes with irony, comrades.


nah the last stop is crypto-maoism(but NOT mlm shit)


They warned, they were disregarded despite warning about the counter revolution, i hope china atleast commit this mistake once.


>>18786 (me)
I mean, they dont commit the soviet mistake, typing from a phone suck


Warned? you don't mean Gorbachev and Yakovlev do you? They were the counter revolution!


It'd be more believable if you said Maoism lol.


They already have. China doesn't really care about Mao except as a figure for nationalism and you never see lenin or engels quoted in their theoretetic publications.


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CPC almost made a similar mistake with Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang.


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That might have something to do with the fact that the CPC and the Chinese people as a whole are more concerned with Communism as a method of action rather than endless philosophical naval gazing as they do in the West, but I'm sure Xi Jiping will be surprised to know that as the leader of the most powerful Marxist state on earth he's somehow doing Communism wrong


I mean both lazar and molotov warned about how gorbachov, kruschov and how the party were counter-revolutionary and how they begun to erase stalin and other aspects from socialism in a communist party THAT DID THE OCTOBER REVOLUTION, they were right but unfortunate that those revisionists toppled the ussr and allowed it to dissolve.
When i mean china i dont either wanna insult deng or mao, i am saying china is a progressive force on marxism-leninism and must never fall to bourgois electotalism and social democracy like the european communist parties did.


>created the first socialist superpower, forcing the imperialists to give up colonial rule for neo colonial arrangements, giving breathing space to all progressive forces by arming them and giving them alternative trade partners
>started the gender revolution, letting women be the legal equal of men in large swathes of the world, and forcing the west to follow suit
>forced socdem policies across the west to placate workers
>put first man in space
>created also all other AES states
>gave birth and allowed the development of the current biggest industrial powerhouse on the planet, setting the material stage for an end of US hegemony and development of socialism
fucking ultras, what claims to progressive historical advancement do your shitty ideology have ?


seem an awfully convenient reason though. Im not well read at all on the subject, but if this kind of shit happened today, I'd definitely put it in question


Thanks for making that clear. Yes, Khrushchev made the second most destructive decision in the history of the communist movement, and the most opportunistic.


Such a weak post


It's less embarrassing if you just admit you were wrong rather than this desperate cope


Makes you think why anfemposter, site death and tankie discussions always come at the same time every few weeks


This is somehow even more depressing than the usual perestroika-dissolution stuff. They've built the country from the ground up, and then they see coup leaders lose everything


>figure for nationalism

Oh yes, that trot propaganda caricature of Stalin feeding nationalism to pigs.


The trial proved that Beria was involved in espionage and conspiracy against the Soviet Union.


This is true. One piece about Beria that got revealed is that Beria usurped the deeds of another Beria - a communist who got imprisoned by Georgian mensheviks - and basically faked his own backstory. Suspicion is that he was blackmailed by the British over this


Yeah.. all those sacrifices and hardships for the dream of a communist society came to naught, lost to narcissistic bureaucrats, and anti-communist wreckers, who did systemic wrecking to the communist project.


>boo hoo they dont quote a German philosopher from the 1800s when trying to navigate China in the 2000s
Crazy, man. Maybe its because actual praxis consists in analysing really existing circumstances and not just parroting what someone in completely different conditions theorized to justify world-historic policies. What a fucking vapid comment, holy shit. Really nails home that to western leftists, quoting centuries-old white men is more important than actually listening to modern perspectives from the billions of people around the world analyzing their conditions and building solutions to the problems they face. You look at over a billion people in China building socialism and prosperity and all you can think about is if they quote fucking Engels????


Not for naught, no. USSR industrialized the country and righted a myriad wrongs of the empire. Current well-being of former Soviet republics is based upon Soviet legacy - and bad-being on the lack of thereof


This is true, might have been too harsh with my comments.


Would you really question your master big daddy Stalin when he told his kid to stay the fuck away from Beria's house?


