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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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Where can I learn about "post-colonial" history of African countries? Preferably something in depth about the economy and also preferably by someone who isn't a neoliberal mouthpiece. Perhaps a Marxist even. Do you have any literature/author recommendations?

Lol, this thread been up for a year. Anyways, I do remember Julius Nyerere wrote about ujamaa and stuff, but I don't remember

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this book is pretty good, and i know the author and hes a great guy
its goes mostly over modern history of the past 2 decades and also being the socialist era gov given that he lived under it
idk where you can buy it as its available at a local shop to me but if i find any more info ill be sure to post here

Oh, interesting suggestion. Yeah I was about to ask for a pdf but report back when you come up with a solution

aye aye comrade

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A fundamental issue with all Post-Colonialists fields, is that they are written by dipshits who would be considered the top 1% of their own nation, and whose defining moment of racism is being called a slur once at Oxford. Most of their theories were simply imitating Marxism, but with elaborate theatrics to an extent

yo sorry, been a while. so for personal reasons (logistical, not emotional) i havent made any progress on online ordering/online ebook question of whether the book i posted is available as either. There is another (i think) good book about somalia which is this
https://archive.org/details/socialistsomalia00sama i havent read it myself but its sighted by most indepth modern (recent) histories of somalia that ive read that are in english. the general problem with indepth somali social and economic history is that theres mostly jack and shit about it in english and theres somehow even less online in somali too. theres only *1* book i could find about the economy of somalia before Barre's "socialist" coup and its was made like 2021. ill send a link to it tommorow but ive gotta buy since its nearly out of stock

Hey, nice and thanks for getting back to me. I will def give it a read when I'm done with some other books

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me again, ive bought the book i was reffering to before and jesus christ its big. the author goes into a lot of detail in colonial and post-colonial southern (italian) somalia from after ww2 and ends at the stalinist coup. i will warn that the author intends the book to be read by a somali/muslim so you may have to look up some shit about clans or somali history to get what hes talking about at parts and he also worked for the liberal democracy goverment, the socialist goverment and for the UN's """peace keeping""" tranistional goverement so you may want to be wary of this mfs political POV. he does use sources that havent been used before too, as much as i dislike the guy i still really recommomend the book

Damn boi, thanks again. I will give it a read when I'm done with my current reads.

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