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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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Honest question: if the Vatican II council was truly a product of communist infiltration (as tradcaths love to claim) how the FUCK did it fly under the radar of the CIA?

In the 1960s the CIA was overthrowuyghovernments around the world, manipulating leftist movements, engaging in mass disinformation campaigns, and so on. If they got word the biggest and most powerful religious institution in the world was infiltrated by communist agents who were pushing all sorts of reforms in the Church, why did they do nothing about it? Or if they did, why do we have no record of it?

Not to mention, how did all the alleged commie priests in the US fly under the radar of the FBI during McCarthyism?
281 posts and 85 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Just fuck the Church and their Road to Damascus bullshit.


It's very obvious Sheen lovebombed her and manipulated her into snitching. Sheen had a whole group organized specifically to missionize to former communists and groom them into tattletelling on their former comrades.



Catholic leaders: the world is becoming increasingly liberal and we need to loosen up a bit to not lose followers



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How anyone takes anti-abortionists seriously at this point is beyond me


This shit makes me rage.


>The Catholic Church called Communism a peril to democracy
Not the Ustase though I guess.
>Mass murder occurred through the summer and autumn of 1941. The first Croatian concentration camp was opened at the end of April 1941, and in June a law was passed to establish a network across the country, in order to exterminate ethnic and religious minorities.[17] According to writer Richard Evans, atrocities at the notorious Jasenovac concentration camp were "egged on by some Franciscan friars".[17] Phayer wrote that it is well known that many Catholic clerics participated directly or indirectly in Ustaša campaigns of violence, as is attested in the work of Corrado Zoli (Italian) and Evelyn Waugh (British), both Roman Catholics themselves; Waugh by conversion.[18]

>The Croatian Franciscans were heavily involved in the Ustaše regime.[19] A particularly notorious example was the Franciscan friar Tomislav Filipović, also known as Miroslav Filipović-Majstorović, known as "Fra Sotona" ("Friar Satan"), "the devil of Jasenovac", for running the Jasenovac concentration camp, where most estimates put the number of people killed at approximately 100,000.[20][21] According to Evans, Filipović led murder squads at Jasenovac. According to the Jasenovac Memorial Site, "Because of his participation in the mass murders in February 1942 the church authorities excommunicated him from the Franciscan order, which was confirmed by the Holy See in July 1942."[22] He was also required to relinquish the right to his religious name, Tomislav. When he was hanged for war crimes, however, he wore his clerical garb.[23]

>Ivan Šarić, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Vrhbosna in Sarajevo, supported the Ustaša, in particular the forcible conversion of Orthodox Serbs to Roman Catholicism. His diocesan newspaper wrote: "[T]here is a limit to love. The movement of liberation of the world from the Jews is a movement for the renewal of human dignity. Omniscient and omnipotent God stands behind this movement."[24] Šarić appropriated Jewish property for his own use, but was never legally charged. Some priests served in the personal bodyguard of Pavelić, including Ivan Guberina, a leader of the Croatian Catholic movement, a form of Catholic Action. Another priest, Božidar Bralo, served as chief of the security police in Sarajevo, who initiated many anti-Semitic actions.[25]

>To consolidate Ustaša party power, much of the party work in Bosnia and Herzegovina was put in the hands of Catholic priests by Jure Francetić, an Ustaše Commissioner of this province.[26] One priest, Mate Mugos, wrote that clergy should put down the prayer book and take up the revolver. Another cleric, Dionysius Juričev, wrote in the Novi list that to kill children at least seven years of age was not a sin.[25] Phayer argues that "establishing the fact of genocide in Croatia prior to the Holocaust carries great historical weight for our study because Catholics were the perpetrators and not, as in Poland, the victims."[27]



<catholic priest sexually harassing young women
That's new for me!


I wonder how TradCaths will reconcile their rabid American ultranationalism with the fact that by 2030 the majority of their flock in the US will be brown immigrants that are anathema to other ultranationalists.



You have to live in USA in a world where women actually value themselves as mothers first and workers second, despite both being mutually inclusive. Religion is the key element to this and these people will start talking about jesus or god et cetera even though they participate in an economically harmful, un-christian economic regime that they otherwise support unconditionally.

Simply put, it is wilful ignorance. They just want to control people and ban thing because thing is scary and introduces difficult conversations about family planning that most Americans don't want to have.


White supremacy is never consistent. Christian nationalism is almost always white supremacist despite whites in America being the least religious of every demographic.


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the ultranationalists are mostly brown mexicans and the nationalism is with the Roman Empire. You *did* read VALIS, didn't you? It explains everything, it's like the Communist Manifesto but for schizophrenia.


Every mother is technically a worker. Labour done in the home is crucial to the functioning of capitalism. That's why the ruling class is obsessed with birthrates being too low and abortion is being banned in way more states than it's being kept legal.



True although I'd argue that it's less "needing high birthrates" and more "keeping people distracted". Religious people are incredibly stupid and want to remain stupid. This is especially true for American religion where self-analysis is not permitted and the preacher is a literal billionaire who explicitly preaches that god doesn't help people who can't help themselves.


