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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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Hello, i used to be a white nationalist. i don't want to be one anymore after my life went to shit when everyone found out. i was radicalized by the alt-right by my friends when they became nazis in early this year. i viewed their white nationalist rhetoric as correct. they stopped being my friend when they found out i was trans and gay, and i still held onto the white nationalist beliefs when we stopped being friends. i want to fully get rid of my white nationalism and become a leftist. i go by they/them pronouns btw.


i'm going to try bumping this thread


Read Black Skin White Masks and avoid Orthodox Marxists and MLs, they are as crazy and are out to convert you to their nonsensical beliefs as much as any white nationalist.


Why did you hold onto your white nationalist beliefs and what specifically are they? Since you are already willing to change your beliefs but haven't succeeded on your own, what is stopping you from shedding what remains of your beliefs?


i held onto my beliefs because i believe them as truth. i always see examples of “anti-whitism” online so it radicalizes more when i'm trying to not be radicalized. i want to know why white nationalism is wrong.


Idk man I'm not paid to educate you. Why don't you read a book or something


i’m looking for a book to read, someone said i should read Black Skin White Masks, which i am reading as we speak.


I recommend reading Lenin's The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism, then moving on to Marx's writings on economy. You'll eventually forget this culture war bullshit as you learn about how the world actually works.


You're a douchebag, and incidentally a fool for saying that on /edu/.

Well, the reasons race supremacy is wrong is that it is founded on lies or poor interpretations of facts (for example, in the US, misattributing issues to race which are really caused by socio-economic factors is a very common pattern). And it's hard to demonstrate that without knowing what you believe to be true, so that's why you were asked what specifically they are.
Alsi, white nationalism is also not constructive. Even if it were right, it wouldn't be a useful attitude. There are obviously a huge amount of smart, friendly, helpful people from other races and many poor examples of white people (especially in the alt-right). Even if one race were overall superior… so what? That doesn't imply anything about individual members of each of those races.

Or is your nationalism based on some other idea?

>i go by they/them pronouns
You're on an anonymous imageboard, your identity is off-topic here. Your pronouns are comrade/anon to me.


This raises another point - most of the problems in our society aren't caused by race issues, they're economic issues that result from capitalism and the quest for unlimited profit. Capitalism was shitty when it was dominated by the elite whites and it's still shitty under a more racially diverse collection. The problem is capitalism, not which races are at the top. Racism is a distraction from real, existential issues facing everyone on the planet.


I didn't really believe that whites were superior, my white nationalism was protecting the white race from "anti-white attacks" and the such.


isn't this class reductionism?


white nationalism is 'correct' if the world is viewed superficially atleast in its current or past state but once you realise the logic of 'why' is when you become marxist


what does this mean


when you view the world without the lens of historical materialism.


It would be pretty good to have some kind of "deprogram" curriculum aimed at specific ideologies like nazis or lolberts.



i know why orthodox marxists/kautskyites are crazy, but what's wrong with MLs? I would consider myself a hoxhaist.


I'm not trying to say everything is caused by class or that it's the only thing that matters, but that issues stemming from economic class are almost always far far far more important than race, to the point where race conflicts should be discouraged where possible.

Not that comrade, but I don't see anything wrong with it.


if people care who i am, i am commandgenius2. just look my name up on twitter for a summary of my nazism. i want to get rid of my nazism.


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the leftypol twitter liked an image making fun of me. it’s so over.


>my friends literally escaped the gulags

who lol?


i’ve gotten over that, those “friends” were losers, they’re grandparents did and they moved to francoist spain. they didn’t convince me of the white nationalism


I see. Well what aspect of Nazism are you struggling with?


the racial aspect, i believe that the white race is “under attack” and the such, plus i believe black peoples entire culture is built off of “anti-whitism.” i want to know why those beliefs are false


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just chill out i guess? idk reading these posts it’s like you’re freaking out
white nationalist and “race science” ideology are less internally consistent than your average capeshit story, read up on the basics of marxism if that’s what you want to learn
Principles of Communism is a good one to start


>i believe that the white race is “under attack” and the such

Ok, how? I mean I guess you will say immigration but you realise that is done by migrants for economic reasons, and allowed by western governments for economic reasons also (cheap labour)?

