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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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File: 1712266126636-0.png (1.65 MB, 1502x1220, photo_2024.png)


Alright comrades, apparently the US gov, being the complete burgerbrains that they are, is saving their secret shit on UNSECURED amazon webservers.
Just plop in the following query on google:
[code]filetype:pdf site:amazonaws.com "NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE"[\code]
And it should give you something.
The [code]"[\code] are required to make google dig up the exact phrase. You can also replace pdf with txt, doc, docx or whatever, just play with it.
So far I haven't been able to find anything especially juicy, but maybe some anon with better googler skills will.


Welp I fucked up the code tag


AWS and unsecured S3 buckets. Name a more iconic duo.


You're only going to find things indexed by Google .
You can scan for unsecured buckets yourself iirc.
There are tools for it, never did it though, this cloud shit is exactly when and why I lost all interest in infosec/blackhatting.


File: 1712271671233.png (732.08 KB, 898x463, 1337 haxxor.png)

Maybe this will finally give us a wikipedia page like 4chan


all the stuff ive found so far has just been bureaucratic bullshit


Lol what
Is this real? Where is the source?


Oh I think someone on fedi found it first,


>Is this real?
As real as you can see it
>Where is the source?
imgflip and MS Paint



/leftypol/ can’t be on wikipedia because it’s too based


tip: don't do this with your bare IP or someone might pay you a visit


No fucking way dude


File: 1712293315244.jpg (22.56 KB, 242x206, 1423881909488.jpg)

If I'm reading this right (and it's real), this is implying that the feds got psyoped by le russian hackerbot menace into putting all their top secret info on AWS in the process of having Amazon do a security audit as a "JEDI" partner. So they handed the data to Amazon for the express purpose of their security expertise and they stored it unsecured?


Remeber kids: the best encryption is a shredder and a fireplace


A screenshot collage of highlighted areas of the documents alongside this post would be an instant classic meme


Somebody should submit a Freedom Of Information Act request from the government to declassify these documents to make sure nobody gets in trouble for reading these.


Everything I have dug up so far. One of these files is set to be declassified in 2037 but its been heavily redacted and doesnt look important.


File: 1712294105434-0.pdf (5.66 MB, 255x197, nsa-fairview.pdf)

File: 1712294105434-1.pdf (1.19 MB, 180x255, nzodni-bang.pdf)



File: 1712294165327.png (21.13 KB, 580x121, ClipboardImage.png)

We are the heckin Jedi fighting the Russian Sith


These boomers are fucking embarassing


Protip for anons: Try search for "SECRET//REL" (this basically means classification and dissemination control), "TOP SECRET" and whatnot



leftypol admins about to commit the ole "multiple gunshot wounds to the back of the head" suicide for this one


Chill, wow_mao is still alive after all.


Unfunny twitter posters joke about trans furry nerds being a crucial part of the military but it's actually this kind of embarrassing old school nerd.


A lot of these have been unclassified.


File: 1712301192965.jpg (170.36 KB, 1920x1000, joker killing joke.jpg)


How bad is it to look at this? Like, ignore it tier, stern warning tier, or more serious?


'On the way to your house with windowless vans as we speak' -tier bad


Being a little bit more serious?


Most of these are most likely either unclassified or fake and two threads circulated on reddit with variations of this search line a few days back.


Wow Mao posts meme videos wdyem


File: 1712308147410.png (120.31 KB, 267x228, R.png)

Holy shit guyzzz I found the pdf confirming pentagon UF0z did 9/11


File: 1712312324264-0.png (36.07 KB, 730x152, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1712312324264-1.png (111.79 KB, 747x434, ClipboardImage.png)

Ah yes, things that never happened. This is just a prank. In the same document, the bills to be passed are named "Lebron" and "Jordan".

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