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/edu/ - Education

'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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These are becoming popular among small independent communist groups that want to investigate material issues and publish their findings and theses. They can also pseudonymize writers and put the focus on subjects first and foremost, akin to how imageboards detract from online personalities at least to the extent where fetishization is minimal and ignored if ever pushed by anyone.

Here's a decent Toronto area one that I've been reading:
Program wise, they're a little too Maoist, and it seeps into elements of their investigations obviously, but it's a good concept and spirit in vague.

These are the only ones I know about that can be counted as "journals". They are affiliated. One is UK-based and the other is China-based. They are like very, very, very pessimistic trots with some useful advice on organizational matters. Looks like an interesting thread. Hopefully we will see some new groups mentioned on here.

they're not trots, they're communizers. the endnotes collective itself was founded out of a collaboration between western european communizing theorists (https://libcom.org/library/meeting-%E2%80%93-revue-internationale-pour-la-communisation-2003%E2%80%932008) but has begun to branch out to California recently, mostly cuz of the logistics workers struggles there ig

I feel like every day that goes by I find out about some new obscure leftist tendency that I have literally never heard of before in my life
Gonna check out the Endnotes, thanks

It's not new, it was pretty popular online a few years ago. It's basically anarchism for Marxists who still want to feel superior to anarchists.

it's just a way to theorize communist politics given (supposed) new developments and whatnot. i personally think there's not much worth getting from it. endnotes/chuang/sic in general (https://sicjournal.org/en/) are kind of petty bourgeois and unscientific in a lot of ways
that's why there should be newer, better journals and investigative groups

This one has been around for a long time but It's on the very cutting edge http://m.qstheory.cn/

About your thread OP. You want journals that are A) not academic journals, B) anonymously edited by a collective C) journals that are not magazines of the sort like cosmonautmag and monthlyreview, am I right?
Because that makes those journals by their very nature, a bit harder to find, no?

looks like chinese state propaganda
yea but they’re gems

It's the theory journal of the central comittee of the Communist Party of China's
It's exactly the format you asked for precisely because it is exactly used in the way you specified

You want journals like this but you don't like the one for the biggest most successful communist party in the world?

Are you even interested in theory lad?

I think he means "independent" journals that are not officially tied to a large organisation

I do not care for white noise CPC propaganda that has absolutely nothing to do with worker's struggles. Clear?


Peace, Land and Bread is the journal of the Center for Communist Studies and has a ML-bend

Monthly Review needs no introduction. I know it is the biggest magazine for socialists in the US, but a magazine falls under the category of non-academic journal so here you go.

Cosmonautmag is a newcomer sort of, but publishes great insight imo. They say they are dedicated to scientific socialism.

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>Caleb Maupin
This is /edu/ not /ITG/

all of these are shitty propaganda fronts that only peddle vague rhetoric on behalf of their cults
beginning to really regret posting this prompt on here tbh

Wtf are you talking about? Make yourself clear what you want, retard. Small independent communist groups having journals? Were should I even look for ones that are publishing english. I can give you some, but they are german. Will you read them anon? Tell me please

i want stuff on actual worker's struggles in the here and now and focused ENTIRELY on them, not some fucking NEET with an active twitter account vomiting out their dime a dozen opinion on kautsky or lenin or stalin or geopolitics while limply giving statements of support to actual real world stuff once in a while
why do i even need to say this shit? fuck off

Like I said, I can give some german shit which you can't read. The problem is that you are asking for something highly localized and most of the non anglo journals don't publish in english

i'm learning german rn personally, and you can share them here for other german readers anyways

Ok, but those guys are some sort of left-communist group. I have a hunch that the only communists that are running those study groups and journal(that you are especially looking for) are only to be found in the more ultra-left wing like communisers, maoists etc.

https://uppingtheanti.org/journal canadian. very steeped in traditional Left activism but interesting stuff in there nonetheless. especially these:
hmm, seems like they mostly tackle philosophical stuff

For english readers who want something like OP is asking, what's the next best publication or medium?

How is Chuang unscientific?

oh man i wrote that months ago
i think i was talking about sic-affiliated stuff in general idk

Viewpoint describes itself as a research collective, so I think this is what you are looking for


They have pushed the Uighur genocide myth and used Adrian Zenz as a source.

What about their other articles? Don't tell me, you're one of those people that think that nothing is happening in xinjiang?

Try reading them aloud. The rhetorical style is fatmerican radlibbery with a dash of French pseudo profundity. It's dressing in marxish lingo like a burly man at carnival wearing female clothing. Let's even put aside the crap sources. Just read a few sentences of the breaking muh spirits n shit article and just ask yourself: What did I just read? What information does it even convey? Muh spirit. Muh dignity. Here is what it means: 💩

I read "Sorghum and Steel" and it was nothing of the sort you described. A historical survey of the Mao period with a sort of ultra-left perspective

lol you do realize “ultra-left” is just a snarl word and means nothing right

You know what I mean though right? Tendencies like communization and that sort who had their origin in thinkers of the left opposition in the USSR at that time, so not completely without meaning


This isn't what u r looking for but I love reading theses and notes on developments and whatnot from people on the ground. It's not as theoretical and this stuff doesnt get published as often as from small working groups, but they're very good sources nonetheless. This is from WFTU, so they're active on the ground but not for the primary purpose of making theory. Go to any serious communist party/org's website and theyll have theses, statements, and so on published. This is a very good way to see what developments are around the world, and from the perspective of other communists and labor organizers.

"Notes from Below is a publication that is committed to socialism, by which we mean the self-emancipation of the working class from capitalism and the state. To this end we use the method of workers’ inquiry.

Written contributions are divided into three types: “Inquiry” which involves original research into class composition; “Bulletins” written for and by workers and militants; “Theory”, perspectives on working class struggle from the most advanced and relevant parts of theoretical debate, or pieces about the historical co-development of class struggle and capitalist exploitation. "

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