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Retroarch for everything or standalone for some stuff?
How do you #retrogame?

I like beauty, customization and ease of use but also understand how much performance and smoothness matters

So which systems you shouldn't go for a retroarch core and download the standalones?

Also, please post your setups and how you decide the play old games


I prefer pcsx2 because it has kh2


what is kh2? an optimization for kingdom hearts 2


Which frontend do y'all like the most?


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Just learned about FPGA emulation
Nerds will literally do anything but go to therapy and find why they chase nostalgia so much



Aside from MAME for arcade games, I generally used dedicated emulators for the platform of interest. Stay away from retroshit and any other autists trying to take credit for the hard work of others with their retarded "frontends".


I use retroarch because it manages uniform keybinds and save slots for the libretro cores. I also haven't gotten around to setting up something else like mednafen.


Why would they need therapy ?
They turned an emotional drive into something productive, that's healthy.

They also are preserving historical artifacts in operational condition and a publicly accessible form, which is kinda nice.
And it also creates a basis for low-fidelity gaming, that is accessible to hobby game makers.


I don't use Retroarch. Duckstation, PCSX2, Xenia, RPCS3, Citra, melonDS (DS might have better options but I haven't had any issues with this one), Fusion, Cemu, FCEUX, mGBA and Mupen64Plus cover all my needs.


I was just memeing but that's an interesting point
Do therapists make you release the trauma and/or help you drive it into productive stuff?

Anyways you're right about the preservation aspect

All the chips that go out of production, Do 3D printers come in anywhere to help in this stuff?

Gigachad, I'm gonna go for the 2/2 approach
Standalone for some, Retroarch for the ones that don't have much of a UI

Duckstation is for PS1, I presume, heard a lot about it
What's Xenia, Fusion, Cemu, FCEUX for?


What about Dolphin? Does Mupen get updated more often

Do you play SNES games?
I don't know where to start from, 2000s era seems to be my type
I'm completely over the 80's - 90's style of games

They just seem to be the same type of stuff
But the SNES does have a lot of unique and beautiful stuff like Yoshi's Island
And of course there's SEGA's games

Post your in-game setup for emus and roms if you can PLOX


>Do therapists make you release the trauma and/or help you drive it into productive stuff?
Nostalgia isn't a trauma.
Also traumas are not an emotional drive, nothing productive can come of that.
The neo-liberals have an ideologically motivated believe that inflicting psychological suffering on people functions like squeezing a commodity out of them. It doesn't work like that, as you can see, making people suffer just causes economic crisis. It's just a self serving lie, that rich people tell them self, because they want to believe that they can have all the wealth while they motivate everybody else with punishment.
<The carrot for me and the stick for thee.

>All the chips that go out of production, Do 3D printers come in anywhere to help in this stuff?

if chips go out of production it's possible to keep their designs as a digital blue print that can be run on an FPGA, and thus extremely accurate preservation of historical computing is possible.
3d printers do not have enough resolution to make microprocessors, but they can be used to make other components like user input peripheries.


Yeah, I forgot Dolphin, I use it too of course, great emulator. Duckstation is the PS1 one and it fixes the texture wobbling as well as many more options. Xenia is Xbox 360, Fusion is Sega Genesis, Cemu is Wii U, FCEUX is NES.


And Mupen64Plus is for N64 specifically, Dolphin doesn't cover it as far as I know.


So is Mesen X fork the peak or is a retroarch core better

Citra, Yuzu, Xbox and 360, PS3 and PS1, DS for these their standalones are better and prettier

What emus is retroarch worth for? I'm scared to install it, because it's so extensive I get sucked in



Where do you get your ROMs from, I know Vimm's Lair
There was some site for 3DS that I signed up for, It's so annoying with .3ds files, decrypted and that shit

Also it's kinda fucked how games like Forza Horizon will forever be lost, because of all the licensing issues


save states (unnatural) are saved as .sav
but where teh fuck are the in-game saves locateed?

within the rom itself?


RetroArch has the worst UI I've ever seen. Is this what console gaming is like?


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It reminds of the OG monstrosity.


This thing at least has a fucking scrollbar and doesn't return to top once you reach the end of the list.


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Why do computerfags need to see all this bleep bloop on the screen? Does all this garbage actually mean anything to you? Why have it up by default.


They are modular, you can write one you like or start games from tty.


I don't want to. So I chose another emulator. Snes9x seems fine.


SNES9x is very good. For some games the overclocking option does wonders.


now THIS is the dev environment i crave for my NES/GB game production


I like to use flashcarts when I can. I prefer to play on the original hardware, but I don't want to pay for original software prices anymore.


you make NES/GB games???
how is it like


Man I haven't heard that name of the emulator for a while. Takes me back to the old days of Retsupre when they were making fun of Let's Players and one of them kept constantly reloading since they were playing a Kazio Mario Mod. Every time SNES9x would pop up and Slowbeef interrupted himself from reading a paper he found.


lol I remember that video


Retroarch will always perform a bit worse than the original client and it becomes more noticeable the more demanding the emulation becomes - everything past the N64/PSX.


is DraStic DS emulator for android still worth buying

i heard stuff about the development being stopped and i remember watermelon DS app being decent

what's the advancement like now, are open sources apps catching up?


why? because of updates?


Because it takes a lot more software power to emulate the hardware that existed on those original consoles


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mostly on my phone tbh
something about games with natively small resolutions feels just right to have in my phone with a PS4 controller
for anything else and/or/if i want to play on a bigger screen i'm looking into gettingstealing a Benq/gaming/quality projector so i can play MAME lightgun games with the Wii i got at a flea market; i'm trying to have everything together set up on a local network which i'm gonna try to have running on a Linux Steam console so i can load games on all of my retro consoles from a LAN network through ethernet…


>buying proprietary software
I'd prefer not to.


>They turned an emotional drive into something productive, that's healthy
"Productive" doesn't equal "useful," that's bourgeois propaganda.


>Nostalgia isn't a trauma
Yes. Nostalgia, like morality, is a spook and shouldn't exist because I say so.


Nintendo managed to get Yuzu and Citra killed. I hate that company so much.


I think there's a huge potential for using FPGAs to accelerate software execution but they only seem to be used for emulation mainly


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Well, I guess they don't want me to play their games then, lmao. Their choice.


Ah fuck, they got Citra too? Well then, RIP every game that was on the 3DS eShop before it got discontinued


Pretty sure they don't give a fuck about anyone playing their games or not, as long as they get paid, Nintendo is truly one of the most malicious and greedy companies out there

And Mario is a boring fucking character


Ryujinx is still up, so you can still play switch games if you want. Shame about Citra though, I don't think there was an alternative for 3ds games.


>we've always been against piracy


I only used retroarch for emulation on my phone. I need to read a guide about which of the codecs or whatever they're called I'm supposed to use because half of them seem to not work with half the roms.

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