Totally happened. He also dissolved corpses in his bath, people who maintained his house's plumbing contested so


>Would you really question your master big daddy Stalin when he told his kid to stay the fuck away from Beria's house?
I looked at wiki to see what bourgeois were making up about Beria
The statement about Stalin "telling his kid to stay away from Beria" comes from Simon Montefiore who is descended from a aristocratic family, was a banker and works for bourgeois media. I already was aware of Simon Montefiore as he's made up loads of lies and rumours about Stalin

But I googled Grover Furr and Beria and Montefiore and
<The Wikipedia article cited by Mike Ely is no good at all. All the citations but one come from Simon Montefiore’s book _Stalin. The Court of the Red Tsar_, which is nothing but a collection of anticommunist and anti-Stalin rumors. Moreover, Montefiore did not bother to put in the sources for the statements he made, so it is almost impossible, and sometimees plainly impossible, to check his sources. When one does check them, they are further books of rumors, rather than evidence.

<But nothing sells like anticommunism, anti-Stalin, anti-Mao, anti-Lenin, etc.

<The one other source cited in the Wikipedia article, Amy Knight’s book on Beria, is also viciously anticommunist. But Knight does record the fact that Beria’s wife and son reject the charges. She fails to mention that many Russian historians reject them as well. But Knight’s book was published in 1993, when the only materials available were those selectively published by Gorbachev’s men, to “justify” his anticommunism. We have a lot more today.


Sounds like retard anitommunist lies as usual from the legacy and fake news media


The allegations of Beria being a pedophile don’t make a lick of sense once you think about it for more than a minute. We’re meant to believe that a serial rapist and mass murderer somehow became one of Stalin’s most trusted confidants and his unofficial successor? The same Beria who lived through the purging of the 5th column and would have been arrested had there been suspicion of wrongdoing on his part?


>comes from Simon Montefiore
Of course. Dude also made nonsense up about Stalin being a child rapist, when said kid's own diary had literally nothing relating to such allegations. He just made it up, what an imagination. Everyone he doesn't like is actually a child rapist.
He's also on Epstein's book, which would be so hilarious the obvious were concluded.


They literally found buried corpses of dead young women on his property.


So? What's the more likely explanation, do you think?


Praxis is about building upon theory. This requires quotations of foundational Marxist thinkers. Every single revolutionary party right now still reprints Engels works.


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Is there even a shred of evidence that fucking Beria was the standard bearer of Marxism in the Soviet Union?


There is none at all, except that for some pseudo-communists who are such contrarians, so convinced anything bad said must be slander, that psychopathy, sadism and mass murder become to them the barometers of socialist conviction and achievement.

The fact is Beria was a traitor and a liberal. An unscrupulous careerist from the start, likely working with British intelligence tos ome extent from the civil war. He rose up in the ranks because he was extremely diligent and hard working, a very efficient and brutal torturer and organiser. He had nothing but contempt for marx and marxism, was never a leninist and never had any sincere comittment to socialism. He wanted nothing more than to dismantle the party and sell socialism out to the west, starting with east germany.


Furrpill me on Shepilov


More of a two retards fighting situation, both for their own self-interest, both against socialism. But at least Khruschev was milder and didn't want to close shop and sell out to the US straight away


>honest communists killed by that butcher stalin
Such as?


I think the accusations of Bukharin being a traitorous agent of German and fascist imperialism were very vile smears and that he didn't deserve to die. Ezhov isn't innocent but he maintained in his final conversation that he had been tortured into admitting to made up crimes so I also think there's a great deal of doubt that can be dropped onto the investigation process itself.


that photo aesthetic for real


Bukharin was an open collaborator with the genocidal Trotsky and he confessed to being part of Trotsky’s terror network, he should be remembered the same way we remember Hitler


Stalin worshippers simultaneously believe that Yezhov had a secret plot during the several years of being in charge of the NKVD to kill such a sheer amount of people that the Soviet populous would rise in rebellion, and also that no one died during that same time who didn't deserve it.


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>But what a lack of judgment it requires to declare the Commune sacred, to proclaim it infallible, to claim that every burnt house, every executed hostage, received their just dues to the dot over the i! Is not that equivalent to saying that during that week in May the people shot just as many opponents as was necessary, and no more, and burnt just those buildings which had to be burnt, and no more? Does not that repeat the saying about the first French Revolution: Every beheaded victim received justice, first those beheaded by order of Robespierre and then Robespierre himself! To such follies are people driven, when they give free rein to the desire to appear formidable, although they are at bottom quite goodnatured.
t. Engels


Bukharin was a proto-dengoid and that's bad enough without making shit up.


Turns out, the Bukharinite-Dengist line was the correct one. The USSR is gone while the PRC is economically defeating imperialism. Huh.


>PRC is economically defeating imperialism.


The facts don't care about your idealist dogmatism.

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