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A thread about Elder scrolls 3 Morrowind


I was thinking of doing it for the first time. Should I get some mods?


Any mod which makes the quest diary not shit


nooooooooooo it's immersive to have no idea where the fuck everything is and what you're doing!!!!


I like reading the clues and figuring stuff out, it's just really a pain in the ass to navigate


just the unofficial patch really, you can use openmw to do some engine-level stuff and add some quality of life changes but it's not necessary. playing vanilla first sets a good baseline, after that it depends what you want
>don't like the level up system
there are mods to give you the 5x multipliers every level up no matter what, as well as stat-based attributes (as in your attributes are determined by the levels of the skills they govern) that update attributes automatically so you don't need to worry about allocating points. the latter can be buggy thoughever
>don't like diceroll combat
there are mods to guarantee hits but it makes the game way easier
>graphical updates
just play vanilla tbh, when you make one thing look better it makes everything else look like shit in comparison so you end up getting new textures and meshes for everything and it takes too much time


True actually, real life is just like that.


is there a preinstalled modpack I can download somewhere.

im so tired of trying (and failing) to spend an entire day+ trying to download 200+ mods and install them all for this thing


Play it with OpenMW. It includes a mod manager, fixes any engine bugs and works with all mods except for the engine bugfixes.
Add as many overhaul and clutter mods as you want. Anything except for Atlas, Arkitektora and Vurt's more ambitious projects is comparatively light on processing power.
Game mechanic tweaks are largely a matter of taste.
I recommend going through the quest section on nexusmods and picking anything you want for a particular playthrough e.g. house/guild content. Most mods should not fuck with game balance more than vanilla already does.
More Better Clothes, Robes Overhaul and their dependencies replace most vanilla clothes textures. Peasant Gowns makes NPC outfits somewhat more diverse. Clothiers of Vvardenfell should include most stylish/sexy clothing mods and integrates them as lore friendly as it gets.
If you don't want to make a nexusmods account, you can download my mod collection, weighing 6.7GiB and compressing to 1.6GiB http://rjzzcrvcejkwnu7hest2ikx44lpxyjrmt6hwnuemso6oqcumyx452qqd.onion/mods.tar.lz
You just need basic orientation skills though. IIRC the original release came with a map. I occasionally use the one from uesp.


The lists on https://modding-openmw.com/lists/ are only installation guides, but should be tried and tested.


Any mod that makes leveling normal instead of that minmax shit is mandatory (for example https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/23676?tab=description). Also I recommend something that makes selling items less profitable and training more expensive, because it is very easy to completely break the economy and thus level progression.


You guys know you can modify the resolution from rage edit yes ?


I can’t stand the elitist faggots that try to convince anyone that morrowind is any less shitty than the average tes game. I couldn’t give less of a shit about the rng attached to everything or the hilariously bad combat, what I give a shit about is knowing the design team hasn’t changed a flying fucking thing about TES’s fundamentally garbage mechanics in every fucking release


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>implying anyone defends Morrowind's vanilla combat unironically other than a minority of grognards
>implying Morrowind is even as combat-heavy as the later games
How about you stop barging into every fucking TES thread and shitting it up with your incessant "combat bad not like my epic bacon Dark Souls xd" whining as if nobody knows the combat is shit? Just because you can use the Creation Kit to a mediocre degree does not mean everyone should treat you like Jesus Christ himself descending from Heaven and put you on high pedestal for it.


>what I give a shit about is knowing the design team hasn’t changed a flying fucking thing about TES’s fundamentally garbage mechanics in every fucking release
And I meant that sincerely. That’s why I specified I didn’t give a shit about the combat you fucking illiterate knucklehead. It’s everything else from the level scaling being so badly implemented in every game it makes mid level progression a fucking nightmare to put up with due to the obnoxious power creep attached to enemies to compensate for the reality that they mechanically aren’t deep at all. The faction system only ever leading to like two different endings to every game since morrowind that makes decision making feel worthless compared to the almost fantasy sim esque style of gameplay in daggerfall and arena. Again more power creep attached to character creation due to having no depth that thankfully they got rid of in oblivion only for the same idiots that made that game create the abomination that is Skyrims progression system that’s at times is somehow more chaotic than morrowinds, all on top of open worlds that really did not need to be open to still have a meaningful experience as all the role playing elements where never fully developed to anywhere near the same level of degree in other rpgs due to bethesdas development team on this franchise being complete idiots


This franchise has been neutered in any potential to be more appealing by how fucking lazy the staff is

And ignoring the progression, the badly designed systems, the blatantly barren open worlds these games are straight up unfinished outright. There’s a reason why there’s not a single TES game that doesn’t have fan made bug patch for it because the team for this franchise know they don’t have to give a shit for Todd’s minions to buy this garbage like crazy regardless of how lacklustre new games are. Skyrim doesn’t even have an actual enemy or weapon tier system something that wasn’t even attempted in any other tes game and even in Skyrim the devs were so fucking lazy they didn’t even bother to scale what weapons or stats certain enemies or items had based off their tiers they straight up buffed the health values for enemies like bandits changed the name and called it a day. Fucking Alduin something that should’ve been a major project for a lot of people considering his role in the lore had his boss design just be a copy pasted dragon template with damage multipliers attached to appear more than just another generic npc. Its fucking obnoxious knowing how much the people that made these games can get away with


At the very least still, all these issues including the power creep have been much easier to solve than Daggerfall's buggy engine and directionless game design, Oblivion's retard autoleveling or Skyrim being Skyrim. Morrowind still seems like the most salvageable game in the series for me this reason.


