Essay writing / academic skills Comrade 21-12-20 05:26:10 No. 4166
Hey /e/Im a brainlet prole that recently got a scholarships to university, and Im wondering if there are any resources that you could recommend to improve general academic skills with an emphasis on essay writing. I've done a general scan for books and courses on libgen and TPB. But I wanted to get some advise with a left perspective. When I say brainlet I mean dyslexic and when I say prole I mean any unskilled job I can land (bar work, kitchen work, construction, etc.) My degree is in healthcare and administration.
Anonymous Comrade 21-12-20 05:26:11 No. 4177
>>4166 bump
i'm about to take a job in transcription and would also like to know how to write things better
Anonymous Comrade 21-12-20 05:26:11 No. 4180
>>4177 These
>>4175 >>4176 Also .pdf
maybe start transcription thread on
>>>/edu/ Comrade 21-12-20 05:26:15 No. 4223
>>4194 >>4193 >>4192 >>4191 >>5569 Niceu dess ne.
Thank you anonysan
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