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/edu/ - Education

'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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Was paganism in Europe the north of the Roman Empire even a thing?
Northern Paganism have given Catholics a perfect excuse to invade and oppress people of these territories, like how it happened in Prussia and other places, and it just so happens that everything we know about it was written by Catholics. None of these Northern Pagans thought that their religion, which they were supposedly practicing for centuries, was important enough to document it.


I mean yeah I'm sure they did, pretty much every society has had some kind of god-belief idea. You realise 'pagan' just means 'not christian (or muslim)' right?


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>None of these Northern Pagans thought that their religion, which they were supposedly practicing for centuries, was important enough to document it.
Pagan tradition was mostly oral. The earliest preserved written records from this time are the Merseburg charms and Beowulf. We do have archeological records in the form of hill graves, nature sanctuaries and ritual offerings in bogs though.


The archeological evidence seem to be based on just the assumption that we're seeing are religious artefacts and not just secular portrayals of humans and nature.


Mass literacy is a very recent phenomenon in human and european history. A bunch of barbarians living in huts and praying to wotan have no time for writing books. Most native religions are based in oral traditions since its tied to the land, not something to be exported beyond it.
Christianity is based on spreading itself which is why it was taken up by the roman state who used it as an excuse for conquest. Every enslaved people in the name of christianity nears the kingdom of heaven on earth slowly but surely.



Roman primary source on Ancient Scandinavia


Roman primary sources on the Druids


Note: The druids were literate in greek letters but did not want their teachings committed to writing, because they wanted their teachings to be kept secret and committed to the memory of their trainees.


it is in the name, it was a rural thing practiced by isolated groups. most barbarians practiced the religions that were common in the empire
the roman empire expanded into christianity, not the other way around. and not just from a material perspective, the church fathers twisted the original semitic cult into a vessel for their platonic philosophy. read contra celsum


>the church fathers twisted the original semitic cult into a vessel for their platonic philosophy
platonic philosophy arrived in Judea through the Hasmonean dynasty, and their is no "original" semitic cult. Judaism itself evolved out of Yahwism, which evolved out of Canaanite polytheism, which evolved out of various forms of Mesopotamian polytheism. By the end of the Babylonian captivity, Judaism had become monotheistic, began incorporating angels and demons from Zoroastrianism into their theology, and had begun incorporating platonic philosophy into their understanding of God. Judaism split into Sadducees, Essenes, Zealots, Pharisees, and Early Christians. Only Pharisees and Early Christians survived the Second Temple period. Pharisees became Rabbinic Judaism and Early Christians split between Jewish Christians and Pauline Christians. Pauline Christians evolved into Nicean Christians, which became the basis for Roman Catholicism, and Jewish Christians who still abided by dietary restrictions, etc. possibly became the basis for Islam later on. The idea that there is an "original" forgets that religions, just like languages, are fluid, evolving social constructs and not eternal doctrines that have "Fallen" from their original state. They split. They merge. They change. They grow. They shrink. They sometimes go extinct. But there is no "original" we can point to because if you go far back enough they evolve out of poorly documented pre-historical traditions like ancestor worship, ceremonial burial, oral myths and legends, etc. Before written history you have ~200,000 years of unwritten religious practice by the human species.


semitic cult as in, the original cult around jesus. please tell me that's a chatgpt prompt or something and you didn't write this shit by hand
/edu/ is supposed to be about education but I'm not going to explain historical materialism, it is clearly out of your league


>semitic cult as in, the original cult around jesus.
That's not what the word semitic means
> please tell me that's a chatgpt prompt or something and you didn't write this shit by hand
I did type it myself, yes.
>/edu/ is supposed to be about education but I'm not going to explain historical materialism, it is clearly out of your league
Have you eaten today? Did you get enough sleep? It seems like you might be in a bad mood.


>platonic philosophy arrived in Judea through the Hasmonean dynasty
You mean the Greek Seluecid dynasty

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