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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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is classics full of nazis? i really like rome/greece, cause history is cool and ever-present, but it seems like people who really like it are a bunch of nazis.

but i really like it too.



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i'm far too historical-materialist pilled to become some blood and soil moron, but would these be my colleagues or fellow-travelers? this meme made me butthurt. 1) it's dumb, 2) it's the normalization of fascism under the aegis of "rome"

i guess i should learn more about home mussolini used the idea of rome.

and what intellectual work is there to be done as a marxist in this field, generally? what do you guys think? i know there's people saying "rome isn't white" "askcually greece is asian" but that's uninteresting and still falling into 19th century race discourse imo



Most nonfiction books often directly or indirectly reference socialism or promote socialist policy


What the fuck is a youtube male?


History as a whole is not a fascistic or reactionary field. There are however, historians with reactionary biases, either because of their material interest (an aristocratic historian like Gibbons would be biased in favor of the Roman establishment, for example) or because of deliberate government agenda. The insane "patriotic history" genre is a good example of this (i.e this figure in Serbian history is actually Albanian, Genghis Khan was a dharmic warrior crushing Muslims, Black people actually enjoy slavery)


The attempted appropriation of ancient Greece and Rome by Nazis to bolster their fabricated white chauvinistic identity doesn‘t make ancient Greece and Rome as topics something intrinsically Nazi.


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nazis are too busy drawing chvdjak gemmies and turning into meat cubes in donbass to study the classics. To the extent that they engage with the classics at all, it's to photoshop roman statues into their fashwave wallpapers. Reminder that Marx as a classics major and inherited dialectics through Hegel from Aristotle.(Mod notice: last post from moved thread, this message will be removed later)

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