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Best Game of 2012?

Def BO2
The black ops series in general is amazing
The action
The Characters
Also some really iconic weapons like the DSR 50 and the Peacekeeper
I recently finished Black Ops 1 and i loved the campaign but BO2 has better multiplayer by far

I love reznov


Black ops one better
WaW had peak aesthetics




Damn I checked and Black Ops II made a billion dollars in 2012. Tied for highest grossing game of the year with some asian Counter-Strike knock-off.
Anyway 2012 was generally not very good year for games. Far Cry 3, Dishonored, Mass Effect 3, XCOM, critically acclaimed and but personality its all kind of mid.


Blops II was great in mp. The campaign sadly felt all over the place, even when compared to the first one


>COD shills on this board
You fight against a militarized version of Occupy Wall St. and defend rich elites and NATOfags as well as Hillary Clinton from le evil communists.
COD has always been trash.

2012 was when a lot of dogshit reactionary media targeted to the youth came out after the protests to brainwash them.

Black Ops 2
The Dark Knight Rises
Zero Dark Thirty


Wasn’t modern warfare 2, the original about finding evidence to prove that a mass shooting in Russia was a plot to brew a war in the country and the USA that would just leave a shitload of civics in both countries dead for nothing?


it also glorified the us army while portraying russians as evil invaders.
the real cod that wasnt propaganda was the first modern warfare


Black ops Zombies slapped


How? Most of the protagonists acknowledged that most soldieries deployed in the USA were under the influence that all actions were justified to protect the Russian population. Coincidentally they were also more concerned about civilians and finding makarov or some data to prove the USA wasn’t involved in the airport shooting but the man himself. Very rarely during my time playing the games did I actually see anything glorifying the us army beyond price hitting a blunt after killing makarov by the ending after having basically his entire squad KIAd some even killed by companions like shepherd after he went crazy over the bombs.

I think you should be more concerned about mw19s open revisionism on us influence in Syria if you want actual propaganda from the mw franchise


Because while the game gave a understandable reason behind why russia invaded, it doesn't change the fact that Russia was portrayed as this nameless foreign enemy. For besides the early middle eastern missions in the US campaign, most of the later side of the us campaign is about defending against the invading russians. And in those missions the us soldiers were portrayed as tragic heroic soldiers defending the nation(especially the white house missions) meanwhile the russians were portrayed as nameless goons who were destroying the us, its way of life and its people. (And the russians were going to be portrayed worse as seen in the cut dialogue for the white house mission)
The point was that mw2 besides humanizing russia a bit was still repackaging the old red dawn tropes. Where soviet russia was seen as a dangerous enemy that would invade America and that's its up to patriots (the army in mw2 case) to defend the nation. And this is especially seen how in mw2 the ultranationationalist communist sympathizing party took was the regime in charge that did the invasion.


For me, it's Dishonored. Fuck all the CoD players btw


Dishonored 1 + the Daud DLCs are GOAT.

2 and Death of the Outside shit all over the lore and characters and should be avoided.


I really like 2, just because of how nicely designed the areas are. And they improved the fun of non lethal systems in my opinion. Death of the Outsider is definitely the worst one, but come on, at least the bank heist is sick.


COD 4 was pretty bad too.

One of the intro missions is literally an American puppet being killed in an uprising because the people are sick of his rule and the in game briefings and everything portray it as a tragedy that the stinky brown poo people won't accept glorious ENLIVHTENED Western civilization.

And then soon after that you're inserted into Russia to INTERVENE IN A CIVIL WAR because hey apparently fuck Russians trying to decide for themselves what leaders they want it's better to just decide for them; before going to invade the unnamed middle eastern country in a manner reminiscent of Iraq going door to door gunning down people while rock music plays in the background.

COD is trash. TRASH.


In terms of gameplay of course it's a step up and the systems are a lot more refined but the story, characters, even the voice acting take such a large hit that I just refuse to accept those entries as canon.