>i believe black peoples entire culture is built off of “anti-whitism.”

I mean they definitely have an axe to grind but come on it's not like the average black person actually is like 'muh kara bora, all whitoids must be killed', that's just dumb /pol/ trolling.


i’ve read principles of communism before. i just want a book explaining how “anti-whitism” is false and how the white race isn’t being replaced. i also want to know how to not be offended when someone says anti-white “slurs”


i believed the white race is “under attack” because of immigration lowering the white and european population, white asian countries like japan get to stay japanese and asian, but britain has to have a bunch of arabs.


*while asian


>i believe that the white race is “under attack”
there is no white “race”, this is a made up concept used to separate workers by their skin color
our species has one race, the human one
>i believe black peoples entire culture is built off of “anti-whitism.”
im assuming you’re american in this reply so if i’m off sorry
this one has a little bit of truth behind it since the development of “black culture” in the US was obviously molded by slavery, white supremacism and discrimination so you do have some elements from rejection of “white culture”, but it’s not like people with these different cultures can’t exist together and share their experiences right? why does this matter when we can all work together to improve our lives regardless if we’re “black” or “white”?


so, black people don’t want to kill every white person they see? if so that makes me a less of a white nationalist. i guess all that’s left is to just figure out how to stop being offended by “anti-white slurs,” since when i see them online i end up regressing back into nazism


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Well western governments have made the choice to allow immigration for economic reasons like I said. If you look at Japan and South Korea they have more 'ethnic purity' sure but they also have horribly dysfunctional societies where the suicide rate is even higher than the west and birth rates even lower, and there's a horrible culture of overwork. The truth is that the west needs immigrants to prevent further social disruption and difficulty for businesses. Now we could potentially solve the problems without 'mass' immigration but that would require central planning to actually make the economy viable for everyone. For example fruit pickers and other agricultural workers would need to be paid way more and useless jobs like advertising would need to be eliminated.

But furthermore why does 'attack on the white race' actually matter? I mean it's not like white people are being hacked to death in the streets on the regular by non-whites. You can even find a white partner to have kids with if you want to 'preserve the bloodline' or whatever.

>i guess all that’s left is to just figure out how to stop being offended by “anti-white slurs,” since when i see them online i end up regressing back into nazism

I mean yeah it kind of sucks that some people are so glib with how they talk about white people but white people are basically the demographic the least affected by racism, calling a black person the n-word is way worse than calling a white person a cracker because like, you can just laugh it off, you know you are not seriously at that much risk of discrimination in society.


>so, black people don’t want to kill every white person they see?
no? lmao sorry but what the fuck 🤣
do you live in a city with 0 black people? if not, do you think they’re out to get you every time you see one outside?
>i guess all that’s left is to just figure out how to stop being offended by “anti-white slurs,”
just… don’t care about it? it’s just insults online, this “words have power” bullshit is liberal crap, black people have disadvantages on average in life because of socioeconomic factors, not because people say mean words online


i do live in a city with 0 black people. i live in a 100% white canadian suburb


i’ve actually never had a black friend. all my past friends are white except my ex-boyfriend


Well they are just people like us, generally speaking. They might have a slightly different perspective but not like, that different. For example the 'return to Africa' movement among some black Americans has largely failed because those people realised that they have way more in common with white Americans than with Africans.


don’t black and POC communists want to have a white genocide in america and give all the land back to the non-whites and create anti-white apartheid? /genq


Well maybe a few do but overall no, 'land back' is big words but no serious people involved with real activism (not just shitposting on Twitter) want to actually ethnically cleanse America, at the most extreme they want some autonomous zones/states carved out for native people and maybe black people also but not like, the whole country or even most of it. Personally I think we should just have one big country that represents everyone but I'm white so yeah. Of course plenty of non white communists also don't believe in 'land back'.


