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/games/ - Games

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File: 1681097629834-0.png (753.58 KB, 850x934, mujer.png)

File: 1681097629834-1.png (461.64 KB, 496x652, agro americano.png)

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File: 1681097629834-3.png (1.47 MB, 1286x960, 5.png)

File: 1681097629834-4.png (594.08 KB, 480x940, 3.png)


I am creating a gta san andreas with ideas of punk and oi music, I changed the grove street gang for skinheads s.h.r.p.s, the enemies, that is, the ballas, I changed for hammerskins/boneheads/ the pistols I changed for bats, mitts, by little I am adding gangs, I also plan to change the radio,I post some photos of my project


did you mean to post this in /games/ or /hobby/?


File: 1714242347071.png (270.57 KB, 1000x1000, ClipboardImage.png)

i wish there was a mod turning Geralt the Witcher into a skating maid





File: 1714304392044.png (886.3 KB, 715x714, 16169394237640.png)


>I'd rather shit out my intestines than ruin my liver
Is that an ad or a government PSA?


Can there be a gang based around grindcore?




Motion carried.

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