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/edu/ - Education

'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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Most critiques of society mention the school system, and describe it as an authoritarian nightmare. I have to assume that people with this viewpoint are from older generations because I (born early 2000s) did not find school oppressive at all. The "education" I received was questionable but that's another matter.

> did not find school oppressive at all.
Those who do not move, do not notice their chains.

Those punches were awful, I swear white boy got punched probably 30 times in the head and didn't even seem to notice. Pretty sure gray shirt kids is a faggot judging by his punches jovial.

Didnt realize how much of a waste of time school was until i went into college, which forced me to actually start learning, instead of just memorizing everything the day before the test and forgetting it after i was done.

>describe it as an authoritarian nightmare.

It still is.

vid is obviously fake

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Most people I speak to unironically say school is "the best years of your life".
They downplay/dismiss the restrictions placed on students as exaggerating some even say it's necessary.

Yet these same adults will complain about work which has far more important impact on society and bitch about basic moral conduct rules.

>I have to assume that people with this viewpoint are from older generations because I (born early 2000s) did not find school oppressive at all.

Maybe because you don't care or actually fall for the meme of school as an essential social club.
The problem with schooling is that it's all based around forced socialisation

Adults claim that school is about learning but it's not
Smart kids who prefer to work alone are pathologised as rebellious.
Group projects are common despite the disastrous results.

Authoritarian is a silly word that has become used so much I'm not sure what it means anymore, or if it's good or bad.

Let's put it this way instead:
Were you at school by choice?
Were you allowed to leave?
Were you allowed to call the teacher a dusty old cunt?
Were you allowed to opt out of lessons you didn't want to do?
There are plenty more examples I can think of, but those will do for now. From my own experience, a non-zero number of people who work at schools have either already worked in prisons & young offenders institutes, or go on to work in them. Take from this what you will.

Also that video is peculiarly American.

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