>don’t communists want genocide and apartheid
no, that’s what liberals and fascists want so they can keep capitalism running for a few more years
the bolsheviks didn’t create an apartheid state in the former russian empire and the people’s republic of china isn’t one either
it’s a plurinational state with different languages and cultures working together


No not really, the main thing most Communists want is the abolishment of Capitalism and the society in which it built itself upon. We understand that Class war will be violent but the enemies are the Capitalists or Porkies and their enforces which are more often than not the police force. I don't believe we are at levels of Battle of Blair Mountain but the return of Labor unions here in the US shows that there is fans of change. The Fire Rises and we are here to be that change.


>don’t black and POC communists want to have a white genocide in america
Black, Indian, Jewish, etc. porkies have demonstrated themselves to be as bad as European porkies. The problem isn't race, it's capitalism.

Example in practice: The Rainbow Coalition in 1969, Chicago.
This was a collaboration of the Young Patriots Orgnaization (anti-capitalist, anti-racist party of White Southerners), the Young Lords (Puerto Rican and other Latinos) and the Black Panther Party (Black African-American Maoists). Of course, the organizations were named targets of COINTELPRO and it fell apart after police harassment and the FBI assassination of the founder Fred Hampton. It's a classic example of even race-focused organizations uniting under anti-capitalism - you will often hear anarchists and communists yelling 'no war but the class war', 'workers of the world, unite!', and similar slogans making the point that whether you're in the bottom 20% or the bottom 50%, it's no use dividing and conquering each other while the elites (of any race, as we've seen! Plenty of Indian, Black, Jewish, etc. CEOs and stockholders of huge companies and conservative politicians) just laugh down at us. Pitting us against each other is a classic technique to ensure the status quo. Fight over race, fight over sex and gender, fight over religion, fight over country. Any identity politics is preferable to us uniting to fight the ruling class.

Black nationalists existed and probably exist as a niche, but they're not going to be communists.

I grew up in a place which was 95%+ White, it's a bit of a culture shock to see the difference between reality and stereotypes when plunged into a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic city. Mass media, and social media to a large degree, is a false reality.


Get a job loser, it is your job to educate others on your knowledge as a radical


Non white poc here, no the idea isnt white genocide, its mostly defeating being held to european standards and putting down systemic racism


>they stopped being my friend when they found out i was trans and gay
Some friends they are. Real white nationalists would have stuck with you.


As usual, rural Canadians are just fucking awful people. No offense, OP, but I probably would have shot you if you were still retarded.



They did stick with me, but the stopped treating me as human and instead as a "lolcow"



Telling a recovering white nationalist to read fucking Marx and Lenin is like telling someone raised in a fundamentalist Christian cult to read De Principiis Naturalis and On The Origin of Species.

We're not a religion, we don't have holy books. Surely we can advance on the "science" of Marxism enough such that there would be newer better books, ie written in the last few centuries.


You're essentially right on both accounts; the white race is under attack from two sides, and black americans do have anti-white sentiments within their culture.

Capitalism is not inherently discriminatory enough to save one race over another, and so white people too find themselves always under threat. This is the appeal of fascism, that there can be some higher authority that curbs the chaos of the market, in favor of race, or an ideal for a nation. The other way whiteness is under attack is from radical marxist cultural critiques, that show how whiteness is not a historically consistent or internally coherent (or even able to be definitively delineated) category in reality. They show that whiteness is a coalition of peoples, who have banded together for mutual benefit, gravitating around the wealthy (who already tend to be white, and male, for historical reasons). Marxists (and people culturally touched by marxist ideas, e.g. black progressives) seek to break up "the white race", because what it really is is a politically expedient fiction which gives a wider social base of support to the bourgeoisie.

