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The game has now come out, what are your thoughts on this comrades


>Year of Our Lord 2022
>Playing Sonic


Haven't played it yet, might return sometime when I do and give my thoughts.

>They say while still playing that plumber game where they added the Rabbids for some fucking reason
Nah jk obviously, it doesn't matter what games people enjoy :D
Thermonuclear-grade take incoming: there is no such thing as a "bad" Sonic game except maybe for some 90s spinoffs, Sonic 2006 and Sonic Boom



OK, so I just finished the main story of the game. To sum up my thoughts on it: it's the best Sonic game ever

What I liked:
>gameplay is fun
>love the open-world style with short levels (which unlock keys that are needed to progress through the story)
>the open-world is fun to explore and travel through
>love the design of the enemies (you're not fighting Egg Robots this time)
>combat is cool, and you get to unlock cool combat abilities
>side characters are more interesting (also, I love Sage's design)
>soundtrack is god-tier (even for a Sonic game)
>story is compelling
>lots of references to previous Sonic games and lore
>seriously, even the simple fishing minigame is fun

Only complaints I have so far:
<game is somewhat short (it took me about 14h to finish the story while doing a decent amount of side stuff), but it's not Sonic Forces short
<ending is underwhelming
<grinding Speed and Ring levels seem to serve no fucking purpose whatsoever
<French dub (except Eggman's and Sage's) is kinda meh to me (especially knowing the same VAs did the voices in Sonic X)


>no avatar fursona to make

0/10 it's shit


>not 2d


luddite, your childhood is never coming back, you can't even see wtf is ahead of you in 2d sonic


I can't unsee this shit, ahhh!


This. Let the franchise evolve, try out new things, and see what comes out. People are really happy with the result in this case.

delet this


is the ost good, i havent played a sonic games in ages but its consistently had top tier music for like three decades


>is the ost good
Even for a Sonic game, it's amazing.


New thing suxs in this instance.
Continue to evolve the 2d gameplay instead.
Make Sonic Mania 2
3d sonic kids get off my lawn!


>new thing bad
Not an argument.
>Continue to evolve the 2d gameplay instead
>Make the sequel to "vggghhhh retvrn to tradition": The Game
Ask Sega/Sonic Team if you want that. Or keep playing 2D games. Or play fangames even, plenty of good 2D ones amidst the dogshit.
>3d sonic kids get off my lawn!
Not the one wanting the direction of the franchise to pander to my childhood ;)

Not trying to sound like an asshole, btw


Thoughts on Robo Blast 2 ?


It is with a heavy heart that I must admit that, as it possesses a fishing minigame, it is a superior open world game to Breath of the Wild.




zelda has fishing too


OST is fire, waiting on the proper mastered release rather than the rios on yt. Might end up liking this more than Forces OST.


Sorry Nintendork but that doesn't count and you know it


Gonna try and wack off to this


sega truly does what nintendon't



yup bigbros we're eating good tonight, big the GOD finally came back


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My uygha we can have both. I want more Mania-esque stuff but also want to see what they can do with this new formula. IMO ditching the boost stages (seriously, Cyber Space blows. How have they *regressed* in boost gameplay? Gens was perfect) and focusing on momentum-based movement in a more interesting open world is the way to go.

IMO the part with Eggman at the end is really touching.


>OST is fire

Bruh the fucking music in this minigame is so soothing. I found the minigame while playing super late one night and the music and minimal gameplay was so relaxing that it legit helped me sleep better afteward.


>not cracked yet

wtf you uyghas are paying £50 for this?


>focusing on momentum-based movement in a more interesting open world is the way to go.

now if only we had a developer that hasn't repeatedly fucked up basic physics for over a decade


>I want more Mania-esque stuff
I have a confession to make: I don't really get what's so great about the OG trilogy and Mania. To be precise, I like them but when it comes to 2D I prefer Sonic Advance and Sonic Rush Adventure.
>IMO the part with Eggman at the end is really touching
I agree. By the way, I feel like he has a bit more personality than in previous games. Kinda reminded him of his portrayal in Sonic X.


i rly wish they'd go back to the chubby sonic, he's so cute! Sonic is a kid's franchise, so why the hell do they have to try so hard to be so edgy and cool? i hate it so much. I really, really, really, really hate it how serious modern sonic games take themselves, with their final fantasy ass story and realistic, out of place art styles. Wtf are they thinking? y can't they make a single good 3D sonic game, why?!?!?!? why can't they just make a sonic game similar to vid related????


There's a mod for Genesis Sonic replacing the gold rings with onion rings and you get fat by collecting them.


i'd want a game with chubby sonic in it but shadow still exists in it's current form. I'd think i'd be hilarious.


>why can't they just make a sonic game similar to vid related????

Because that would be fun and that's not what Sonic's about


the latest game has 'overwhelmingly positive' on steam tho


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you're going to believe who? Sonic fans?


don't hate us cause you ain't us


what's the name of your oc


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Bloodpouch the Pouchman


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>"Sonic is a kid's franchise"
>proceeds to complain about it not meeting Sonic fans' standards
Why do you care? Kids are just a target demographic for out-of-touch bougies and their marketing dogs to market their products to. If it doesn't suit your tastes that's fine but treating the demographic appeal as something sacred when you're not even a part of the target audience (and even when you are) is kinda spooked.

I cannot give a comment on a quality of a game I haven't played unfortunately. But it seems badass with the Hedgehog May Cry mod installed and the OST is amuzingly similar to that of Metal Gear Rising of all fucking things.

>Thoughts on Robo Blast 2 ?
Me and the egoist telekommunist council approve its GPL-licensed source code. And it using Doom's engine is awesome.


Sonic has always been edgy, but more playfully rebellious and not full shadow-with-a-gun edgy.
However I agree round sonic is superior.


>Sonic has always been edgy, but more playfully rebellious and not full shadow-with-a-gun edgy
Fleetway's Sonic is actually edgier than regular Sonic, ranging from a snarky sarcastic brat to a homicidal maniac. Albeit he's more like Dante and Carnage rather than being grim all the time and having no sense of humor like Cable or Punisher, he's more eccentri. And Sonic the Comic was being printed starting from the 90s, no less. It's a fairly old trend. Whether it helps with making people treat Sonic seriously is a different question.


There are, like, a bajillion interpretations of Sonic.

Sonic is the Goddamn Batman confirmed.

Unique IPs: 30

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