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Get some basic graphics mods like Morrowind Graphics Extender so it's not fog 20 feet from your face, find a resolution that suits you and prepare to enjoy the richest open world RPG experience in history, and the most immersive.
Since it's a CRPG it's best to specialize, come up with a character concept you'd enjoy playing, find a faction like Caius tells you and work your way through the world, don't worry about rushing through the main quest.

Picrel is my schizo corner in my Hlaalu manor containing every main quest related material gathered so far where my character comes to analyze the many texts in his possession.


that's cool, you are obviously a better roleplayer than me


>>25225 (me)
Thanks everyone, I installed openMW but my computer is somehow kinda struggling, I have a i5 3570 and a 270X… I need to check out some guides to make the proper settings so it can run smoothly, I'm also hesitant to add a mod that make people faces not look like shit. A question by the way, can I make the text/interface bigger in 1440p?


From what I can tell, people mostly like it because of the novel setting
Also it was one of the biggest games on the original Xbox, so there's millennial nostalgia I guess


I remember when it came out the graphics seemed amazing


I played Morrowind couple years ago, and despite myriad of issues, it does have a charm. The roleplay freedom it offers is unmatched by any other RPG I played. Havent finished it, certainly isnt one of my favorites, but I do get why for someone else it might.


>im so tired of trying (and failing) to spend an entire day+ trying to download 200+ mods and install them all for this thing
an entire generation of gamers fell in love with morrowind with just a simple install and so can you


you keep referencing stuff from games that came after, but do no include, morrowind itself. why is that? skyrim and morrowind may as well have been made by different studios.


>there are mods to guarantee hits but it makes the game way easier
are there any mods to make the combat more balanced with quaranteed hits


ive played and completed it three times i just have a job so cant spend an entire day modding it and downloading mods for it then checking for compitabilities ect

would be great if someone just compiled a completely modded modern vers of it that ran with a single d/l


its one of my favorite rpgs and I've played it through 1.8 times

but the first time i never finished the game.


Better Balanced Combat. Works with OpenMW as well as original engine.



I really want to play Morrowind again but my old computer died and recreating my mod set-up and starting my last playthrough over again is going to be such a chore.


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was he based?


Worst thing he did was a racism but we know practically nothing about his economic policy, not even if it differs from the previous rulers expect that it would likely be more isolationist. So we can't know.


The empire is a progressive force in the struggle towards Lorkhanian communism (also by the indomitable spirit of mankind). Dagoth is a reactionary at best


He was a delusional based retard.


Guys what's your favorite town in the game?
My favorite is Gnaar Mok because you get the cool swamp aesthetic, not so cool climate, ocean, poverty, propably lots of insects and a nice house nearby.
The town also has pretty ok quests it's involved in.


>The empire is a progressive force in the struggle towards Lorkhanian communism
mongrel hands typed this post


Either Gnaar Mok or Hla Oad, I love the sleepy swamp towns even if they're just a few houses.


Neresneed, cope and seethe


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HLAALUCHADS UNITE. my brain fucking lit up when i saw that desk and shelf LMAO.
i played an unarmed unarmored treasure hunter with speechcraft and magic who collected every unique and expensive item (including books) to display in my old base. you're actually very poor when you don't sell your stuff but its more rewarding to accumulate expensive clutter in your player home. its a good and engaging challenge run.
bonered myself moving everything into a new and glitchy base. now i can't be assed to move back in hauling literal tonnes of shit back home. and multiple doors and candle stands spawn on top of each other when i enter the cell so i had to open a door 6+ times to get into any room and take 6+ stands to change the lighting. i think im done with morrowind until pt is complete and openmw gets a working perfect placement mod but it was pretty great decorating, treasure hunting, and lore-ing.
mod recommendations
>the illuminati one, can't remember what it's called. lets you turn into a lich as a reward
>perfect placement (no clone for openmw). lets you move and rotate items to decorate
>watercolor texture pack
>furniture mods
>the survival mod that lets you make camp and cook
i wouldn't recommend moving into mod player homes. just kill some random npc and stash your stuff there temporarily while you grind out clan quests


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from 'humble' beginnings lol


>pic 1
>keeping profane idols next to the holiest texts of the tribunal
>all displayed as just random knickknacks and baubles
I like your style


Nice hoard, I love it. Looks way better and livelier than Bethesda's own interior design even.
What are the mods, by the way?


