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What a piece of shit. I get there’s plenty of freaks like him all over the capital wasteland but fuck Vance anyways for being that organized about it


what the fuck are you talking about


I really wish people could put their endless thoughts about Bethesda games in a single thread


Cannibalistic npc that’s the leader of a cannibalistic community located underground called Vance in fallout 3. You can choose to join him or just kill him and all his equally disgusting followers. I chose to gtfo when I found this


So, the vampire guy? I could not be fucked to do that quest because it seemed boring to me, rather than helping someone write a survival guide by bashing molerats heads in with a poisoned stick or figuring out how to blow up/save Megaton from the nuke wedged in the middle of the town. The vampire perk reward also seemed rather useless because it restores only 20 HP and requires you yo lug around the weighty blood packs, as opposed to weightless and more effective alternatives in the form of stimpacks.

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