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Based on the lore most of the damage dealt from the mass bombings took place between cities and not the vast amounts of and occupying earth. Granted a lot of land isn’t good to farm on either due to deficiencies of nutrients like nitrates or being too far from convenient water sources, the list keeps going but it does show that people could sort of thrive in a post atomic world with minimal repercussions and that’s sweet lore wise because it sets up a lot of questions about the world outside of the USA.

What’s the NCR doing in Mexico that makes travel there worthwhile enough to establish new territory, how’s china doing with all the infrastructure it’s built today and will build from 2076 to the years after the bombs, is the only region that still couldn’t get past the war just the USA? Is the rest of the planet just fine from all the years and since then people have gotten a lot better. Interesting


Well the NCR shows that industrial society can be re-established yeah.


In china it’s likely it did get rebuilt though based off the lore most of it was completely scorched. What can be predicted about the region are through the remnants of the capital wasteland. Unlike other ghouls on American soil they speak clear Chinese similar to the ones in tranquility lane and are coordinated indicating a level of faith in Chinese dogma and it’s subsequent authorities not seen in the now merged region of Canada and the USA. This could’ve meant that Chinese are still loyal and maybe even a remerge of the USSR and china came place post war to cope with the losses


It seems fairly clear that other countries than the USA probably have not reached a pre-war level of civilisation, otherwise people in the former USA would know about them. They would probably send people to the USA to trade with them and so on. On the other hand you could argue that maybe the NCR knows about the existence of other countries (sending a ship to Asia/South America wouldn't be that hard) but is keeping it secret for some reason


It's possible that barely any people outside the USA survived since all the humans in Fallout (IIRC) are descendants of vault dwellers.


Doubt in a nuclear exchange between china and the USA targeting other countries is pointless meaning most of Africa and SA should be fine. Maybe the rest of the nas(NATO allied states) did experience damage from the resource wars and irradiated weather but alas I should not experience total devastation as a consequent


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>because it sets up a lot of questions about the world outside of the USA
World outside of USA is utterly irrelevant, because Fallout is about 1950s vision of future that destroyed itself. Exploring outside of that completely strips it of its identity, you might as well be playing any other game.
Although speaking of China, that one might actually be interesting, as the other side of the war. Instead of US cold-war era future, its based on Soviet dream of future, and a satire of its society. Although you guys would hate it for not gargling on its cum.

I would want a Fallout game set shortly after the bombs fell. Basically the beginning of post-apocalyptic society, and all the weird mutants and stuff emerging for the first time. In gameplay more emphasis on survival and scavenging.


Even in the 50s carfags still advocated for public transport with cars than the car dependent mess of today…


Point Lookout is trash. Why is every enemy so spongy there?


in fallout the rest of the world is fine, the us is just Like That.


Because they’re meant to look inbred and partially because Bethesda had fallout 3 as their first 3d shooter which meant a ton of new tech but a ton of new problems followed with it


Tenpenny in Fallout 3 is from the UK which is apparently also a wasteland, and Cait in Fallout 4 has an Irish accent and refers to herself as Irish, so they probably didn't fare any better. I dunno about the extent of ocean travel but some must be happening, at least. Also in Mothership Zeta in Fallout 3 you get to see the planet from space and the whole thing is all green and fucked up, I dunno if it's canonical though since that DLC is fucking stupid.

>I would want a Fallout game set shortly after the bombs fell. Basically the beginning of post-apocalyptic society, and all the weird mutants and stuff emerging for the first time.
Isn't that the setting for Fallout 76?


Wish I knew never read the lore for 76 though mothership zeta really shouldn’t be cannon. Similar to why the antagonizer quest doesn’t hold any significance to the worldbuilding of 3


The amount of HP seems to be more of a design problem than a tech one. IDK what they were thinking there.


More HP = Greater challenge. That literally is Bethesda difficulty design.


Fallout 3 was designed as an rpg rather than a conventional shooter which is where the bullet sponges came from. Outside of that there’s also attaching weapon damages to skill stats and your health to special points. Same goes for fallout 4 but to a lesser degree, since its gunplay was designed similar to destiny rather than the purely experimental shit they were trying to do in 3


Unfortunately that's the case for a lot of studios


Posting this again


I cant think of any major studio that would do it to the extend Bethesda does though. Like in Skyrim highest difficulty would triple enemy damage and quadruple HP, with zero regard as to how that affects overall game balance. Like making combat magic utterly useless, because you never had enough mana to burn through enemies massive health pool. And the joke is that even with all that, late game would still inevitably turn trivial.

Jesus, are they fighting way too high-level enemies or is this actually how combat is supposed to be? In case of latter, how did that get past testing phase?


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Not only is Point Lookout horribly irradiated and filled with its own breed of mutants and full of ghouls, but there are places that are more or less pristine and where it actually rains in the Fallout US. Still filled with critters though.


They fixed the sponges in the sequel


Game design rant:
IMHO there is nothing wrong with difficulty levels that just differ in how much health and ammo the player has :P It's just that with a design like that while bother having a menu option for difficulty. The game can just start on hardest and change to the next easier mode once the player goes past some limit of ammo spent or health lost. In other words, designers can just put all these LDDs (="lazy difficulty distinction", just made that up) into scoring mechanics or achievements. Would it be always objectively better design to do this with LDD? I wouldn't go that far because I think there is a psychological difference in how the player experiences it.


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I have not idea what you mean.
But anyway, difficulty setting need to always be aware of how they affect the game balance and interact with other systems. Pillars of Eternity 2 is both a good and a bad example. On highest difficulty there will be additional enemies spawned along the "normal" ones, often of different type and higher levels, making fights harder, but at the same time more fun and diverse, forcing you to devise new tactics to overcome them.
It also lowers your chance-to-hit. Now this is a game with very limited per-encounter ability action points, so often you will be allowed to use only cca. 3 abilities per character in single encounter. They often synergize together, you are expected to use abilities thoughtfully to be able to win. If you use ability and miss, it still counts as used and consumes your action points. Meaning maxed-out perception (which increases hit-chance) is basically a mandatory character build on higher difficulties, significantly constraining player freedom and creativity.


I wouldnt be suprised that china has become dengist

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