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thats a great way to put it lmao. like a typical outlander i wasn't concerned with the cultural importance of the artifacts, only that they were worth a significant sum. i also freed every slave i came across so it must be divine retribution that my save is glitchy as fuck LOL
everything in the pics are vanilla assets with either the watercolor or hd texture packs with some shader thrown on except those random portraits in the 2nd pic. i mess around with lighting using different kinds of candles lol
the perfect placement mod (again not available for openmw) lets you slide inventory items on objects using your crosshair so you can just noclip and look around to move/rotate stuff but rotation is only on x and y with vertical/horizontal orientation. with this mod you can't make items float without some trickery so the bug lamp, redware candle, pillows and the xbox huge books will be your best friend to do stuff like the dagoth ur in daedric. just place some item down, stack something on top and take the below item back into your inventory et voila floating item. you can use console commands to disable/delete random assets (like overturned chairs, rubble or tapestries for instance) or make items bigger/smaller.
besides that, theres a furniture mod that lets you buy and place furniture/plants/potters etc for prepackaged empty homes but uses a system entirely different from perfect placement to move stuff around. it isnt nearly as intuitive unfortunately. i think it comes with the mannequins as well. i didnt get much use out of it beyond tapestries and banners though besides my glitchy castle
outside of decorating:
>ashfall (the survival mod i recommended)
>illuminated order (the lich mod) very lore heavy and has very unique additions you wont find from other mods. ties into daggerfall and meant for fresh saves
>madd leveler (gets rid of the attribute increase on level up for passive gains based on your skill levels)
>pluginless no glow to get rid of enchantment glow
>melians teleport mod to make multiple mark points to recall to
>fair magicka regen
thats it. i find that you really dont need to clutter morrowind up with 100s of mods especially since mcp has so many options.


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Reminds me of Adventure Time.


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oh yeah, since its in a couple pics, i also used a mod to get the dagoth ur mask. it's fuck huge and isn't proportionate to your character though so i only recommend getting it as a trophy
yeah fantasy hordes are always cool to see lol. fun to put together after a session of treasure hunting as well.
besides an outdated character sheet thats all i have to share haha. my character is actually level 63 with way higher stats now but i cant be assed to try and get my game working again lol


The posed DB assassin armors are pretty funny. Very much like they really got high and then fell asleep.


>nooooooooooo it's immersive to have no idea where the fuck everything is and what you're doing!!!!
oh good it's not just me. I played this first when I was 11 and I had no idea what to do. So I went back to playing D2.


Goddamn I've been getting into reading on ES lore, shit's wild. Numidium, the God head, CHIM, etc. Makes me wish I was good at Morrowind


The detail put into the setting is quite mindblowing yeah. It is sad that none of the games but Morrowind and Redguard do it proper justice, but with the way it is written gives modders quite the leeway on how to approach and expand it, see Tamriel Rebuilt and Beyond Skyrim.


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you don't need to be 'good' at the game. just play how you like and let that inform your play style. sticking to playing within the principles of a character and trying to put yourself in their head can make the game much more entertaining.
you like the lore? make a character thats a total book worm and grab every new book you can find. it makes sense that they'd be more magically inclined but in order to amass a good collection you're going to have to steal, so making a sneaky mage and joining the temple, the mage's guild, the thief's guild and eventually joining house telvanni could be a general outline of progression.
no matter what build you decide to go, be it fighter/mage/monk/ranger/whatever, it helps to pick up a couple of magic major skills. alteration and conjuration are probably the best and most intuitive schools of magic to incorporate into any build.
strafe jump everywhere and pack fatigue potions and sujamma in case you run into trouble.


Has anyone tried out the settlement builder mod? Looks cool as hell, I never bothered with OpenMW but this looks worth jumping over to try out. https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/52879


Look up C0DA, Lyg, kalpa, and Nchulem on the UESP. Kirkbride catches a lot of limelight (rightfully), but you can't go wrong with Kuhlmann. The Engels to Kirkbride's Marx, replete with the mutual respect.
Goodall and Noonan are good too.


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Shame most of this stuff is basically apocryphal for Bethshits, except for bits relating to kalpas, contributing to the series already ongoing stagnation. A C0DA game would be great both as a change from the grounded fantasy fare Todd has turned TES into since Oblivion and as a setting on its own right.


Later games are irrelevant. Make your own canon. Make your own games. That's the entire call to action in C0DA.


Yeah, I see. Mods are the only way the series still stays alive now anyways, so why not fangames? OpenMW allows for it, hell, devs like SureAI even made whole new games on the existing engines already.
It is much better than just leaving the setting and concepts to the corporate wolves.


I agree in sentiment, but I should really underline that C0DA canon does not hinge on the text being games, or even interactive. It can be fiction, concept art, or even a forum post about setting, characters or lore.
The crucial part is the social connection between those who share in the creation of whatever the C0DA canon was, is, and will be.



>Calm Your Ass
thats your custom spell I guess lmao
you could do absolutely broken shit iirc
I remember using alchemy+magic to boost your char to do broken custom enchantments too


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Is OpenMW better than the code patch and graphics extender for the original engine


At this point it's up to which mods you want to use. A lot of MWSE ones aren't being ported to OpenMW since they would have to be totally reimplemented, but for the most part you can find mods that do basically the same thing for whichever you prefer.


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IA dubbing ?


no it's real

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