On the issue of black culture, it's apparent that they have so much culture that is influenced by their african roots, and by the traditions created during slavery, as well as culture that came from the rural white working class, peasants, and lumpen, as well as culture that developed more recently from the urban black working class. This is much larger than just being anti-white (which does exist, and for good reason, when structural racism and individual racism both are still around, holding down and hurting black people).

Slurs like "cracker" or slurs like "lol u can't season ur dry chicken breasts"? Bcuz for me, I just laugh at the latter insults cuz they're true, and honestly i think it's important to have healthy inter-cultural banter, like you're still stuck in racism if you feel shocked by anyone lobbing meaningless insults at other people for doing smth different. If you mean individual words… idk what your situation is, if you were the kind of whitey to grow up surrounded by non-white ppl and u got bullied for it and probably need actual therapy, or if you're just offended at the idea of being denigrated based on your race (in which case, your offense is justified because that is wrong, but I'd just keep in mind the lack of actual harm, and the usually joking nature of these things. i.e. your emotions are right, but realize its not that serious and chill)

thats not attack, it's statistics. So long as white ppl keep having kids, there's no "threat". What is the value in a proportion? It's not like you're having kids anyways, so why complain?

japen raped korea and philippines, and china is a melting pot of ethnicities, once you get past the idea of large "races", the supposed purity of asian societies is gone. Except maybe Japan. But Japan is racist and had the benefit of being the colonizer. The OG Japanese were not so lucky, even. And Japan stole their culture from China. So idk it's all impure. Who'd have thought.


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>they stopped being my friend when they found out i was trans and gay
life imitates art


>i always see examples of “anti-whitism” online so it radicalizes more when i'm trying to not be radicalized
>i don't want to be one anymore after my life went to shit when everyone found out
so you want to stop being a white supremacist because it's inconvenient for you now, but you can't because you keep shitting your pants at "white ppl cant season they food :joy:" tweets? sorry if misinterpreting


If it's anything like my racist tendencies directed towards myself, the only way to get over it is to bite the bullet and look into each core belief deeper, like >>21357 is doing with race and IQ. If these ideas were something you could just ignore, you would never have become a wignat in the first place. A thread on class collaboration(the idea and history of it) would be well-placed for this goal.


I used to self-identify as an incel when I was closeted. The meme is true, but also it sucks to live through.


Identity micropornography is interesting. I've been working on a reading of Emesis Blue as a commentary on the far-right turn of internet bricolage. Like technocapital, the black team is retrochronally respawned through creative destruction.

Anyhow, a few sources I liked include

- "Masculinity and New War: The gendered dynamics of contemporary armed conflict" - David Duriesmith
- "What Do Incels Want? Explaining Incel Violence Using Beauvoirian Otherness." - Filipa Melo Lopes https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/hypatia/article/what-do-incels-want-explaining-incel-violence-using-beauvoirian-otherness/41705602E4C9B814BEEAE7825233BBD2
- Male Fantasies - Klaus Theweleit
- https://theauthoritarians.org/options-for-getting-the-book
- "Inside Organized Racism: Women in the Hate Movement" - Kathleen Blee
- https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/nerds-catgirls-and-other-trans-potentialities-now-revised.104346

Also possibly look into Life After Hate and The Daily Former? It doesn't really sound like you need their support though.


What is the leftwing solution of the Incel issue?


Can you get therapy?


Leftism won't save you. It will help a lot in understanding why your white nationalist ideas are fucking toxic drivel that is eating you up inside, but understanding isn't even half the battle.

You need to reconstruct your life, get therapy, get new friends, make queer friends, stop all drugs, alcohol, etc for a while, focus on yourself, eat healthy, develop good sleep hygiene, and consistently doing exercise of any kind.

You'll be passing really hard moments, but if you preserve, they will pass. At the end of the journey you'll find a way better life with way better friends.

