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/games/ - Games

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I’ve been walking out more often and coming back to some of my pc games and found that a lot of them look fake, granted a lot of my favourites are games like oblivion, fc2 and fallout 3 which are old but some are also new games. I took some images of nature and my city and came to the conclusion that video game graphics still look fake because they’re fake in nature

In real life, materials are never consistent. Similar in qualities yes but multifarious when observed on a larger scale. Grass is constantly deviating in colours, types and scale, cracks and bumps on alloys always come in different patterns and frequencies of their appearance. Same goes for objects, you can work around this but it’s really taxing on computers to implement a sort of procedural/splatting technique for modeling 3d objects and texturing everything to make games feel a lot more believable than solely rely on rearranging meshes and cover ground textures with instances grass


The problem with procedurally generating textures in order to make them more distinct is the same problem as just having a lot of unique textures hand-crafted or sourced from photography or something. You still end up needing to store a large amount of texture files to keep things consistent. You might be able to get around this is you use a random seed type of system, so that you don't have to store the textures in the game files, but you still have to store them in system memory when you load a scene unless you have a way to instantiate the procedural textures at render time.


Good point.


This would never work. There’s a reason for why tlou2 and mw2 had such freakishly large file sizes. Just look at the textures for objects not related to the terrain

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