Low birthrates spell a disaster for capitalism. It's not just about wanting more wage slaves and keeping the rate of profit high, but also about capitalists wanting returns on investments. Think about how much money capitalists invest in, say , the housing market. Now imagine a population decline over 20 years. All of that property goes to waste because there's no buyers.


>Christian nationalism is almost always white supremacist
I've always wondered why this is the case tbh. If you look at other Abrahamic religion fundamentalists, like say the Salafists or just the garden variety islamists in North Africa, you'll be very hardpressed to find any explicitly racist religious people, like at all. Of course in practice these reactoids often discriminates against ethnic minorities, but you'll never see explicitly racial supremacist fundamentalist among Muslims unlike with Christians in Europe and America. Which is weird since, logically speaking the Imperialist and more martial Islam should've been more racist than the cosmopolitan Christianity


Islam is tacitly Arab supremacist.


>progressive pro-lifers have their activism directed by Christian fascist Randall Terry


Would this be before or after the CIA trains the mujahideen in guerilla warfare?


Ask any ethnic group in the SWANA that's been Arabized.


I want to fucking gulag these people immediately.


Her IG.


>works with known fascists
>”I’m Antifa”


>Randall Terry is the only reason abortion is a political issue

Comstock would like a word.


Ironic because Fulton Sheen supported Vatican II reforms.


New Kengor


>muh rich kids drawn to Marxism
This idiot knows most CPUSA leaders were working-class right?


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Noteworthy quotes:
"He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword;"

"…I have seen Him in the watchfires of a hundred circling camps;"

“Soldiers! Let us humble ourselves before the Lord,"

Noteworthy themes:
1. Declare oneself oppressed.
2. Merging the State with Theology
3. Getting people to think of themselves as soldiers is not a positive development.

"The real question posed is, how have we, as Catholic Christians, shed light on this ongoing, state-sanctioned, taking of life?
The next question is how have we “salted the earth” in which this loss of our children is acceptable?
The third question is are we willing to become the “city set on a hill” which directs and supports women to choose life?"

1. Declare abortion state-sanctioned.
2. Ask what do you do?
3. Tell people to become a propaganda arm.




Chicago Italian beef: so good you’ll tell everyone:



Red brown shit. All these pics of Terrisa Bukovinac, Lauren Handy (“fetus bandit”), and Elise Ketsch (known by her monicker “antipersonhood”) with Christian fascists prove where their alliances are.


LOL imagine having fans who defend the Piss Boys on your page. Fuck these people.




No. Fucking. Words.

Kristin Turner also calls herself an “anarchist” and lives in the Bay Area.




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"me, try posting something
even mildly anti-woke on the
internet. The Jacobin mob will
be on you in moments. And
if you read the ideologues
behind wokeism, you will see
that being, say, a white male,
or an advocate of traditional
religious values, makes you
permanently a reprobate,
with no hope of redemption.
If you doubt me on this score,
ask any woke enthusiast
just how much apology or
reparation is required to
relieve an offender of his
guilt. You will find that the
answer is "never enough." So,
on the one hand. evervthing"


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"…parents today are bombarded with the often-negative impact that social media is creating.

One step towards combating this impact, as the bishops advocated throughout the day, would be to prohibit the use of social media algorithms on children under 18 (H.F 1503 / S.F. 2101).

The bishops shared … stories from their pastoral experiences of helping families navigate the psychological strain that social media is having on the youth…

…that it is often through social media, that seeds of gender theory are planted, fertilized, and start to grow. By embracing gender ideology, today's culture aims to…"

Occurrences in last 2 posts:
1. Bishop Barron trashing "wokeness"
2. Catholic organization in MN condemning Social Media.


>bay area
bayarea415 is that you ?


"H.F. 366/S.F. 165 blocks the governor from extraditing to other states any crime connected with "reproductive health care services," which include abortion. The bill has already passed through the House."



You fucked up the minute you assumed this has anything to do with what the truth is. They don't care as long as it convinces a few people who are ignorant. They're weirdly Machiavellian for people so spooked.


No words for how batshit this video is.


This one is worse.


the dimond brothers are notoriously batshit insane, even to other traddies.


What the hell is this Fatima shit about?


"errors of Russia"

"consecrate Russia" -> Consecrated whole world

"Immaculate heart will triumph" - Vague victory

Marian Apparitions: Fatima, Our Lady of Akita

End times esque quackery.

Advice for atheists when looking at Catholic Theology:
1. Ignore the belief, look at the outcome. The "Holy Family" is antiLGBT. The "Respect for Life" as a rebrand for ending Womans Choice.
2. Remember that these are quackers. Don't look to hard at it.

Get this extension https://ocr.space/copyfish
It will allow you to look at bat-shit crazy bulletins that and transcribe the image into text.


pfft svc had nothing to do with leftism, it meant the acceptance of the church towards bourgeoisie liberalism. just a way to keep the institution alive after totalitarian regimes fell out of favour


New vid on the subject.


This pretty much.

V2 also threw a bone to fascism IIRC.

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