For sure, the story is really weak, especially considering 2 is a repeat of 1 pretty much. I'm a gameplay fag so that's probably why I dig 2. Another sequel that takes place on that pseudo russian continent is something I would get excited about still but they fucked up so much with their newest vampire game they might get closed lol.


I mean with cod 4 they at least ended the us intervention with a nuclear explosion, implying all the us did in the middle east was destroy it. Plus the introduction of the us campaign had burning oil fields which implies another thing. And cod 4 did have the speech by the antagonist that makes the brits and usa look like the bad guys. But yeah you are right lol. The problems started back in cod 4


well not started, rather the problems began in cold 1 where they portrayed russia enemy at gates style.
cod 2 was pretty alright though


COD1 was just a MOHAA ripoff. Bonus points for both games running on the Quake III engine, which was used in Return to Castle Wolfenstein beforehand, which arguably was a better game than both.


RtCW is amazing outside of the stealth missions. I do like TNO and The Old Blood too, the the last two games were trash.


*then the


I personally don't care much for fps campaigns, they're always just boring to play. And bo2s was no exception.
Multiplayer and zombies on the other hand I can commentate, and I'm going to say it: before dlc zombies came out, black ops 2 was one of, if not, the worst cod game ever made.

I disagree.
The 11ms engine lag fucked over alot of enjoyment from gun fights, maps all felt the same, c4 spam was terrible, new pick 10 class had crutches like c4 and toughness which massively crippled the system, domination being 2 rounds based was done poorly in the game, sniping was extremely easy, camping was easy, etc.
I can't think of many benefits for it. The gane made me switch to >>27650


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I wish they just made Wolfenstein 3 instead of that janky coop FPS. New Colossus left a lot of plot threads hanging, with Hitler surviving Blazkowicz's attempt on his life and the Nazis evidently still having bases and colonies all over the globe and beyond as well as actively conducting research to create a new body for Hitler. Evidently there were plans to make Wolf3 revolve around BJ running and gunning through these remaining Nazi strongholds, destroying some kind of "vengeance weapon" as usual and then confronting Mecha Hitler.


Cock of doody black cocks 2 is the best multiplayer I've played for FPS. I haven't played a multiplayer quite like it since.


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it's between these games

>Devil Survivor 2

>Fire Emblem Awakening
>Katawa Shoujo

and if remakes count, Persona 4 Golden


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Awful story and morality system though.
>"Look all these fun items and abilities you have! Btw if you use them you get shit ending."
>"We really want player to think about moral implication of their actions, the destructiveness of violence and toll it takes on them and the world around them, so if you kill enemies you get shit ending. Also lets portray every enemy in the game as a puppy-kicking psycho devoid of any redeeming qualities."
>"Hey, our story about being betrayed and now having to enact vengeance while protecting young queen ran out halfway through the game, what should we do?" "Hm, how about our character gets betrayed and now has to enact vengeance while protecting young queen?"
>"Should we in any way address all those interesting parts of our setting, the magic, the witches, occultism, mystical entities?" "NO"


agreed, the 'non lethal to get the good ending' craze, when the people you're killing are evil fucks, is retarded


It's just you creating more chaos when using lethal methods. It's not good/bad. Non lethal is a more restrained approach, in some cases it's even more brutal, like sending that lady away with a weirdo. (She ends up poisoning him or something). People are being too bitchmade about this system, even if it's far from perfect.


It makes perfect sense.
>Killing more guards, aristocrats, officials, etc. increases chaos, crime, and confusion as the state collapses from lack of personnel
>Plague speeds up even further when you've decapitated and destroyed 90% of the security apparatus in the local area
>Demoralization and complete anarchy spread

That's why going full murder hobo in the Daud DLC is so much fun because unlike Corvo your character is not concerned about broader society and you can use all the fun stuff because hey it's not like you cared about anyone anyways.


Also, the devs are most likely libs who think "bloody revolution bad". Like that boatman who bitches at you when dropping you off in the last mission. Just kill that old faggot, enjoy the chaos.

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