The point of staying healthy is that it will make dealing with the issues way way way waaay easier. You're already living hard moments you can't control, but you can control everything else I mentioned.

Anyways, keep in mind that you can't "become" a leftist by merely willing it. And neither will reading books save you. You have to actually do shit to become a proper leftist, and your issues can only be dealt by time, patience, and lots of work. Self forgiveness, self acceptance, gratitude, go a long way.

Good luck.


Get on ADHD medication (literally, they're all undiagnosed neurodivergent), get on HRT if they're repressors, get noise-cancelling headphones, and get office supplies like jumbo calendars and stuff.

In general, leftists can help incels by fighting for:

- family abolitionism (a ton of incels have abusive families)
- fight against isolating sprawling cities
- psychiatry abolitionism (so many incels are ignored and just sedated on anti-depressants)
- decriminalize substance use (a ton of anons use substances)
- abolish poverty (poverty mediated by shame is one of the greatest drivers of violence)


>Get on ADHD medication (literally, they're all undiagnosed neurodivergent)

Sorry, isn't it a classical example of a subjective and objective problem?

>get on HRT if they're repressors

Who talks about this? You address another issue no one has talked about.

You transform the problem into something else for which you have some solutions. That's not a problem as such, as it is a working method, in mathematics for example. But in this case, you go too far and redefine the entire question.
The problem case of the incel isn't necessarly a gender issue.

>family abolitionism (a ton of incels have abusive families)

Yet againt, you transform the question into some other issue. But the problem of the incel people is not to reduce into some psychological complex from bad education.
Not in all cases at least.

>psychiatry abolitionism (so many incels are ignored and just sedated on anti-depressants)

I read some articlees about Thomas Szasz online (as stuff like that would never go into our public libary).
He has, of course, more of a libertarian viewpoint than a socialistic one. He shares the goal of emancipation of the individual but with other means.

Nonetheless, isn't this something Ronald Reagan has tried?
As far as I know, this just led to an increase in the homeless population, as no one takes care of the people who formerly lived in psychiatric facilities. Even if one ranks freedom higher than the happiness of the individual, it appears as a radical solution.

>abolish poverty (poverty mediated by shame is one of the greatest drivers of violence)

Yet again:
Yes, poverty and violence is an issue but not the problem we have talked about.

Sorry, I was just curious about your ideas in order to better the situation of the incel people. As it appears…


Stop sex from being such a big deal socially. When I was an incel, most of my distress came from the idea that society wouldn't except me if I didn't conform to their norms.


This implies that there are no people with genuine desires for love or sexuality.

I mean, look at this:
You could use the same argumentation in the case of poverty. Some issues regarding poverty are caused by the social expectations a poor person can't fit.
But this is not the entire story.


I mean it's quite clearly shown through the data that the grunts who join such groups are isolated and deeply shamed, usually neurodivergent and often have backgrounds of child abuse and poverty. The gender shit is just my own story and some of my friends. I think in general invisible marginalities are overrepresented in such groups. You're definitely right this isn't really the full story though. I just have much less developed ideas in the large.

So in general protest masculinities swell when masculinity is in crisis. It's the same stuff as fascism is capitalism in crisis, but just filtered through a gender lens.

The issue here is that manhood is competitive. If you like manhood has been commodified. The issue isn't that manhood is associated with power or wealth per se, but that to be a man you need to be more powerful than other men. It's the capitalist nature of masculinity which ensures a large group of disgruntled and emasculated men exist in times of crisis, and proceed to more and more attempts at violence in order to reclaim their masculinity. It's also the case that state gore workers like cops and soldiers are propagandized as symbols of masculinity.

For the wannabe gore worker incel, my best guess is absurdism. I need to read up on Albert Camus and the rest of the depressed chain smoking Frenchies. But I really resonated with "The Stranger." I also think other nihilist thought like Stirner's Egoism is interesting. I still don't know what it might look like, but absurd masculinities may be an alternative to nihilist necromasculinities.

