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/games/ - Games

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Do corporations just hate people? Once I used to think that sure you have big bourgeoisie who act in their class interests but you still has creatives who could flex their muscles and produce something great and then it would make a shit ton of money for publishers. But it seems that publishers these days just absolutely hate developers and moreso despise the consumers and now you have what the modern gaming industry is today, record profits with absolute gutted and half made releases with microtransactions to "buy" the full game. Also physical copies aren't useful anymore and digital copies can basically be "erased" at any time. All of these problems make me think that they just hate, like actually hate their consumers.

shitjak thread

Go read the decision of Ford v Dodge. It really explains every business decision made in the past 100 years. It’s not about the content. It’s about profit.

just read the absolute nightmare that was mick gordon's experience working with id software on that one doom game. there is no more hope until the game industry gets a massive restructuring

There is hope, stop playing that bullcrap and browse https://itch.io for games.

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just play weeb games— they run on a toaster, don't have microtransactions, and don't center around killing brown people in a desert

Been seeing some interesting stuff come out about Activision "skill based match making". Apparently in the new CoD your base damage and armor stats change during a game between lobbies based on how good/bad you are performing in order to simulate an addiction loop. Riot games does similar things with their match making such that 9/10 games are a dice roll so that if you are in between rankings it will take you months to finally rank up if you don't play for hours every day because you have to play 10 times as many matches to smooth out the manipulation. Getting frustrated by your bad team mates is actually entirely intentional. You might be comfortably silver ranked last season but get hard stuck in bronze for an entire year because of the weighting you are placed a few ranks below your actual rank and then matches are sandbagged to simulate progression. Instead of you competing against other players it ends up being you vs the algorithm where rank increases based on time spent playing. They now have teams of psychologists whos goal is to increase engagement and screen time because higher playtimes are associated with increased microtransactions.

>USA is so cucked that guys who owned 10% of the company could sue to prevent the founder from giving employees more money


AAA gaming is always going to be like this. They don't 'hate people', the love money, and that means making sure the games are as inoffensive and have as wide an appeal as possible. You'll very, very rarely find something original or interesting from a AAA game.

Take Hogwarts Legacy, for example. That game could have been so much more interesting, but they soullessly forced sterile gameplay elements into it. The open world, ubisoft-tier design of it is entirely intentional and likely a decision from the higher ups who wanted to imitate what they considered to be a successful formula.

Ultimately, the only interesting part of gaming is the indie scene as that is where most of the passion is.

RDR2 is a good example of a great AAA game. The only people who seemed to hate it were rightoids upset that women were allowed in the gang and that you couldn't massacre the Indians in the village, and /v/ zoomers who thought the pace was too slow. But then they squandered it and focused entirely on the continued profits of the online mode.

The Witcher 3 was also part of the swan song of big name video games before the studio entirely lost its soul with Cybershit.

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Most recently, KSP 2, the sequel to the famous spaceflight sim Kerbal Space Program, released in "Early Access" ($50) and it is a mess. Lots of bugs and with less features than its predeccessor. It's another case of publishers pressuring devs to release something to return the investment fast.
But this case also touches some problems of inflated dev time and the AAA bubble that is close to exploding. The main promises of the new game (multiplayer and interstellar travel) aren't available. A game that was announced 4 years ago to originally come out on 2020, developed on the same engine as the first one (Unity). The original dev team was bought, disbanded and regrouped in 2021 I think, so that may have contributed. But damn.

I haven't played a new game in years

Early access is always a scam basically. No guarantee anything will be finished.

Yeah, its pretty fucked. I know it isn’t the full money power class dialectic, but it’s great to have in the pocket when I’m arguing politics with other lawyers.

Just pirate cracked versions that include all DLC or just emulate older games. I haven't bought a new game since Twilight Princess came out on the Gamecube.

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Also modern writers are deathly afraid of coming across as campy or goofy, so they avoid writing sincere emotions and instead make their characters react to the world behind layers of irony and don't allow them to take anything seriously because being sincere is cringe.

I'm not sure it's because they're afraid of being cringe, I think they genuinely just have no attachment to their work or emotional investment in it so they can't write any genuine emotion. I mean if you had to work on capeshit version #729 would you put effort into making it good?

>The state of the gaming industry
No, that's just AAA gaming.
>Do corporations just hate people?
No, worse. They don't care. They absolutely do not care. That's what caring about your class interests means: you don't care about the interests of the other class. And why should they? As long as the money's flowing, it doesn't matter. As long as the masses are brainwashed into buying tbeir games, it doesn't matter. They would turn all of you into gambling addicts if they could, that's an even easier profit.

ITT: zoomers who weren't around for 7th gen.
Just don't play and definitely don't buy "triple A" slob.

