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/edu/ - Education

'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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>Dr. Daniel McKeown is an astrophysicist who has been made homeless by the low pay working conditions of Academia. Currently, minimum wage ignoble in California would theoretically earn more than him in welfare gratuity.

>In the article he says he wants to live in Westwood. While I understand wanting to live close to campus, that’s a pretty expensive area. UCLA is in a very nice expensive part of Los Angeles. I visited UCLA for a job once, and most of. The faculty I spoke with commuted from other parts of Los Angeles. At that time UCLA also had programs to help faculty buy housing.

>That said, his salary is very low. 70k was lower than the salaries being discussed when I interviewed there 20 years ago!

Imagine how it is for all the people in LA making less than 70k. He should go live in the hood.

i miss la

LA has no future. How are they going to fix the housing? If they fixed housing they'd totally need to revamp the transportation to accommodate how many more people would move there. Also need to create a lot more jobs.

>In Los Angeles County, the unemployment rate for African Americans is 20%. In the Crenshaw neighborhood of South Los Angeles, black unemployment is 22%

The gangster rap era refuses to die

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