Anyhow, this is still very exploratory.


>I mean it's quite clearly shown through the data that the grunts who join such groups are isolated and deeply shamed, usually neurodivergent and often have backgrounds of child abuse and poverty

How comes this data?
Who did the research?

And even if, the problem of this people, the issue they worried about, is to find a gf or bf. Its true that there are unrealistic expectations like the love will heal somebody from everything. But in some cases, the knowleade that there is somebody who genuinly care is helpfull to overcome personal crisis.

>So in general protest masculinities swell when masculinity is in crisis.

The ultra masculine dudes are, in my experience, well in terms of relationsships. Even the macho ones.
The more feminine (soft, non-dominant etc.) males have greater problems.

Sure, I own no data for this assertations.

>It's also the case that state gore workers like cops and soldiers are propagandized as symbols of masculinity.

At this point, we have to ask the questions: Is this a cultural-social construct or, maybe, a consequence of female desire?

If its true that women want "gore workers" like cops or soldiers (Fireman are also a example, why do you forgot?) more than the powerless office clerk AND men want to be attractive for women, then, in my opinion, its just rational to promote to be such a kind of man. (By the way, from my experience, homosexual men are similiar in that regard…)
What is your idea to solve the issue? Telling the women they should feel attracted to men they doesn't actually desired as hot?
At least your girlfriend should be actually attracted to you, otherwise, you will feel very bad…

To change the ideal of beauty of a society is a task which takes generations. For people who doesn't fit the ideal, its just too long. They would be doomed at this way.

(IMPORTANT NOTE: I use the example of the female desire (and homosexual men). In the case of female incels it's the other way around. I believe that women and men should have the same rights and doesn't priorise the men. But I assume both has the same wish to be seen as attractive…)


>For the wannabe gore worker incel, my best guess is absurdism.

If you read the rebell untill the end, you will note that Camus makes a imporant postulate:
The socialistic approach, he wrote, seens the human as endless formable by social forces. But the absurd rebell, so Camus, feel that there is a human nature who doesn't want to be used as a mean to an end.

In other words, with another justification, Camus returned to the old, Kantian ethic of the diginity of the human being.

Why I tell you this boring shit?

In my opinion, this viewpoint does not allow us to have the idea of changing social expectations regarding love, etc., in order to solve the incel problem. The individual feels the longing for a ideal love in a absurd world. The individual doesn't want to be brainwashed to forgot this longing. Their whish isn't for a chemical happyness, they want to real thing.

>I also think other nihilist thought like Stirner's Egoism is interesting.

I'm a bit passionated in this topic, sorry.
In my opinion, Stirner has been unjustly appropriated by right-wingers.
His philosophy doesn't said that the strong ought ensleeve the weak or something like this.

He is more "libertarian" but not in the way the modern Anarchists or AnCaps are.
Make your own judgment.

For me, his philosophy is a amoralism, describes a world without a "ought" or moral values as such.

>I still don't know what it might look like, but absurd masculinities may be an alternative to nihilist necromasculinities.

I have always been a bookworm.
My classmates suspect that I am gay. Most of the time they treat me nicely. Sometimes not so nice.


If you just want to know how incels can get gfs then IMO most incels are just mentalcels. I don't have any hard data on this though.

Protest masculinities include tough guys like bikers and bodybuilders, but also internet tough guys like incels.

Unfortunately, I have not found data I can trust on incels. There is too much sensationalism and incels are extremely online and avoidant. Unfortunately, I can only rely on studies of vaguely similar communities.

There are some good studies of violent authoritarians. And there are good studies of self-injurers. But these only apply to the extent they overlap with incels. Most incels aren't violent to others, and are more avoidant, neurotic and self-injuring. So many of these studies would only apply to the craziest mentalcels.

