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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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In a capitalist mode of production, scientists are downstream from economics. They are merely workers hired to produce a commodity called research. In capitalism the seller of a commodity (whether that commodity is a good, a service, or labor power) doesn't have the power to tell the buyer (whether end consumer or capitalist) what to do with it. Since it is the capitalist (or their bourgeois representatives in government) who are buying the research (labor commodity) from the scientists (workers), they can use the knowledge in the research however they like. They can withhold it from the public. They can use it to make weapons. Under capitalism, no matter how strictly a scientist obeys the scientific method, or how consistent their personal set of ethics are, they are at the end of the day, merely workers hired in a capitalist mode of production. This is why liberal appeals to "science, logic, and reason." fall flat under capitalism. It is the bourgeoisie who decide what to do with the knowledge (commodity) produced by scientific research (labor).


Under capitalism, the whims of the ruling class become the “science” that people follow. Under socialism, it is science that guides the state, so there’s a level of objectivity that’s missing from bourgeois pseudosciences


science can exist under capitalism, as can bourgeois pseudosciences. It's just that under capitalism, the bourgeoisie decide what to do with knowledge discovered through the scientific process. Sometimes they keep it secret. Sometimes they use it oppress the proletariat. It is not that all science under capitalism is pseudoscience, or that real science never happens under capitalism, it is that science is a commodity under capitalism.

This is the proper understanding of the issue. I sometimes see people suggest real science is impossible under capitalism, or that any discovery made by science under capitalism is pseudoscientific. I do not think that is true.


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>You should have listened. Super cereally


It's not only that scientists are subordinate to capitalists as to whether anyone pays attention to their research - scientists are subject to capitalist funding for their projects and as such don't even get to decide what to research: money makes the decision.
Much like the film industry as George Lucas pointed out, the market determines what you're allowed to do.


>This is the proper understanding of the issue. I sometimes see people suggest real science is impossible under capitalism, or that any discovery made by science under capitalism is pseudoscientific. I do not think that is true.
Since the material reality is the same no matter who looks at it, as long as the research is being done without a predetermined conclusion by its funding (Oil funded research on climate change, Cigarette industry funded research on cancer, etc.) there's a good chance capitalist science arrives at the actual truth.


>knowledge (commodity)
is knowledge really a commodity, genuinely asking
>unspoilered gore


Even the south park guys realized this shit was cringe.


A lot of research is done from funding from the state so the bourgeoisie don't interfere with science that much. That isn't to say that the scientific community is free from any excess PUBLISHING BIASES AND MERCHANTS OF DOUBT but it is not a fully commodity yet.


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And who controls the state?


>there's a good chance capitalist science arrives at the actual truth.
exactly. the real problem is that the conclusions discovered by scientific research under capitalism is gatekept as a commodity and/or and used to oppress the proletariat.


>is knowledge really a commodity, genuinely asking
scientific research (and the knowledge it contains) has use value and exchange value. it is produced through human labor. therefore it is a commodity.


You should know by now that anything can be commodified under capitalism.


when I was a younger science autist I always wondered why the people I thought were the smartest allow themselves to be controlled by business and marketing majors


>A lot of research is done from funding from the state
the state under capitalism is a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. and I mean the state UNDER capitalism. as opposed to some dirigisme type situation where commodity production continues temporarily during a transitional phase or whatever


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>conclusions discovered by scientific research under capitalism is gatekept as a commodity
Buy full PDF for only $39.99!


science doesn't guide china's state


good, but we can go even deeper

>Quantum mechanics drags in a train of cultural images that an orthodox economist would shudder to entertain. It preaches fundamental and irreducible indeterminism at the micro level, wreaking havoc with the neoclassical penchant for Laplacian determinism and methodological individualism. Were the quantum metaphor to be imported into economics, it would precipitate mis trust and perhaps full dissolution of the vaunted neutrality of the economic scientist with respect to the social object of his research.

>by the 1960s the neo-classical [economics] research program became helplessly locked into the physics of circa 1860, and persists in this predicament to the very present.


This is almost completly unrelated, but I hate pilot-waveoids with a burning passion. Worse and more scientifically dishonest than unironic Copers and redditors soyfacing at quantum universe splitting. And yet somehow these rats manage to linger in leftist spaces and shit and fart everywhere, probably because they are the Lysenkoists of physics with the exception that no noteworthy theory or prediction was ever made by them. Meanwhile lysenkoists can at least point to epigenetics.
Thanks for reading my blog.


>no noteworthy theory or prediction was ever made by them
Translated from seething into normal English: Nobody can disprove our Pilot-Wave Chads and Staceys.


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Most universities have blanket subscriptions which any student or faculty member can access - you either enter the ivory tower, or have to pay out the ass. Of course this only further alienates the average person from the scientific community. This is why that schizo Stalinist who runs SciHub is basically a living god to me. The entire country of India would be unable to do any kind of research without her.



>Meanwhile lysenkoists can at least point to epigenetics.
And vernalisation
There are orchards of fruit in Moscow and St Petersberg even now that we're Lysenkos work


I love her


Congrats, you've just rediscovered what posties and anprims were talking about for, like, three decades or so.


Eh, could you link some of this for me I'm surprised anarchists independently discovered it since it's right there in the theory of comrade Stalin among others


As if posties haven't read Marxists themselves.

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