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Im making a thread about VNs because there isnt one on the catalogue and i wanna talk about my experience. I just finished danganronpa 2, which im not certain counts as a VN or if it's a point and click murder mystery social deduction game, and i think im pretty confident to say that it presents a pretty interesting moral dilemma. On one hand, the hope faction is pretty clearly a technocratic organization who obsesses over "Ultimates", or people who possess immense talent in a particular field or study, for example the world's best scientist, or the world's best doctor. It is revealed in the story of goodbye despair that before despair took over, hope's peak academy created a method of artificially forcing someone to become extremely talented, which dialectically had the potential to equalize mankind and develop the talents of anyone, which would make the idea of meritocracy, or ruling over others due to better talents or knowledge, completely obsolete. Despair on the other hand spawned as a result of the mass movement of reserve students, malcontents who became disaffected with the idea that people with talent mattered more than the rest, since hope's peak academy was formed to research peoples' talents and how to cultivate them.
I think it would be pretty easy to side with the latter out of frustration, especially if you're talentless like i am, but i think the idea that talent could be forcibly cultivated out of someone who never realized it before would be the "productive forces" argument. Not to mention that junko destroyed civilization, which is dialectically bad.
Your turn to die is a great game too, very similar to danganronpa on a surface level, i finished it a while ago and im glad i played it. Free btw. Anyone got visual novel recommendations? I need a weeb fix.
94 posts and 40 image replies omitted.

Okay, CrossChannel sounds like a decent premise, I'll give it a try.

Well I googled and most of the stuff on Reddit is like 'there's no good English translation, just learn Japanese bro'.


if you want to read good vns thats how it is

Well that's fucking annoying. I can't even figure out how to get an English patch to work anyway so fuck me I guess.

Oof, that's both a great and terrible choice. CrossChannel has amazing prose and Tanaka is one of the GOATs but that also means it's incredibly difficult to translate well. You can get a taste of his stuff by watching the anime adaptation of Jintai.

Maybe try playing some Alicesoft or old Nitroplus stuff?

But how do I know what's good? There's so many of these fucking things.

This is my misery of the digital age. There's so many things out there that I would probably enjoy but it's so impossible to find them with the overwhelming amount of FUCKING GARBAGE clogging the internet. I wish there was an AI that could just analyse my media consumption and know what thing I probably want to play/watch/read/listen to next.

Look at their tags on vndb to get an idea of what you can expect. It hides spoilery tags by default.

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two women arguing about what constitutes reverse rape in front of their male victim

I'm pretty sure I read through the amaterasu translation and I thought that the novel was absolutely amazing. Unless you're actually planning on learning japanese I'd fully reccomend it… Apparently it misses/doesn't translate a bunch of puns but w/e.

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make it stop…

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They keep trying and failing to make something that was already perfected decades ago.

There's no reverse rape. The same way there's no reverse racism. It's all just regular rape and racism, it's just a cope radlibs use to dismiss white cishet male rape survivors.

Class of '09 and Tokimeki Memorial are absolutely nothing alike. TM has actual mechanics whereas '09 is your basic visual novel with some branching choices. Storywise TM is way more wholesome, '09 is extremely edgy (the edgy dark comedy is pretty much the entire appeal).

yes anon I think that's the point?

No because '09 is not trying to be on the level of TM at all, it's deliberately trashy.

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I'm about to start this. I absolutely love Kira*Kira, (not so much the sequel,) so I'm excited. Kira*Kira is kind of silly and trashy, and the translation is absolutely written by someone who only barely understands english, but I think anyone who grew up around punk culture would find it endearing.

Thanks for recommending Re:write. i've been enjoying reading it a lot these days. (How the hell do you spoil text???? I want to talk about the routes!)
I'm not really a fan of those themes..(band, music, etc)
How is it, though? Are you liking the game?

Double asterixes on each side I think

I love chihiro fujisaki
that is all

cute boy

Excuse me, i know you're new to Paektu's Peak Academy, but Chihiro is a girl. Despite her flat chest, she's a shy and soft spoken girl, and she's very introverted to the point where she doesn't even fit in with other girls in gym class, so she usually chooses to go for a swim by herself. This is a common misconception.

Luka is a boy too (I can't believe there's a controversy over this).

kys groomer

lol you clearly didnt play the game

why are you calling them a groomer lmfao? all they said was chihiro is a girl

You know that this discussion is literally a spoiler to the plot of the game right?

of course I fucking know lmfao

Ok so what VN should I read next? Possibly looking for something scifi or post apocalypse I guess

Ever17 if you haven't yet

Read that, a bit long but pretty good

Read Cross Channel. I don't care that it doesn't have a good translation. Unless you're learning japanese soon it's worth it anyway.

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Zoomers love moldy memes more than actually playing the thing.

Who needs to play it when you have streamers right?

Mangagamer are scrambling to make an Umineko fumo right now.

fumo from pedo game

>mouldy memes
Something can just be fun in an evergreen manner. Fumos hit the sweet spot of goofy and tasteful.

I like plushies

no grown up that respects themself should own plushies

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I think that if girls can take the subahibi aesthetics we boys should take the nitro+ aesthetic and dress all black and get really into swords


Kill yourself.

>>34467 Anon, do you actually think any dumbass that visits this site has any meaningful amount of self-respect?

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I played Shinigami no Kiss wa Wakare no Aji a few months back and I'm still processing how I feel about it. The erotic scenes were trash and I mostly clicked through them and only stopping to read if a line of text felt important, but the story itself was interesting. The twist near the end was predictable, but at the same time somewhat beautiful. The ending itself is where I'm confused on how I feel though. On one hand the ending serves as a solid way to tie up the main character's story and makes the resurrection of his childhood friend make sense. At the same time, it feels like it could've been handled better without the use of time travel and instead gave the girl a second chance at life with her new identity she'd already been given in a human form.

My other issue regarding it being an erotic VN is just how horny the sister is for the main character. It feels like she's being a huge bitch while also coming onto the main character at random times and then all of a sudden is like "let's fuck" and all of a sudden the main character is down for it and they make that their whole thing.

Still, the sister route aside I really liked it, enough to be thinking about it months later.

I’ve been reading Subahibi and I’m probably about halfway done I’m towards the end of Looking Glass Insects and I just want to say congrats SKA-DI the h scenes are easily as uncomfortable as Full Metal Daemon Muramasa. I’d say so far a 8/10 I bet if you haven’t read Kant or even Descartes the whole phenomena vs thing in the thing itself distinction would blow your little weeb mind. The mystery seems interesting I’m looking forward to see how it pans out.

I’m also about 12 hours into Utawarerumono and the TRPG gameplay grew on me. Hakuowlo is a great MC (historically progressive bourgeois revolutionary and great manTM), Oboro the homie, and Eruruu is best girl because she’s a BL enjoyer. I heard the sequels are even better but so far 7/10.

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Anyone here plays otomes? I prefer them to male audience orientated dating games, they tend to be less outwardly coomerish while at the same time incredibly horny. And I like the look into what women find hot, and apparently we are not so different after all, just now started with Bewitching Sinners, one of the characters is literally a virgin slut, and other the first dialogue after meeting him has option to comment on his well developed chest.

a friend of mine plays them and tells me about them, so I get my experience secondhand

Please make some recommendations. I wonder about women's aproach to porn too, but every otome i've tried was just boring.

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