There is good work on other semi-related communities like autism, porn/kink, fanfic, bodybuilding and anorexia and bulimia communities, but I just haven't done the reading yet there. For context, on how desperate I am on semi-related communities I am considering reading furry sociology.

The two biggest sources I would rely on might be

"It’s (a) Shame: Why Poverty Leads to Support for Authoritarianism"

"The Psychology of Online Political Hostility: A Comprehensive, Cross-National Test of the Mismatch Hypothesis"

I would refer to "Incels Podcast – 82: TRANSmaxxing w/ Nixie (@ManicPixJeepGrl)"

As well as some of the sources I've listed earlier in the thread I might refer to some of the following sources for a feeling of what mentalcels might be like.

- "Inside Organized Racism: Women in the Hate Movement" by Kathleen M. Blee
- "The Tender Cut: Inside the Hidden World of Self-Injury" - Patricia A. Adler, Peter Adler
- "The Authoritarian Dynamic" - Karen Stenner
- "The Authoritarians" - Bob Altemeyer

I might also refer to autobiographies of former extremists, but these would mostly relate to the stranger mentalcels.

- "White American Youth: My Descent into America's Most Violent Hate Movement–and How I Got Out" by Christian Picciolini
- "The Cure for Hate" by Tony McAleer


> I have always been a bookworm.
> My classmates suspect that I am gay. > Most of the time they treat me nicely. > Sometimes not so nice

I am deeply sorry for your pain.
You are valuable, and you deserve love and respect.


>Their whish isn't for a chemical happyness, they want to real thing.
Chemical happyiness would be literally (but only) the "real thing", what they want is their fantasy fulfilled. Own it. What's desired is to live out a specific fantasy that orders and directs their life, values, goals, etc., and not to give that up for an alternate fantasy. Quixotic.


Masculinity is hijacked by machismo.

Machismo demands men to be eternal stunt doubles for yhe sake of women and elders.

Listen to "The Male Disease" by George Carlin


I'm sorry, but I just don't believe you can abandon such ideas when they no longer serve any purpose. Either you hold those core values or you don't. And in your case it sounds like you were simply influenced into a position; you didn't reach such conclusions with reason.

Now, this is not to say that you can't build on ideas through experience and research, but going from right wing nationalist nutjob to far leftist is a bit of a stretch for me. It's not a fashion you just change at will.


I don't think you get OP. I come from a somewhat similar background. I was a weird geolibertarian incel, and am now an anarchist. I find it perfectly possible to believe OP had intellectual left-wing sympathies, but had emotional ties to white nationalism. I think you misunderstand what OP wants. OP is more asking about how not to let seeing gay furries ruin their whole day. IMO politically incorrect phobias should be treated much like ordinary phobias with systematic desensitization therapy. Maybe OP can start small with reading some light writing by people of color.


Look at it this way.

If your only goal is to feel the feeling of happiness, you could easily just do drugs. The chemical happiness.
But for most people, thats not what they want. Not what they claims to deserve.

When we're faced with injustice, we may feel compelled to take action. But someone might suggest that meditation and other techniques can help resolve conflicts. However, we often know that our desires are more profound than just resolving surface-level issues. They're intentional - driven by a deeper sense of purpose and meaning.

It's not the chemical happyness, its the realy thing. Something ought happen in real live.


>Machismo demands men to be eternal stunt doubles for yhe sake of women and elders.

The sexual desires and the wishes of love are not a optical illusion. Has nothing to do with machismo.

Once a criminal, always a criminal?

> OP is more asking about how not to let seeing gay furries ruin their whole day

Does right wingger really?


This is retarded irony. You are positing the very same type of reactionary essentialism which is so endemic to, and syntagmatic of, the 'right wing' which you claim to decry.


This is retarded irony. You are positing the very same type of reactionary essentialism which is so endemic to, and syntagmatic of, the 'right wing' which you claim to decry.

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