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/games/ - Games

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Does anyone remember this gem?


Played a bit as a kid. I found other games I liked but never liked the building aspect of it. Shame it went the way of rayman but at least it died off loved


I used to enjoy the hell out of this game when i was a kid, too bad it got ruined by hackers


This was the most played level
I spent hours trying to replicate its effects
It was all kind of stupid, though, and I moved on to Minecraft and Roblox which were more engaging sandbox games


I liked playing the first one a lot as a kid. Wanted to make my own levels but they all looked like shit visually. I was really hyped for the 2nd one when I was in 5th grade but my fucking ps3 got YLOD and I didn't get a new one until I was in 8th grade and at the point lbp3 was going to get released in a few months and I had lost interest in the series. I did try Dreams a few years ago and it's really impressive, but obviously doesn't have the same feel that lbp did. I think MM kinda reached the limit with their "create a game within a game" shtick since Dreams is stuck between being too complicated for the layman to make anything impressive with while being too limiting and not worth the effort for those that do have the skills to make things beyond a one off game or a few prototypes when they could be using an engine that gives them more freedom over what they make. On top of being limited to the ps4/ps5 it just becomes a niche game with a small community that doesn't compare to lbp in its heyday and

I'm getting sidetracked. I really liked bomb survivals even though they were repetitive and low effort. Still remember acing the bunker and getting the square guy costume and having people online ask me how the fuck I got it and feeling like top shit.


I remember people being angry at the practice of h4h, really brings memories


I liked the fact that you could make your own level, i remember messing around with the editor trying to create a decent level. Too bad all i created was pure crap


File: 1688800623302.jpg (170.29 KB, 615x644, 1653591101563.jpg)

The music was mint and it was honestly a very fun platformer with plenty of customization options.
The music, the atmosphere, the lot. It was also some of the best couch co-op I ever played.

I miss that game and the memories it brought me as a kid


I miss it as well….it was genuinely a fun and amazing game

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