The ultimate starter pack Anonymous 25-05-24 18:21:10 No. 22160
If you guys had to pick 4 short books as the ultimate starter pack on /leftypol/itics, which ones would you pick? Which ones are the best combination of being essential, uncomplicated and short?
Anonymous 27-05-24 22:46:24 No. 22176
My Reccs:
Marx's The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital
Lenin's State and Revolution and Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism Stalin's
Dialectical and Historical Materialism: Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR: Mao's Red Treasure Book - the most important excerpts of his Selected Works.
Castro's History Will Absolve Me: Parenti's Blackshirt's and Reds (pdf)
The first two are the groundwork of communist theory and understanding capitalism's development, the second is as direct as it gets; the relation of a capitalist or monarchist state relative to a communist Revolution and the intricacies of a revolution as well as the relation to Imperialism. Stalin's works involve a consolidation of Marxist-Leninist ideology, a concrete analysis of how and what Materialism is for socialists and the second work about practical issues and considerations that the first real attempt at socialism has run into. Mao's works are excellent motivators and Castro was a spirited defense of himself and his movement while on trial. Parenti discusses the Post-Soviet Sphere. Losurdo has some similar works as well.
Anonymous 31-05-24 03:56:02 No. 22237
>>22160 Not capitalist realism, that's for sure. Doomer pessimism.
Capital (By Marx/Engels)
Grundrisse (By Marx)
Dialectics of the Abstract and the Concrete in Marx's Capital (By Evald Ilyenkov)
Thinking and Speech (By Lev Vygotsky)
This is literally all you'll ever need. The highest kernel of truth is hidden here, maybe revelations have further requisites, but in the end, ultimately, these 4 texts contain the answers. BUT WHAT ABOUT MY POST LEFTISM, WHAT ABOUT CONTINTENTAL CRITICAL THEORY BLAH BLAH BLAH, PSYCHOANALYSIS ETC.
No. I've been there anon, I've been to the end of the earth and back. And, in truly Hegelian fashion, like the dialectical loop of reality's limit-point, where does all of that lead you…? As they say, "Back to me."
Anonymous 05-11-24 03:08:56 No. 22876
>>22874 communist manifesto, socialism: utopian and scientific, principles of communism and the first 6 chapters of capital vol. 1
there is also critique of the gotha program which gives an insight into what marx imagines a socialist society will look like
Anonymous 05-11-24 03:29:48 No. 22877
>>22160 Socialism, Utopian and Scientific - Engels
Wage Labour and Capital - Marx
Value, Price and Profit - Marx
Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism - Lenin
Anonymous 25-11-24 09:01:25 No. 22987
>>22886 Chapters of volume 1 in this order: 10, 13 through 15, 26 through 33 with appendix on the value-form.
Technically one (1) book.
Unique IPs: 23