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Someone on the art team really thought giving this bigger more teeth would somehow make these ogres scary. Pftaahahahaha they’re adorable regardless


Wanna hug the ogre


Literally me


goofy mfs


i guess you could call the lead dev of the game an ogre, but that would be an insult to ogres


Why the unicorn horn


it's ogre


waht gem?


dark souls 2


File: 1676758588389.jpg (129.52 KB, 810x730, ogre nom.jpg)

Oh thanks. He cute.


>giving this bigger
what did he mean by this?


I and o are both right next to each other on western keyboards. Most likely some random ass typo


They are one of the sciest enemys to fight in the game though


Just walk behind them while they try and fail to sit on you repeatedly


Welcome back editor guy.

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