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Under socialism, games will no longer prey on human psychology.

This. Nobody should be playing AAA trash. It should be flushed down the toilet, where it belongs. Though I'm not sure that the AAA publishers will go bankrupt. Especially since the platform holders actively promote and serve them (console platforms display their crap on the front pages of their stores, Steam allows them to add Denuvo so people can't pirate their shitty games, etc.).
Sounds based. If only it happened tomorrow.

Why would I buy any game from America though? Or the Swedes. I basically get all my games from Poles, Latvians, Ukrainians, and Estonians and Russians. Like I am not even joking nearly every last one of my games is this way. I don't know the last time I truly enjoyed an American game beside The Division and that was only because it was literally during the pandemic of 2020, so. It made it a bit more special.

Cyberpunk was unironically the better story with better characters and ironically you should say that given the author of Witcher literally just did it as a way to make money and he really didn't give a shit about the world as I understand. It was a fluke his cash grab really paid off. Meanwhile despite the fact I hate Hollywood and its bullshit influence on gaming, and despite all wrong with CDPR and nVidia, it was a truly great and memorable story. I appreciated Cyberpunk very much honestly, far more so than the base game of Witcher 3 which pretty much sucked. Like I'm sorry but that main questline is so fucking tedious and dull, boring or annoying characters, Gaunter o'Dimm was cool. The DLC was cool. I liked the Crones, that was really memorable. But a ton of it was pretty meh, it was just a well done openworld is all. Of course all this goes to my original points, I basically just don't deal with the Americans anymore and haven't in years, this is a literally dead society. It is as spiritually dead as Calhoun's rats. It is deader than Soviet society in the late 1980s. Nobody believes in anythingabout the place, it's a fucking cash grab and always has been a ponzi scheme, the only people that're worth a damn here are the immigrants themselves maybe not entirely clicking yet on the scam, or they did and it's all about the remittances.

Anyway that's another exceptional studio and they still had all that cancer, in fairness GTA V was one of the better games ever made, shame it all goes to shit like all else because the corpo is hellbent on rock squeezing using micro, DLC, online and other bullshit scammery.

I refuse to give EA, Activision or Blizzard my money and Paradox has been added to that list

I'd literally rather smoke crystal meth and be homeless

> but you still has creatives who could flex their muscles and produce something great and then it would make a shit ton of money for publishers.
that's actually not cost efficient lol

Three words:

Fucking literal student project winds up making millions of dollars. Fucking corpos try and lightning in a bottle it, fuck it up and fail hard as usual, big budget, bad returns.
This is because the exact sort of people doing this are centrally soulless. You basically just can't even make money without the fucking creatives. I mean you technically can but only when it's so watered down and soulless it becomes capeshit, which is hilarious seeing these fucking narcissists have to watch in jealous rage whenever some shit like Disco Elysium comes around and blows their hundred million dollar project out of the fucking water and gets all the awards. Oh man I can not deal with you right now f.lux please don't start making the monitor turn different colours on me

Corporations don't have emotions, they're just mathematical constructs for extracting the maximum possible amount of profit.

99% of indie projects don't blow up like that though. Corporate slop is more reliable income (usually).

sure, but things don't have to go viral to be a fair income tho. It is more reliable big bucks to work on industry stuff tho.

I keep underestimating how dumb, bydlo, and childlike the Western masses are true. Like I never gave a damn about Starfield. I am shocked people are still paying for this crap game. I am shocked people bought with honest to God working class wages, a fucking console version of Toddout 4. Or Toddout 76. Or that they pay for all that Paradox shit, or give EA their money.

I am shocked the amount of money people actually spend on these complete trash games, though maybe it's because they saw like one ad, are childlike and stupid and impulsive the way the corpos like it, and based on some shitty marketing thing pull the trigger then never play it past the character creator and never learn from their own mistakes.

It's almost like the Americans treat the act of buying itself like a rat pressing a cocaine button.
It would be easy to just hijack that mechanism preying on their fears and insecurities to then make them feel better about themselves after the buy. I strongly suspect this is why apple retards exist that buy iTrash.

>the Western masses
Have you considered there are material reasons that AAA companies put out uninteresting intellectual property receptacles for games that isn't "le heckin sheeple aren't voting with the wallet hard enough."

Your favorite youtuber buying $200 open world games to tell you how poorly made they are is not representative of the proletariat as a whole. Slapping a national flag on that line of reasoning doesn't do anything.

starfield wasn't that bad. yeah it wasn't high art but whatever, it was a waste of time for a few dozen actually hundred hours. you don't have to call people rats just for buying something you think wasn't that good. also it was on game pass anyways

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